Funky starchild profile picture

Funky starchild

STAY FUN! - don't grow up to be a boring-ass adult!

About Me

Ok, I'm 32 but I still pretty much look, act and emotionally feel like a teenager!... When I was young, I felt like an adult trapped in a kid's body!... I loved growing up in the late 70s, and 80s, it was so exciting and fun! - especially the 80s synth-pop, 80s funk & 80s house/dance music, and when hip-hop culture blew-up big in Australia around 1984 (I really miss the 70s & 80s!!!)... I need a lot of fun, excitement, R&R and TLC in my life or else I'm not that happy!... I've always found life on earth quite hard and stressful (even though my life is 'technically' easier than most people's!) (and unfortunately for me the stress in life has just increased as I've gotten older thanks to the fairly harsh 'adult world'!) - and it feels like I'm too much of an idealist, and too hyper-sensitive to live in this world!... And in my opinion, even the most modern, richest countries of the world are still not very advanced in many ways!!! - there is a hell of a lot of progress and improvement still needed!... People I love give me a real buzz! - but I hate to be around people that bore me! Actually having (romantic) love and friends I really love in my life are what give me the most energy and motivation in life! And the main thing I've always wanted in life since I was really young is just to find love (true love!) - And enjoy myself as much as possible! - and learn as much about life as possible!... I think people should be free to be and do whatever they like as long as they're not really harming anyone else. I think there's far too much 'emotional-rape' that goes on in society - by parents, partners, teachers, employers, the government, etc - excessively pressuring, and even forcing people to do things they don't want to do/are hard for them to do, when the things they are being forced to do are not absolutely necessary and really stress them... I THINK THERE NEEDS TO BE A LOT MORE LOVE, UNDERSTANDING AND COMPASSION IN SOCIETY! - and a lot less judgment and harshness... I love the city of Sydney and go there as often as I can - it's an awesome city and it has a beautiful harbour & coastline/beaches too... I'm really fascinated with the subjects of love, relationships, male/female relations, the differences between men and women, etc... I've always been interested in people and psychology, and wondered about the meaning of life and nature of reality. I've always felt there was more to life than just the physical world and that everything happens for a higher reason (but even so, things still get me down - Hey, I'm only human!)... I believe in the 'merging' of science and true spirituality (metaphysics, not religion)... About 7 years ago I experienced a mind-blowing kundalini awakening (kundalini is a type of electromagnetic spiritual energy similar to life-force/chi/Qi energy but stronger and more 'cosmic', that is mostly dormant in most people's bodies, that can awaken by a number of different ways) (which felt like flames of fire were burning in and coming out the back of my heart chakra! - among many other interesting things!)... I am really angered, saddened, disappointed and frustrated by the amount of ignorance in society!!! - here and around the world... And businesses & governments that don't really care about people and just see everything in terms of money... I like money, but it's not more important than people's well-being, etc, and it can't buy happiness, love or wisdom!... Anyway, I'm not anti-materialism or anti-capitalism, I would just like to see an 'ethical capitalism'... I REALLY BELIEVE IGNORANCE IS THE ROOT OF ALL 'EVIL'. And unfortunately ignorance is (and has always been) rampant in society/humanity - but thankfully the situation is slowly getting better and better! (although I am impatient about this!)... I'm into astrology as an influence on people's personality (but not just sun-signs! - everyone's a complex mixture of astrological influences (on a basic level a lot of people are like a mixture of their sun & moon, and some people are a lot like their moon-sign and not their sun-sign) I'm generally like a mixture of Virgo, Aquarius & Libra)... I love finding out about stuff that blows my mind and makes me think in ways I've never thought before (for example stuff like every-thing has their own higher consciousness, eg. plants, chemicals/inanimate objects, planets! - eg. check out Blue Honey's 'about me' for what 'mushroom consciousness' communicated to Terence McKenna). I've always had a questioning mind so I never totally believe anything 100% unless I've actually experienced it. I form my spiritual beliefs by a combination of intuition and reasoning... Due to a personal experience I had (and although it doesn't really seem like it) I believe that the end of the Mayan Great Calendar - 21 Dec 2012 might herald the early beginnings of a major positive change to 'life as we know it'... My ultimate dream and hope for the future is that one day this world will overcome its' problems and become a Utopia! - The New Age/ Age of Aquarius/ Super-consciousness/ The Golden Age: AGE OF LOVE AND LIGHT! (LOVE: love, bliss, peace, goodness, etc... and LIGHT: truth, wisdom, awareness, knowing, knowledge, intelligence, information)

My Interests

enjoying myself, finding out about stuff I'm interested in, being out and about in Sydney, chilling at home, reading, walks, drives, shopping, clubs, musical theatre, fast food, eating out, ice cream, gelato, cakes, a variety of good quality chocolate (my favourite is Belgian) - (luckily I don't put on weight that easily!), astrology, New Age/alternative/pure/true spirituality/metaphysics, and personal care/toiletries, cosmetics and cleaning products that are 100% derived from natural things (eg. from plants) and not synthetic chemicals/petrochemicals, and that have not been tested on animals (there are some amazing natural products/brands out there! - eg. Aveda skincare (US), A'kin skincare (Aus), Ecover cleaning products (Belgium) etc... Also I'm all for the organic production of food (plants and animals) for environmental, health and animal welfare reasons, and I hope it will spread around the world more and more!

I'd like to meet:

warm, friendly, fun-loving, fun-oriented, free-thinking, open-minded, liberal, emotional, intense, sensitive, depressed or happy, young and funky people! People who have compassion for animals and people... (but anyone who feels like it, is welcome really!)


70s/80s inspired 'discoid funk'/electronica, 'spacey' sounds/grooves, Detroit/Chicago house, RnB, hip-hop (esp. oldschool- mid90s & hip-hop DJ mixtapes), electro (esp. oldschool hip-hop style and 'oldschool-sounding' electro), oldschool hip-house, 80s pop/synth-pop, and bits and pieces of other genres


Style wars, Beatstreet, Donnie Darko, The Virgin Suicides, American Beauty, Summer of Sam, The Breakfast Club, About Last Night, Clueless, License to Drive, American Pie, The Outsiders, Colors, Grease, Saturday Night Fever, Salsa, Pleasantville, The Rage in Placid Lake, My Life Without Me, The Amateur, There's something about Mary, Edward Scissorhands, and many more...


I know a lot of 'spiritual' people (and many others) don't like TV! - but I've always really loved TV!! - I've always personally found it not just entertaining, but very educational too!!! (eg. like I've been watching Oprah since 1987, and she's had lots of interesting shows (including one on reincarnation and one on near death experiences)... OK, shows I like: some reality shows (eg. Big Brother, Laguna Beach (lucky kids!), The Osbournes, Growing up Gotti), Oprah, Dr. Phil, documentaries, Glass House (au), Chaser (au), Pizza (au), South Park, Chappelle's Show, Ali G in da USA, Wife Swap, Weeds, Sex and the city, Punk'd, Medium, Crossing Over, Beyond, Sensing Murder (au), Everybody Loves Raymond, Bewitched, Rove (au), Letterman, music video shows, and 'trashy',societal, ignorant, current affair shows! - eg/ie. A Current Affair & Today Tonight (au) to observe the current level of consciousness of the dominating mainstream conservative masses! (although, I don't think those shows are TOTALLY bad!)


the main things I like to read about are: psychology, altered states of consciousness, New Age topics: - examples of a few books: 'Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus', 'Emotional Intelligence', Eckhart Tolle's 'The Power of Now - A Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment', 'The Pleiadian Agenda', 'The Secret Life of Plants', 'Garden of Gods', 'Transmissions from Sirius - Journey into the New Millennium' (hey check out the Sirian etheric dolphin in the top right-hand corner of my aura!)


cool, fun, intelligent, interesting people who aren't afraid to be themselves despite all the mainstream conservative societal B.S. and pressure to conform.

My Blog

What we are all really looking for!

  What is the ultimate goal of life and how can it be attained? Since ancient times the Hindu scriptures have expounded this theme. The seers of profound wisdom have said that to be entirely r...
Posted by Funky starchild on Fri, 06 Jul 2007 12:17:00 PST