If the doors of perception were cleansed,everything would appear to man as it is....Infinite! Self Awareness / Understanding Humanity / Living Only In The Moment / Tattoo Collector An entire stellar universe,appearing to span billions of light years would be so insignificant as not to be even noticeable against the vastness,the unspeakable Infinite Being That You Are.
I Honor The Place In You In Which The Entire Universe Dwells.I Honor The Place In You Which Is Of Love,Of Light,And Of Peace.When You Are In That Place In You And I Am In That Place In Me,WE ARE ONE. Everything in this manifest universe is connected to everything else and,experiencing the fullness of our own beauty and bliss,depends on having direct experience of this connection.One who has discovered his own real Self,can then realize the Cosmic Self who encompasses the entire universe.
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New Age / Ambient / Classical / Celtic
Look beyond what your eyes can see.Look Farther than the illusions of this world.See How Beautiful life is. See all that is perfection. See how wonderful you are. See this beauty..,it is yours. Life sings, life dances;let yourself be carried by its melody. Give thanks and celebrate life!
What The Bleep / The Peaceful Warrior /The Celestine Prophesy / The Da Vinci Code / The Last Mimzy/The Matrix
A Child is is the greatest gift to humanity.As adults we believe we are here to teach our children when in fact it couldn't be further from the truth.It is the children that are here to teach us.Our egos tend make us blind to that fact.Take the time out of your day and watch your child at play.Open your mind,your heart,and your ears...You might actually learn something.
Where is man without the beasts? If the beasts were gone,men would die from a great loneliness of spirit. For whatever happens to the beasts soon happens to man. All things are connected. This we know. The Earth does not belong to man; Man belongs to the Earth. This we know. All things are connected like the blood that unites one family. All things are connected. Whatever befalls the earth befalls the sons and daughters of the earth. Man Did Not Weave The Web Of Life, He Is Merely A Strand In It. Whatever He Does To The Web...He Does To Himself.
We are not human beings trying to have a spiritual experience.We are Spiritual Beings having a human experience
Your heart is the passage way into the higher mind,or the superconscious mind.If you have love unconditionally for all life,you will transmute the lower base energies into Creator Thought.Enter
now the intelligent realm of Being.
The wisdom of humanity,of our species,is at your very center,nearer to you than all else.Where you come from,what you look out of,is not a product of the world but the origin of the world,the Mystery.Call it what you like:Alla,Atman-Brahman,God,Buddha-Nature,Christ-it has many names.This is more "me," more central to me,than how I am perceived.What I operate from, what I live out of, what I live from, is Being itself...Being!
The true purpose of our lives here on earth is not what we accomplish outwardly, but what we accomplish within ourselves. We can build empires, but if in the process all we have done is conquer territories and build monuments, it will all soon crumble into dust. The deeper purpose of human life is to understand our relationship to a broader reality than our own.
This is made difficult because we're so used to living in our little egos. We look at our hand and think, "This is my hand." Do we realize that it's made up of molecules that were once in the rocks and soil? That long ago the molecules in our hand may have been in some distant galaxy, or even in some earlier universe that exploded and dissolved in a Night of Brahma? These molecules may then have ultimately recondensed from star gases to become a part of this planet, which our human body absorbed in the form of food. For a little while these molecules compose our hand, and then they will be something entirely different. We look at ourselves in the mirror, and think with such concern, "Oh dear, another gray hair here. Another wrinkle there." But life goes on, and it all changes.
Through all of these outward changes, however, we can remain unchanged at the heart of everything. We can be like that power of calmness at the heart of the storm, or in the great depths of the ocean. No matter how strong the tempest is, no matter how the waves crash, we can be untouched in our deep essence. It depends where we place our consciousness. If we live on the surface of our beings, we will feel the storms, but if we dive deep to our center, we are untouched.
Our purpose in life is to reach that level within where we can look out at the universe and see ourselves reflected everywhere. We then see ourselves not only as this ego, but as part of one great life of which we, too, are but an example. We have been born into this world to expand our consciousness, expand it beyond the moment, beyond the ego, beyond the body, beyond the activities of this one lifetime.
If we have to be active, why not act in harmony and love? Why not show people an example of how richly rewarding it is to live in joy instead of sorrow, in love instead of hatred, in peace instead of disharmony?
Non-Duality, Advaita writings /Ramana Maharshi /Nisargadatta Maharaj/Sacred Geametry,Flower Of Life
Never "Look Up" to anyone.See all as your equal,for everyone is created equal.All is one.I AM My Own Heroe!