Cosmic Thought~Wave of Eternal Love profile picture

Cosmic Thought~Wave of Eternal Love


About Me

About Us:
Remembering US
We are all ONE family of the infinite shapes of Essence and the Thought that brings us to the awareness of our bond embedded in the Ocean of Love Essence (Existence).
We are Eternal, never ending, never beginning and in every moment choosing our experience of remembering who we truly are...
We are each an Essence of love intertwined together with a Thought that remembers what direction to give those thoughts, and the shape that the love is to take.
The Essence of love is our connection to one another, and the inspiration that focuses our thoughts and inspires our desires.
Welcome to being the Cosmic Thought~Wave of Eternal Love. You have not come across this page by mere chance. It is the Universe’s way of guiding the synchronicity of this seemingly small event before you. Existence is asking you now to become fully awake to your choices, and to participate in this responsible yet joyful conscious awakening happening right now, all around us. Existence created this page to help bring this planet’s conscious awareness to the next level.
Have you ever explored the idea that you are the microcosm, embodying spiritual and physical attributes, of infinite existence mirroring exactly the macrocosm of the multi-verse (Not a single Uni-verse)? Perhaps just like the atom is a microcosm to the larger macrocosm solar system, so you are also everything you see…YOU are the bigger picture. The evidence, as you have discovered, of who you are, is everywhere. You would not be here now if you where not asking important life and spiritual questions searching for YOUR truth. Or you may already feel you are connected to existence.
Existence wants you to know it loves you and honors your state of remembering. You have help, unlimited guidance and the freedom to choose to shift now if you prefer. You have agreed to be part of a current shift in consciousness or you would not be here in this reality trying to remember now. We know of your struggles and deepest fears, your individuality will always be assured. No one will be left behind by this wave of the shift that is occurring now.
We cordially invite you with the highest honor, love and respect to make clear your statement of how you are riding this Cosmic Thought~Wave of Eternal Love. What statement of your truth do you wish to share with us all? Everything is waiting for you, and what you will choose... Even the moon and stars will listen, and the earth and all of its’ firmament is holding its breath in anticipation of your proclamation. By doing this, you solidify your desire to go with this cosmic flow, shift in awareness. Declare what you say/think/feel is your deepest innermost desire or your highest utmost truth for yourself and who you wish to be… for becoming who you truly ARE.

1. Copy and paste the words below and send as an e-mail message (and/or with a friend request) so they can be added to this page.
2. And/Or... create your own personal statement, send a picture, or be creative however you like.
3. If you wish, you can read the blog on this page;
"Understanding what we’re made of...
Essence and Thought
", to help inspire you.
I know I am __________.
(Describe your "Essence" or Thoughts about who you are)
I wish to be __________.
(Describe any desires)
I am riding the Cosmic Thought~Wave of Eternal Love home.
Your declaration will creatively be added to this page, and kept permanent, exactly the way it is sent, so you can, in your own way... ride the "Cosmic Thought~Wave of Eternal Love” home !
Please note: All submissions will be displayed on this page and in bulletins.*
(*We will accept all friend requests and declarations, excluding only spam and irrelevant content.)

My Interests

So how will you know you are ready?
When you can't think of anything else you would desire more than to be a conscious part of the Everything that is already happening for you now.
You can choose NOW...


Look who’s
Riding the Wave!

1.   Femrouge

I know I am...

"pure Love Essence embodied, intimately connected to and inspiring All That Is towards its desires."

I wish to be...
"an inspiration to All, while remaining forever closely connected to the One who is the inmost Thought of me. The "One" who is in every moment, consciously aware of the ultimate wish; to be always focused on, and intimately manifesting together, Our deepest desires as Being. As We are, Consciousness Itself."

I am riding the Cosmic Thought~Wave of Eternal Love with the Thought of my Self; my home, my SoulMate.
Being the Desire,
and thanking you for
re-membering me,
∞ Femrouge

2.    Spiritual Surfer

I know I am...

"Thought and Love Essence connected as one."

I wish to be...
"a powerful force for change, the "Thought Bridge" for awareness; eternally focused on my Essence, to propel the shift from one conscious dimension to the next - supporting all those consciously, or unconsciously, aware of the unlimited potential within."

I am riding the Cosmic Thought~Wave of Eternal Love with my Essence; my home and my SoulMate, my completion of two as one mind.
Thank you Existence, for your love.
~Spiritual Surfer~

3.    All Is One

I know I am...

"Pure Light. We are all a spark of the Divine. I know as long as I am in this physical body, there will be times I will have to kindle this spark, but it is always there."

I wish to be...
"Forever in the Now. Now is all that matters."

I am riding the Cosmic Thought~Wave of Eternal Love home.
Bright Blessings ~ Pasha


I know I am...

"a spirit in a body."

I wish to be...
"a source of light for as many as possible."

And yes… I am riding the Cosmic Thought~Wave of Eternal Love home.
Peace, Blessings, Love & Light always, Linella

5.   J♥yfully Me

I know I am...

"very simply, Love."

I wish to be...
"again, very simply, Love."

I am riding the Cosmic Thought~Wave of Eternal Love home.
J♥yfully Me

6.     ≈DIANA≈

I know I am...

"divine LOVE incarnated in human form, a grain of sand on this infinite beach of ONE-ness."

I wish to be...
"a bridge for others who are making the transition from the third dimensional into the fifth dimensional consciousness of unconditonal LOVE and oneness.
I hope to be an inspiration to those souls who will come after us not for what i said, but rather for how i lived."

I am CERTAINLY riding the Cosmic Thought~Wave of Eternal Love home.* :)

7.  David at Light Media

I know I am...

"the Observer, dancing in the illusion being reflected through this vast array of quantum mirrors, playing cosmic peek-a-boo with my other half while weaving stories of love grand enough to entertain the One who observes itself in All."

I wish to be...
"a perfect reflection of LOVE to all who would see themselves."

I am riding the Cosmic Thought~Wave of Eternal Love home :D
Love is your essence, Light contains all, may you real-eyes who you are and enjoy,

8.   AsWeDream

I know I am...

"everything and nothing. Between these, my life of being here is given motion."

I wish to be...
"freely flowing feelings of my truth, to culminate in a full love of service to others.
I would also like a new line of work, out of engineering and into the arts, business and marketing inclusive."

I am riding the Cosmic Thought~Wave of Eternal Love home.
Michael Ososki

9.   1Fierce*n*Free1

I know I am...

"All that is, All that ever will be, and at my core...
I know I AM!"

I wish to be...
"in flight, with might, fierceNfree for the souls who are truly of the LIGHT! I will blast thru the illusion of darkness and transform it into LIFE!"

I am riding the Cosmic Thought~Wave of Eternal Love ~ Homeward Bound (Love is never lost, it merely waits to be found ;)

10.   מרים מגדולה

I know I am...

"I am, I am, I am....

I wish to be...
"to be to be to be...

I am riding the Cosmic Thought~Wave of Eternal Love home.
מרים מגדולה

11.   Posted*
Trespassers will be Violated

I know I am...

"the food of life."

I wish to be...
"Adam on a new planet."

I am riding the Cosmic Thought~Wave of Eternal Love home.
Posted* Trespassers
 will be Violated

12.   Keith

I know I am...

"an eternal being filled with LOVE and light."

I wish to be...
"the living embodiment of GOD's will. Enjoying my human experience, living life fully and with intention."

I am riding the Cosmic Thought~Wave of Eternal Love home.
Blessings upon you,

13.  Welcome to my world.
I know I am...


I am riding the Cosmic Thought~Wave of Eternal Love home.

14.   alper

I know I am...


I wish to be...

I am riding the Cosmic Thought~Wave of Eternal Love home.

15.  kindspiritedsoul

I know I am...


I wish to be...
"unconditional love."

I am riding the Cosmic Thought~Wave of Eternal Love home.
With love :)

16.   Rosalie

I know I am...

"All That I am,I Am One with all life Forms and they are one with Me. I Am Love,I Am Light, I Am Peace."

I wish to be...
"A Guiding Light in the Sea of Darkness for those who may lose their way and To Always be in The Now moment ready always to be ready for our Eternal Journey Home."

I am riding the Cosmic Thought~Wave of Eternal Love home and Soulmate as One Love,One Spirit*
Love,Light,Namaste Rosalie xo

17.  AngelFeather

I know I am...

"You, another spoke in the wheel of life, one essence of love expressing itself as many."

I wish to be...
"A beacon of light to guide all lost wandering souls into the light, and be a reminder of all that is and will always be."

In infinite oneness
I am riding the Cosmic Thought~Wave of Eternal Love home.

In oneness of love
Vivian Starfire

18.   TREYYA

I know I am...

"A Child of the Universe ~ No less than the Trees & the Stars...! My Essence is the embodiment of Divine LOVE in a Human Vessel."

I wish to be...
"Greater Love & an Emissary of PEACE , LOVE & JOY."

I am JOYFULLY riding ~ WITH AS MANY AS I CAN BRING ALONG ~ the Cosmic Thought~Wave of Eternal Love home.*
Love & Light ~ TREYYA ~

19.  TouchingSouls2

I know I am...

"a spark of God/Goddess/Creator. I know I am ONE with all beings whether they be human, animal, plant, mineral and with our Star Visitors, Gaia, all planets in every dimension. I AM THAT I AM and we are all TOUCHING SOULS."

I wish to be...
"fully awakened and ascended when the time is right."

I am riding the Cosmic Thought~Wave of Eternal Love home.

20.  Words to live by...®

I know I am...

"the change I wish to see in this World."

I wish to be...
"the inspiration for others to make the changes needed to make this a better place for All."

I am riding the Cosmic Thought~Wave of Eternal Love home.
Love always,
Vanessa -Words to live by®

21.  Awakened777

I know I am...

"That I am that I am."

I wish to be...
"One of the many that will manifest God thru our awakening into Oneness and the wisdom to light the way for others."

I am riding the Cosmic Thought~Wave of Eternal Love home.

22.  lightworkers

I know I am...

"One with All that IS, a flame within the eternal fire of Love."

I wish to be...
"a vessel of free-flowing Love and light, inspiring harmony and fostering the awareness of our Unity and Oneness."

I am riding the Cosmic Thought~Wave of Eternal Love home.

23.    Kim

I know I am...

"A being of shining light filled with love, joy, peace and that I am one with all the universe."

I wish to be...
"An inspiration, a guide for all who are still trying to find their way."

I am blissfully riding the Cosmic Thought~Wave of Eternal Love home.
love, light, peace to all,

24.    Simon

I know I am...


I wish to be...

I am riding the Cosmic Thought~Wave of Eternal Love.

25.  †777Breanna~Angel of Light11:11†

I know I am...

"a lesbian that is a being of light and love."

I wish to be...
"healed of my broken heart. I want to bring complete peace to this world and everything be filled with harmony."

I am riding the Cosmic Thought~Wave of Eternal Love home.
†777Breanna~Angel of Light11:11†

26.  ~♥Inspire Me♥~Amy

I know I am...

"God for I am the creator of all that is and will be."

I wish to be...
"a reminder that we are all God. Each following a path to connect back into one."

I am riding the Cosmic Thought~Wave of Eternal Love home.
Much Love,

27.   ♥Carmen ♥

I know I am...

"eternal being."

I wish to be...

I am riding the cosmic thought wave.

28.    ♥Angel Love♥

I know I am...

"ONE with the universe."

I wish to be...
"a shining light to awaken everyone to the pure essence of LOVE!!!"

I am riding the Cosmic Thought~Wave of Eternal Love home.
♥Angel Love♥

29.  ButterFly Fairy www. IntegrityNow.Org

I know I am...

"I am Love. I know I am the source of all creation, the sun, the stars, the moon... the rain, the breath, the wind... I am the laughter, sweet nectar of fruit, I am music that vibrates the soul, I am. I am whole, wise, perfect, powerful, strong, loving, harmonious, happy, creative, Healthy, productive infinite... I AM the I AM."

I wish to be...
"fully aware of all that I AM!"

I am riding the Cosmic Thought~Wave of Eternal Love home.

30.  Purple Kush

I know I am...

"handling unfinished business in the 3rd dimension."

I wish to be...
"starting new business in the 5th dimension."

I am riding the Cosmic Thought~Wave of Eternal Love home...

And then going back out to sea to catch the next 1.

Purple Kush

31.    Art/

I know I am...

"a spiritual being swimming in this sea called life."

I wish to be...
"the sea itself connected to the earth the sky and the universe."

I am riding the Cosmic Thought~Wave of Eternal Love home.

32.    Diane

I know I am...

"Peace, Love, Music."

I wish to be...
"Here and Now."

I am riding the thought-wave of Eternal Love Home.
Peace, Love, Music,
Diane Wayne

33.   ~*SUSAN*~

I know I am...

"the Light of Love that shines bright in all of us."

I wish to be...
"an equal flow of energy and light that flows with the oneness of the universe."

I am riding the Cosmic Thought~Wave of Eternal Love home.

34.  Lady Ninox Boo-book!!

I know I am...

"loved therefore I choose to show love and be what my heart desires."

I wish to be...
"a free spirit."

I am riding the Cosmic Thought~Wave of Eternal Love home.
Lady Ninox Boo-book!!


I know I am...

"I am that I am."

I wish to be...
"an expression of Love."

I am riding the Cosmic Thought~Wave of Eternal Love home.
May the Blessings Be

36.   Telluselle

I know I am...

"a vessel that fills up with love, light and wisdom that I pass forward and carry out through my creative expressions. I am a guided spirit traveling through worlds and extending my soul and heart to incorporate all life."

I wish to be...
"fully grounded in my lightwork, respected and supported so that I can focus on inspiring, moving and engaging others to Create Beauty Between People."

I am riding the Cosmic Thought~Wave of Eternal Love home.

37.   somananda

I know I am...


I wish to be...
"always LOVE."


38.    Linda

I know I am...

"my Fathers child. My essence is blue with a rainbow."

I wish to be...
"more helpful thru love and kindness."

I am riding the Cosmic Thought~Wave of Eternal Love home.

39.     V

I know I am...


I wish to be...
"ME in action."

I am riding the Cosmic Thought~Wave of Eternal Love home.

40.   Honesty

I know I am...

"Truth and here to share the Truth."

I wish to be...
"more in touch with the part of me that is Unconditional Love, Acceptance, and Surrender."

I am riding the Cosmic Thought~Wave of Eternal Love home.

41.   EnviroDoug

I know I am...

"pure love."

I wish to be...
"always reminded."

I am riding the Cosmic Thought~Wave of Eternal Love home.

42.  dancing with Dragon & Phoenix

I know I am...

"this I AM, I AM thankful that I AM the Mighty Power of Creativity & Precipitation, re-creating this world into one of Freedom, Love, Beauty, Joy, Truth, Wisdom, Peace, Abundance and Creativity..."

I wish to be...
"more of what I already AM, fully awake and aware as my Rishi Self, here now, emanating from my Point of Creation, in the Heart of the Creator as God*Seed*Dess, journeying through Creation with my beloved, The Thinker of The First Thought..."

I am riding the Cosmic Thought~Wave of Eternal Love home.
dancing with Dragon & Phoenix

43.   yvonne

I know I am...

"an inspired writer."

I wish to be...
"more recognized as being of service to others."

I AM enjoying the thought wave of Eternal Love.

44.    Jeja

I know I am...

"the beautiful auraangel, love embodied in light."

I wish to be...
"the light that shines into the shadow, helping to eliminate the darkness of doubt."

I am riding the Cosmic Thought~Wave of Eternal Love home.

45.    Janey

I know I am...

"connected to and a part of all things and No-things."

I wish to be...
"flowing freely in perfect peace and love with all that is in the Universe."

I am riding the Cosmic Thought~Wave of Eternal Love home.

46. OneWorldRhyme

I know I am...

"a positive, loving force for change."

I wish to be...
"both practical and imaginative, resourceful and generous to create the new dream for both society and my own life."

I am riding the Cosmic Thought~Wave of Eternal Love home.

47.  Health_Love_Peace_Enlight

I know I am...

"pure love that is shared and connected with EVERYTHING and EVERYONE."

I wish to be...
"a catalyst for unconditional love between all humans, I come in contact with, and ALL!!"

I am riding the Cosmic Thought~Wave of Eternal Love home.

I know that I am...

"awakening the Power of the Conscious Universe with my thoughts."

I desire to be...
"a pure servant of the Light, reflecting Love and Peace back to the Universe, helping other beings in this process. Peace Love and Light to All. A paradigm shift is awakening in the conscious mind of The Planet Earth! Contact with our galactic brothers and sisters is coming soon!"

I am riding the Cosmic Thought~Wave of Eternal Love home.

49.   margo
I know I am...

"alive, aware and reaching out to be and do more with my little existence."

I wish to be...
"totally connected with a Higher Consciousness and able to affect positive change."

I am riding the Cosmic Thought~Wave of Eternal Love home.
Peace & love,

I'd like to meet:

YOU, Everyone Awakened and Remembered.


50.  BeGeLiA jane ~ Loving the Moment
I know I am...

"because there is no other true way to be."

I wish to be...
"no more or less than that, any effort into anything else becomes another idea of who you currently aren't. Instead of wishing to be, just be."

I am riding the Cosmic Thought~Wave of Eternal Love home.
Namaste dear friends! Love and Light in and through our beings to "be" together one in truth and eternal source.

-Begelia Jane

51.    Jane
I know I am...


I wish to be...

I am riding the Cosmic Thought~Wave of Eternal Love home.

52.  ~Wave 11:11~Power of Love brings Peace
I know I am...

"One (collective consciousness).
I know I am loved beyond measure.
I know I am an expression of all that was, is and will be."

I wish to be...
"One message of the greater whole expressing love,light*unity to humanity and beyond."

I am riding the Cosmic Thought~Wave of Eternal Love home.
~Wave 11:11~Power of Love brings Peace

53.    darnell
I know I am...

"a returning soul of light, a seer, observer."

I wish to be...
"a source of help to others through this shift."

I am riding the Cosmic Thought~Wave of Eternal Love home.
Peace & love,

54.   (((love&light)))
I know I am...

"a lighthouse for all journeying, enter me and be transported into infinity."

I wish to be...
"a bridge for anyone seeking a greater version of themselves."

I am riding the Cosmic Thought~Wave of Eternal Love home and leaving Divine Sparks in my wake....

55.   Moonflower

I know I am...

"a tiny_speck trying to survive in a world of giants."

I wish to be...
"a light my family would be proud to see and acknowledge and maybe find my soulmate on the way."

I am riding the Cosmic Thought~Wave of Eternal Love home.

56.    Para

I know I am...

"Pure potential."

I wish to be...
"the abundant flow of all good things."

I am riding the Cosmic Thought~Wave of Eternal Love home.

57.  Michael Skowronski

I know I am...

"One with all beings everywhere in creation, I am One with God."

I wish to be...
"in clear conscious connection as is humanly possible with this Oneness and All that We Are and to be of maximum service as is divinely possible to humanity and All of Life."

I am riding the Cosmic Thought~Wave of Eternal Love home.
Michael Skowronski

58.  Flamingmermaid

I know I am...

"the embodiment of unconditional love, gravitating to light."

I wish to be...
"in Divine Union."

I am riding the Cosmic Thought~Wave of Eternal Love home.

59.  christie ~ positive energy

I know I am...

"the love and the light."

I wish to be...
"a healer, I wish to love, serve and help. I wish to spread the love. I wish to spread the light. I wish to spread peace and happiness. I wish to spread everything that is good."

I am riding the Cosmic Thought~Wave of Eternal Love home.
love and light

60.   Faith Designs

I know I am...

"pure love and light."

I wish to be...
"pure love and light, peacefully."

I am riding the Cosmic Thought~Wave of Eternal Love home.
Faith Designs

61.   Sri David

I know I am...

"transcending planes of consciousness to the Divine, peeling back the onion as it were. I am an instrument of the Absolute Reality. I am THAT, Thou art THAT, all this is THAT and my friends, THAT is all there is. Everything is in essence LOVE, a vibration, an energy force...God and so it is."

I wish to be...
"an Instrument of pure LOVE and Light, to help change the consciousness of humans on this planet, teach when I can, help when I can, and continue in the Kriya Yoga and Vedic traditions taught to me at the Self-Realization Fellowship. Teach and practice kirtan meditations. I will be a beacon for souls to find our way home."

I am riding the Cosmic Thought~Wave of Eternal Love home.
Sri David

62.  ♥bRoWn EyEs♥

I know I am...

"deeply loved."

I wish to...
"show others love and compassion."

I am riding the Cosmic Thought~Wave of Eternal Love home.
♥bRoWn EyEs♥

63.   ::rävensärä::

I know I am...

"a multidimensional etheric being temporarily in human form... Looking for reasons to laugh and have fun while in the world of polarity and contrast, while learning, creating, and offering healing energy."

I wish to...
"blend fully with the presence of the Divine Love... And to witness Humanity's awakening to how immensely powerful and free we are when thinking and acting from the level of 5th dimensional love and grace."

I am riding the Cosmic Thought~Wave of Eternal Love home.

64.   ~*~Brenda~*~

I know I am...

"Connected to the universe."

I wish to be...
"riding the wave of love, affinity, warmth, & light with kindred spirits."

I am riding the Cosmic Thought~Wave of Eternal Love home.
Blessings to all,

65.    Steve

I know I am...


I wish to be...

I am riding the Cosmic Thought~Wave of Eternal Love home.

66.   ~Rain of Light~

I know I am...

"a spark of The Divine."

I wish to be...
"a beacon to guide others along their path home."

I am riding the Cosmic Thought~Wave of Eternal Love home.
~Rain of Light~

    Spirit to Spirit


67.  Audrey,Starborn Support/UPI

I know I am...

"Needed. I know I am a big part of this galactic change."

I wish to be...
"HEARD!! I want all to trust me,find me,follow me..."

I am riding the Cosmic Thought~Wave of Eternal Love home.
Peace,Love,and Light to ALL,
Audrey/Founder, Starborn Support...


I know I am...

"divine Oneness, and as Prime Creator expands, so do I."

I wish to be...
"metadivinity because there is no sacred and profane just as money is worthless and there is no time any longer than the moment now here in love, creaeshening the cosmos with all avatars, spirit, and aspects of love, light, peace, truth and perfection. I wish to be the one for all; to give all to the one that in the shadows of consciousness did fall, but only as a game to find that I AM. Therefore, if we can together as infinite Oneness, ININI will bless thyself beyond the veil of separation, confusion, violence and anger. Bless thyself, JAHovIAH ELohim&her, mucho gusto, mi amor, ewedeshalew, khalada-setor!"

I am riding the Cosmic Thought~Wave of Eternal Love home!

69.  The Heart of Love –
Mary Magdalene Speaks

I know I am...

"I am the light of love

I am the memory of all that is love

my hands were made to comfort and heal

my eyes were made to see through illusion

my voice was given to speak only truth

my heart beats only through love’s consolation

I am the light of love

born to shine like the morning sun

born to give and receive true love

born to express my true divine nature

to live and breathe the memory of one

one heart, one world, one heaven created

I am the light of love

may love and peace prevail. "

I wish to be...
"an emissary of love and awakening."

I am riding the Cosmic Thought~Wave of Eternal Love home.
The Heart of Love –
Mary Magdalene Speaks

70.   Angellina

I know I am...

"The Earth and The Sea."

I wish to be...
"A Beacon of Hope and Light of the Many."

I am riding the Cosmic Thought~Wave of Eternal Love home.

71.    ~ bill ~

I know I am...

"what i am."

I wish to be...
"what i am."

I am riding the Cosmic Thought~Wave of Eternal Love home.
~ bill ~

72.    serf

I know I am...

"a benevolent being. "

I wish to be...
"a powerfully effective conscious creator."

I am riding the Cosmic Thought~Wave of Eternal Love home.

73.   Viking Mike

I know I am...

"I am a free soul.

I am a loving being.

I am revolutionary.

I am like you.

I am part of this collective consciousness.

I am everything I want to be.

Most of all, I am me."

I wish to be...
"I wish to be everything I am."

I am riding the Cosmic Thought~Wave of Eternal Love home.
Viking Mike

74.   ♥nErIaH♥

I know I am...

"a spirit of love and wisdom."

I wish to be...
"nothing more. I am and always will be everything i am, and everything i can be."

I am riding the Cosmic Thought~Wave of Eternal Love home.

75.  ~Iam~Reiki~Master

I know I am...

"a beacon of light for healing and teaching."

I wish to be...
"transcended to the next level in order to bring more to the consciousness of the new awakening."

I am riding the Cosmic Thought~Wave of Eternal Love home.

76.  Jeη☆Nahulu♬ॐ♪∞¤ღ_.·'¯)

I know I am...

"Nothing and Everything."

I wish to be...
"at peace with the divine consciousness."

I am riding the Cosmic Thought~Wave of Eternal Love home.


I know I am...


I wish to be...

I am riding the Cosmic Thought~Wave of Eternal Love home.

78.   Word Bird

I know I am...


I wish to be...

I am riding the Cosmic Thought~Wave of Eternal Love home.
Word Bird

79.  Pixie Witch Willow G.O.L.

I know I am...

"a bright healing soul, always learning for the greater good of myself."

I wish to be...
"a great role model for my boys, so they grow into morally bright, happy men, that help heal this world."

I am riding the Cosmic Thought~Wave of Eternal Love home.
Pixie Witch Willow G.O.L.

80.    P Kali

I know I am...

"I am love.
I am love.
I am love."

I am riding the Cosmic Thought~Wave of Eternal Love home.

81.     Kavi

I know I am...


I wish to be...
"I be to wish,

All desire is separation.
I am one with all that is.
There is only this, we are it."

I am riding the Cosmic Thought~Wave of Eternal Love home.


82.  Tom Murasso, author, soul-coach

I know I am...

"Waking Up."

I wish to be...
"helping others wake up."

I am riding the Cosmic Thought~Wave of Eternal Love home.
Tom Murasso, author, soul-coach

83.   JuliaMaria

I know I am...

"like chocolate."

I wish to be...

I am riding the Cosmic Thought~Wave of Eternal Love home.

84.    J*o*Y

I know I am...

"a Light in many lives!"

I wish to be...
"a "bright" Light in helping all lives!"

I am riding the Cosmic Thought~Wave of Eternal Love home.

85.   Rose Angel

I know I am...

"A spark of the Divine Source of All that Is."

I wish to be...
"constantly united in Love with that Divine Source and able to always have something to give back in some way to help humanity."

I am riding the Cosmic Thought~Wave of Eternal Love home.
Rose Angel

86.  ♥∞SaturnsLdy∞♥

I know I am...

"Eternal Love."

I wish to be...
"A Light Shining Pure Love that will guide many home."

I am riding the Cosmic Thought~Wave of Eternal Love home.

87.   Logan

I know I am...

"Who I am."

I wish to be...
"As I am."

I am riding the Cosmic Thought~Wave of Eternal Love home.

88.   Natasha

I know I am...

"here with a Divine purpose."

I wish to be...
"a clear channel and conduit for the love of the Universal All to flow through me in all things."

I am riding the Cosmic Thought~Wave of Eternal Love home...
what a ride it is!!


89.    Gen

I know I am...

"A beacon of love and light destined to help usher in the new consciousness."

I wish to be...
"Living at my full potential, helping others and spreading love- while loving myself as well. "

I am riding the Cosmic Thought~Wave of Eternal Love home.


90.  7DovesM45

I know...

"I AM THAT I AM the seven Spirits of God sent forth into all the earth. I AM SHEKINAH. I AM THE HOLY SPIRIT, THE 3RD PERSON OF THE HOLY TRINITY AND I AM THE AVATAR OF THE NEW AGE OF AQUARIUS. I AM, the Giant Violet Flame, The Threefold Flame of Love, Wisdom, and Power. I AM THE COSMIC CHRIST (Christ-consciousness)."

I wish to...
"BLAZE MY VIOLET FLAME THROUGH THE EARTH NOW. BECOME The enlightenment of the collective consciousness, and Become the flow into the new Creation. NEW WORLD. NEW CONSCIOUSNESS AGE."

I am riding the Cosmic Thought~Wave of Eternal Love home.
Infinite and Divine Love to Ya All!

91.   Mary Dare

I know I am...

"part of the Grand Design."

I wish to be...
"with my other half and back Home."

I am riding the Cosmic Thought~Wave of Eternal Love home.


92.  Nicole Marie Zigrest

I know I am...


I wish to be...

I am riding the Cosmic Thought~Wave of Eternal Love home.

Nicole Marie Zigrest

93.    Erica

I know I am...

"with out beginning or end, my consciousness is my being. “I am that I am” the sum of all things. Oneness."

I wish to be...
"recognized as the all compelling power of all that there is who is here to add my divine spark to the collective so as to illuminate the path for my divine co creators who are becoming awaken to their God self."

I am riding the cosmic wave of this time which in essence a no time but a time that have always existed for us to experience humanness in all its glory and have chosen for this time to reemerge into or be awaken to who we were all along our God self and to recreate and experience a higher conscious humanity.

Love and Light

94.   *Paige*

I know I am...

"at one with the Great
I am."

I wish to be...
"all that my higher self chose to be on this plane of conscience, to shine light into darkness, and to love with every single ounce of my essence."

I am riding the Cosmic Thought~Wave of Eternal Love home.



I know I am...

"not perfect or claim to be. I have had thing done to me and I have done some things in my life that I am ashamed of because I knew better but yet failed to listen to my inner voice which led me to some experiences in life I wish I had not. I am lost in this world but I also think I am here for a purpose but I have yet to know what it truly is. I am kind and loving and appreciate all things of this world. I try to treat everyone and all things living as I would want to be treated. I don't judge and I will always give a helping hand. But what I find in my life is that things happened and I have to let go of it and move on and not let it consume me. I have so much love for others but I have to learn to forgive myself and love myself."

I wish to be...
"at peace with myself. Inner peace! I would just love it if we could just love one another and have peace on earth and all work together to keep this planet alive. It hurts me to see it so abused. And for all the animals, I wish we all would be more aware to respect all things living."

I am riding the Cosmic Thought~Wave of Eternal Love home.


96.   Beautiful1uc

I know I am...

"an all Powerful Warrior of Love."

I wish to be...
"what i am. The pure essence of Love."

I am riding the Cosmic Thought~Wave of Eternal Love home.

One Love

97.    cass

I know I am...

"light and love... in progress."

I wish to be...
"christ consciousness manifest."

I am riding the Cosmic Thought~Wave of Eternal Love home.


98.   Miranda

I know...

"I Am that You are."

I wish to be...
"One with All."

I am riding the Cosmic Thought~Wave of Eternal Love home.


99.   ~ Mind Games ~

I know I am...


I wish to be...

I am riding the Cosmic Thought~Wave of Eternal Love home.

~ Mind Games ~

100.    light be

I know I am...

"at one with the universe."

I wish to be...
"a vessel which love hope happiness peace can flow through to reach out to humanity."

I am riding the Cosmic Thought~Wave of Eternal Love home.

light be


101.  ~ * D!ane, ~ it’s me ~

I know I am...

I wish to be...
I am riding the Cosmic Thought~Wave of Eternal Love home.

~ * D!ane, ~ it’s me ~
102.   Nomi

I know I am...

"como un duende o un hada que se mueve y baila con el universo, en constante movimiento, en constante cambio, en constante aprendizaje y descubrimiento."
I wish to be...
"un persona simple, pero una persona que muestre y comunique algo o mucho a través de su danza. Quiero pasarme la vida bailando, quiero pasarme la vida aprendiendo y compartiendo. Quiero hacer algo en el mundo y por el mundo."
I am riding the Cosmic Thought~Wave of Eternal Love home.

103.  Cheryl--Yellow Butterfly

I know I am...

"A Love and Light that must shine."
I wish to be...
"Shining my Light and Love throughout the universe."
I am riding the Cosmic Thought~Wave of Eternal Love home.

Love and Light,

I know I am...

"part of it. I am a pool of cells and genes. This micro cosm is embedded in a makro cosm. Our cosm. I am. You are. We are one."
I wish to be...
"nothing, or at least close to it. I wish to be released."
I am riding the Cosmic Thought~Wave of Eternal Love home.

. .. .:.
105.  ~Maya~ let’s bring Peace back to all Creation

I know I am...

"great gifted, with love and light."
I wish to be...
"the healing tool from the Great Spirit."
I am riding the Cosmic Thought~Wave of Eternal Love home.

~Maya~ let’s bring Peace back to all Creation
106.  Spiritual Journey

I know I am...

"a beautiful being with a soul full of love to share."
I desire...
"(not trying to sound like a Miss America contestant) "World Peace" and I wish to be better able to share my love with others."
I am riding the Cosmic Thought~Wave of Eternal Love home. Oh yes I am, and what a ride it is!!

Spiritual Journey
107.    OSCAR

I know I am...

"Prosperity, I am I, I am peaceful harmony knowing im in balance with the whole."
I wish to be...
"the silence, the concentration, the balance necessary to love myself and others around me, to be the change I wish to see in the world."
I am riding the Cosmic Thought~Wave of Eternal Love home.

108.   TED

I know I am...

"Being Groomed For The New Coming, Of A Kinder Gentler Age."
I wish to be...
"There To See It Through With Others Like Myself, Free And Independent of Repressionist View's "
I am riding the Cosmic Thought~Wave of Eternal Love home.

109.   Stella

I am...

"Love and Light showering All That Is, Eternally."
I wish to be...
"showered with Love and Light by All That Is, Eternally."
I am riding the Cosmic Thought~Wave of Eternal Love home.

110.  ♦Sapphira♦

I know I am...

"TRUTH. LOVE, WISDOM and POWER, I am the CREATOR of ALL that exists within my UNIVERSE, both Personal and Impersonal. I know I am both the LIGHTNESS and the DARKNESS for the LIGHT cannot exist without the DARKNESS. I know that to KNOW all of this is through EXPERIENCE, and EXPERIENCE alone, FREEDOM and TRANSFORMATION cannot just be an intellectual thought or idea in my mind."
I wish to be...
"the BUTTERFLY emerging from the cocoon. I wish to open more and discover the gifts that I have to give for this world....I wish to stop getting in my own way, and allow the process of surrender to happen and flow through me."
I am riding the Cosmic Thought~Wave of Eternal Love home.

111.  Rubberband Girl

I know I am...

I wish to be...
"more confident."
I am riding the Cosmic Thought~Wave of Eternal Love home.

I love you! Thank you so much for helping this global conscious awakening. I am so excited to be aware and consciously experience the shift. What an exciting time. I can actually feel the love spreading like a tidal wave over the whole planet.
I look forward to more experiences and the 4th dimension.
112.   Destiny

I know I am...

"A Manifestation Of Infinite, Creative, Love."
I wish to be...
"Always Cognizant Of and Aspiring To this Fact."
I am riding the Cosmic Thought~Wave of Eternal Love home.

I appreciate the opportunity to connect and be connected to your energy!!
113.  Tim Timmons

I know I am...

"I AM."
I wish to...
"Heal the children of the world to Harmonize the nations of the Earth."
I am riding the Cosmic Thought~Wave of Eternal Love home.

Tim Timmons
114.   Renee’

I know I am...

I wish to be...
I am riding the Cosmic Thought~Wave of Eternal Love home.

115.   Freespirit

I know I am...

"all that is, pleased to meet you."
I wish to be...
"I AM, love."
I am riding the Cosmic Thought~Wave of Eternal Love home.

116.  Blue Star Woman!

I am...

"a being of Light & Love & Peace."
I wish to be...
"more Enlightened to Help Others!"
I am riding the Cosmic Thought~Wave of Eternal Love home.

Thanks that was fun!
Much Love, Light & Peace,
117.   Seth

I know I am...

I wish to be...
"One with All that Is."
I am riding the Cosmic Thought~Wave of Eternal Love home.

118.   nora

I know I am...

"what I am. I'm the Eternal Flower living the present as a miracle."
I wish to be...
"connected to the Divine Light of Awareness in every moment."
I'm riding the Cosmic Thought°Wave of Eternal Love* home...

119.  Lauren*Other Worlds: The Series*

I know I am...

"on this Earth deliberately, as one with the Divine Intentions of God."
I wish to be...
"an inspiration to all people, in awareness that we are united in a common goal of achieving our highest union, awareness, and divinity."
I am riding the Cosmic Thought~Wave of Eternal Love home.


I know I am...

"working for Light."
I wish to be...
"a pure and clear Master of Vision."
I am riding the Cosmic Thought~Wave of Eternal Love home.

121.  EVOLved iMAGES

I know I am...

I wish to be...
"I will always be."
I'm riding the Cosmic Thought~Wave of Eternal Love home.

122.  ~water under the bridge~

I know I am...

"here by choice, that I am but one tiny thread in the web of the universe."
I wish to be...
"a guiding light to those who are in darkness and wish to be lifted up and know the glory of the one."
I am riding the Cosmic Thought~Wave of Eternal Love home.

In love and light,
123.  Seeker Emerald

I know I am...

I wish to be...
"One with All that Is."
I am riding the Cosmic Thought~Wave of Eternal Love home.

Seeker Emerald
124.  ArChoN777

I know I am...

"Internally capable."
I wish to be...
"Putting words into action and make dreams a reality."
I am riding the Cosmic Thought~Wave of Eternal Love home.

125.    E

I know I am.

I wish to be.
I am riding the Cosmic Thought~Wave of Eternal Love home.

126.   Andrea

I know I am...

"spirit on a journey."
I wish to be...
"loved,with purpose,inspired and inspiring."
I'm riding the Cosmic Thought~Wave of Eternal Love home.

127.  Searching For The Truth

I know I am...

"one with everything."
I wish to be...
"eternal and free."
I am riding the Cosmic Thought~Wave of Eternal Love home.

Searching For The Truth
128.  Devotion for freedom and truth

I know I am...

"a magnificent being,made of infinate wisdom and unconditional love that is one with everything. "
I wish to be...
"fully aware of my magnificent self, to every day grow to the awareness of who I really am. I know we are all one."
I am riding the Cosmic Thought~Wave of Eternal Love home.

Devotion for freedom and truth
129.  ¤ §3ß@$ _']['_ ©ÏÅÛñ ¤

I know I am...

"Sebastciaun T. Censtcuriaus."
I wish to be...
"Sebastciaun T. Censtcuriaus."
I am riding the Cosmic Thought~Wave of Eternal Love home Forever and Ever.

¤ §3ß@$ _']['_ ©ÏÅÛñ ¤
130.  CreateGreatMeaning

I know I am...

"the limitless potential of Divine Love."
I wish to be...
"the manifestation and celebration of Divine Love in each and every moment."
I am riding the Cosmic Thought~Wave of Eternal Love home.

131.   Susie

I know I am...

"Pure Eternal Consciousness."
I wish to Always be...
"AWARE, an ever expanding, ever evolving portal in connection with pure Divine Love."
I am riding the Cosmic Thought~Wave of Eternal Love home.

132.  DiGi BaSuRa

We know we are...

"an amazing part of our Universe.
Our essence is the smell of saving spiritually sharing, from nothing to something we have all arisen and now we know how to rise from our own prison-all forgiven and now we can be livin in a world of pure love givin."
We wish to be...
"teachers and we know that we are, helping human spirits realize their inner star, we travel far.
We Mclains aspire igniting the fire of true freedom with love and desire, pushing humanity even higher-our evolution will never expire!"
We are riding the Cosmic Thought~Wave of Eternal Love home.

Peace Love Light
Garrett and Jonah Mclain ;)

I know I am...

"BEcoming & Growing."
I wish to be...
"full of LOVE & LIGHT. To be a walking example to all."
I am riding the Cosmic Thought~Wave of Eternal Love home.

134.   Silly Trilly

I know I am...

I wish to be...
"a part of the new creation."
I am ridin the Cosmic Thought-Wave of Eternal Love Home.
Here we are, at the beginnin again, still sensin the end. The axis spins, as we slowly, melts into humble beeings, that support this universe, with harmonies of selected doings.

135.   Deborah

I know I am...

"consciousness and formless energy."
I wish to be...
"awakened to my full potential."
I am riding the Cosmic Thought~Wave of Eternal Love home.

136.   Bob

I know I am...

I wish to be...
I AM."
I am riding the Cosmic Thought~Wave of Eternal Love home.

137.   Hope

I know I am...

I wish to be...
"a beacon of light to all whom have forgotten that love connects us all in oneness."
I am riding the Cosmic Thought~Wave of Eternal Love home.

138.  Sylvaback tha poet- Deep songs for your soul!!!

I know I am...

"deep, loyal and peaceful. Life is a blank book and every choice is a new chapter, pages of the past can't be erased, but they can be turned over, future pages may describe true fate or destiny, only the author will know."
I wish to be...
"truly enlightened, i do not fear death as a inevitability, yet i fear the loneliness. My desires are to reach the minds of my listeners and open eyes and ears to absolute beauty and absolute chaos and the very similarities existing between these powers."
I am riding the Cosmic Thought~Wave of Eternal Love home.
Thank you for your inspirational thought-wave.

Peace and luv
Sylva tha poet
139.  ~~L I S A ~~

I know I am...

"becoming aware that life isn't what you see on the outside it's what you feel on the inside."
I wish to be...
"truly accepted and loved deep within for who I am. I am searching for serenity."
I am riding the Cosmic Thought~Wave of Eternal Love home.

~~L I S A ~~
140.  goodisplanetearth .org

I know I am...

"Love & Light I AM The Key that opens the door!!!"
I wish to be...
"A True Human being one with all Being's Dwelling in Peace with all in Pure Love & Light_ETERNAL."
I am riding the Cosmic Thought~Wave of Eternal Love home.

goodisplanetearth .org
141.   Dusty

I know I am...

"Infinite Being, Infinite Potential."
I wish to be...
"Shining my Light and Love out to the world… a catalyst for others’ healing and transformation, helping to foster awareness of cosmic consciousness, and raising the vibration of our planet."
I am DEFINITELY riding the Cosmic Thought~Wave of Eternal Love home…won’t you join me? =)


I know I am...

"a creator."
I wish to be...
"abundant & Loved."
I am riding the Cosmic Thought~Wave of Eternal Love home.

143.  ♪ Betwixt ♫

I know I am...

"part of the One Infinite Creator."
I wish to be...
"living in the 4th dimension or higher with other light workers."
I am riding the Cosmic Thought~Wave of Eternal Love home.

♪ Betwixt ♫
144.  Seraphim

I know I am...

"a spiritual warrior sent here to elevate the planet together with like minded souls."
I wish to be...
"a spiritual warrior that is elevating the planet with like minded souls...."
I am riding the Cosmic Thought~Wave of Eternal Love home.

145.  Savitri Wind

I know I am...

I wish to be...
I am riding the Cosmic Thought~Wave of Eternal Love home.

Savitri Wind
146.  Angela The Evil Queen

I know I am...

"a good person, though far from perfect."
I wish to...
"Reconnect with Joel and be friends once again."
I am riding the Cosmic Thought~Wave of Eternal Love home.

Angela The Evil Queen
147.   Linda

I know I am...

"that i am."
I wish to be...
"beloved by the beloved."
I am riding the Cosmic Thought~Wave of Eternal Love home.

148.   DCS

I know I am...

"a Lightworker!"
I wish to be...
I will assist in the ascension of this planet through my gift with the written word."
I am riding the Cosmic Thought~Wave of Eternal Love home.

149.  ♥ Mia ♥ =^.^=

I know I am...

"not alone."
I wish to be...
"free of karmic debt, free to explore, learn, create and just BE without limits."
I am riding the Cosmic Thought~Wave of Eternal Love home.

150.  Lorie{Humanitylivesinus}

I know I am...

"We Are One
I am alone, but I am never by myself.
I am here in a place of beauty and peace.
I am strong, nobel, happy and full of joy.
My arms reach out in love to the world.
I am not just in the world, I am One with it.
I will remain here, in my life of love and joy.
I will share with you the blessings of my heart.
I am strong with the unity of your positives and love.
They join our souls on a equal place of light.
Our unity is our common bond, strong and true.
We walk in Love together, on this lovely place.
I send you from my heart, a fond embrace.
I send you love my special friends.
From my space where we all are one.
To a time of endless space, Blessings Be."
Copyright ©2007 Lorie{Humanitylivesinus}
I am riding the Cosmic Thought~Wave of Eternal Love home.



151.  Bobbie ~

I know I am...

"The Creator of my own reality...
One with All That Is…
Powerful Beyond Measure..."
I wish to be...
"Healthy and Abundant In All Ways!
A Comfort to all in need ...
A Voice for Peace ..."
I am riding the Cosmic Thought~Wave of Eternal Love home.

Bobbie ~
152.   Will

I know I am...

"One with Universal Life Energy."
I wish to be...
"Always in the Present and Here for All who Need Me."
I am riding the Cosmic Thought~Wave of Eternal Love home.

153.  mgc888blue

I know I am...

I wish to be...
"conscious in a state of perpetual presence."
I am riding the Cosmic Thought~Wave of Eternal Love home.

154.  PhilMcWill

I know I am...

I wish to be...
"God in the flesh."
I am riding MY Cosmic Thought~Wave of Eternal Love home.

155.  OceanStarMystic

I know I am...

I wish to be...
"a better listener and communicater.
My desire is to succeed in staying still and steady with the flow of life."
I am riding the Cosmic Thought~Wave of Eternal Love home.

156.  Cosmic Love

I know I am...

"vibrational energy."
I wish to be...
"free of all disease, addiction, and prejudice so that I may be an instrument of pure love."
I'm riding the Cosmic Thought~Wave of Eternal Love home.
... to the new aeon in 2012.

Cosmic Love
157.   ~Pamela~

I know I am...

"here on this earth for a reason. As we all are and I am here for anyone who needs me."
I wish to be...
"helpful to people and strive to figure out this new earth and all the changes taking place in it. I believe all things happen for a reason and I want to be as helpful to people as I can be, I love angels and know I am surrounded by many.
I have a great desire to become what I am here for on this earth, to understand what’s going on around me and I have a great desire to become more of the person I was before the rug was pulled out from under me due to a car accident but maybe just maybe that all happened for reasons I am going to find out soon..."
I am riding the Cosmic Thought~Wave of Eternal Love home.
I loved this thanks for accepting me and I am very excited to ride the cosmic wave of eternal love home…

158.  jupiters moon

For I know I am...

"One with All Creation, and there is a balance in this experiment called LIFE."
For I wish to Be...
"the very best I can be, fulfilling my potential on this planet with all the possibilities I have to offer. "
I am riding the Cosmic Thought~Wave of Eternal Love home.

much respect and BiG LoVe
~setting upon jupiters moon
159.   Darkwin

I know I am...

"-Here for to make seen to humanity the verity, what have been lies.
-Amongst those than its own life is for the creation.
-There for only cross the earth path to the finality.
-My essence isn't what you see outside, but what reside inside. Things are on the border to come clear, its volonty are unknown, but one thing is sure, that will be for the best.
One sacrifice, one washing from its divine hand to make a stop when the world will be take by madacy, the pure madness...., I am only another one who's there for preparing what will come................"
I wish to be...
"what divinity god awaiting from mine, nothing more than that. Keep resistance to any feeble humanity temptations and be ready for the ultimate sacrifice........"
I am riding the Cosmic Thought~Wave of Eternal Love home.

160.   Moonlight

I know I am...

"eternal energy of Love flowing through me, i am Love am Eternity."
I wish to be...
My desire is to be so powerful to have the will to stop the war in the world.
Thank you.
Love always
I am riding the Cosmic Thought~Wave of Eternal Love home.


I am...

""Energy" ...starting from the smallest known elements (quarks) to the entire Universe (GOD - man's title for all)... I am within all; yet still only a part - when in human form.
The energy within this shell (the body) will return when I die -- my bodies personal energy will then be one with all... this is "HEAVEN" "
I wish to be...
"[ME!!!}... Life is the training grounds for the afterlife yet the afterlife is being one with all that is "GOD" there is nor will there be a me!!! "I" and "Me" are things associated while only in the body.
My only desire is to tell [all] that we are here to experience life... life is a gift - believe it or not. The gift is to feel, touch, taste, experience, see, etc... all that is [GOD]. You cannot do the latter things unless in the body... thus why it is a gift of [GOD]."
*** The following is a blog [short story?] (yes, I wrote it; for myself yet friends and family have convinced me to share it - take 7 minutes to look at things from a different perspective)
http://blog. myspace. com/index. cfm?fuseaction=blog. view&friendID=87867604&blogID=136735536
I am riding the Cosmic Thought~Wave of Eternal Life.

162.  Global Illumination

I know I am...

"a loving, evolving, and life nurturing cosmic being who is intimately connected to all that could possibly exist."
I wish to be...
"forever in tune with the spiritual harmony of the universe and to reach out and be of service to all who hold the potential to expand in conscious awareness and perceive spirituality in its purest form."
~I am riding the Cosmic Thought~Wave of Eternal Love home, with gratitude and joy~

Global Illumination
163.  Welcome

I know I am...

"here, now, and learning. I am a lightworker, truthseeker, and caretaker of our family. "
I wish to be...
"free with my family of Oneness again."
I am riding the Cosmic Thought~Wave of Eternal Love home.

164.   Michael

I know I AM...

I wish to be...
I am riding a wave powered by the Love of The Most High!


165.   Fara

I know I am...

"a hedonist and as far as I feel all the great people who have known were hedonist. God is the ultimate in hedonism. He/she is the highest peak of happiness."
I wish to be...
"totally free and guide humanity toward freedom of all kinds of spiritual slavery."
I am riding the Cosmic Thought~Wave of Eternal Love home.

166.  futures bright

I know I am...

I wish to be...
"shining my love all around and help my brothers and sisters create a new reality where peace is universal, love is present between us all, where we all live in harmony with each other and all we co-exist with and all is treated as equals and we all are abundant in love."
I am riding the Cosmic Thought~Wave of Eternal Love home.

peace and love

I know I am...

"here to love."
I wish to be...
"full of life."
I am riding the Cosmic Thought~Wave of Eternal Love home.

168.  (°· Awake your souL ·°)

I know I am...

"connected with all beings and all things of this beautiful Universe."
I wish to be...
"this link for all beings and for all things not again connected. May all beings be free from suffering and filled out of joy."
I am riding the Cosmic Thought~Wave of Eternal Love home.

Namaste (^_^)
(°· Awake your souL ·°)
169.  PHeNoMEnAL WoMaN aka Miranda aka mer KA ba

I know I am...

"One with ALL..loving, humanitarian, and my OWN self."
I wish to be...
"seeking for more and more people that I can share the light with and help others."
I am riding the Cosmic Thought~Wave of Eternal Love home.

PHeNoMEnAL WoMaN aka Miranda aka mer KA ba
170.  JackieMusick

I know I am...

"still learning how to love unconditionally...For I am still a baby in the spiritual world."
I wish to be...
"an inspiration to others and to learn how to express myself better. My wish is for the world to become less greedy and self centered and love one another."
I am riding the Cosmic Thought~Wave of Eternal Love home.

171.  JORDAN

I know I am...

"a spiritual being, having a human experience."
I wish to be...
"a beacon of light to all my sisters and brothers."
I am riding the Cosmic Thought~Wave of Eternal Love home.

172.  Max Bentley

I know I am...

I wish to be...
I am riding the Cosmic Thought~Wave of Eternal Love home.

I am the wizard, the master of transformation, manifestation....i am you & you are me.
I say the world is perfect as are you....dispel all fears & find paradice.....find unconditional love to find unconditional peace within.......the entire universe lives within you.
divinity to infinity.
Max Bentley
173.  ॐ COREY ♥ ANGEL 11 ॐ

I know I am...

I wish to be...
I am riding the Cosmic Thought~Wave of Eternal Love home.

174.   GiGi

I know I am...

"lonely and yet lovable."
I wish to be...
"loved and with an abundance of friends and somewhere along the way I pray to find my soulmate."
I am riding the Cosmic Thought~Wave of Eternal Love home.

175.   Sasha

I know I am...

"a spiritual being in a human body...
pure consciousness and love expressing and sharing in the dance of life on earth."
I wish to be...
"an Emissary of light and love helping others to cross the bridge to their divinity."
I am riding the Cosmic Thought~Wave of Eternal Love home.

In infinite oneness Sasha

I know I am...

"Eternal, A Part of the Whole, Unconditional Love, A Creator, Spiritual, Music, An Author, An Artist, Dance, Joy, Love, Light and Laughter."
I wish to be...
"A Student, I Guide, An Understanding and Nonjudgmental Source."
I am riding the Cosmic Thought~Wave of Eternal Love home.

Animi Dawn
177.   Kalee

I know I am...

"here to love."
I wish to be...
"full of life."
I am riding the Cosmic Thought~Wave of Eternal Love home.

178.    BE

I know I am...

"all that I am."
I wish to be...
"all that I am.
I am being-
I am BE!"
I am riding the Cosmic Thought~Wave of Eternal Love home.

179.  Brain Control

I know I am...

"a spiritual soul full of knowledge and happyness. My spiritual nature is to worship our lord."
I wish to be...
"a servant of a pure devotee.
Hope all people of this planet will find the way to god."
I am riding the Cosmic Thought~Wave of Eternal Love home.

Brain Control
180.  JanesHavenTwo

I know I am...

"A Part of Change in the world."
I wish to be...
"Loved and Respected by my children friends even those who do not know me they will and believe."
I am riding the Cosmic Thought~Wave of Eternal Love home.

181.  A Reflection of....

I know I am...

"The smile that lights up your face, the butterfly that comes along and shows you the way, the wind that plays with the suns warmth on this day, and the tree that stands still, and gives you the shade. I AM that feeling inside that says you’re alive and connects to that place keeping everything outside. And within that green space, hidden in that taste, you will feel it, its there, re-membering my face. Hi you, its me, can you feel it, that’s you. Let me hold your hand, and you can show me what to do. And As I close your eyes and open up wide, we see that we are ONE and had clearly been blind. I AM AWAKE and all forms within this circle of four, cubed with the sweetness of all that was ever before. I AM this moment of NOW, an infinite astonishing wow, the light and the anchor reflecting the NOW. I AM your soul that see’s you and the beauty of two. Eye burning through the layers of all that you choose. I AM the hug that you get from the friend that you’ve missed, I AM the breath that you give when you exhale and wish. I AM the wants of your need, I AM all that you see. I AM still, with this be-ing, I have been here and seen. All this time, all these moments, all of everything dreamed, to sit here in silence to see it has always been me."
I wish to be...
"I WISH TO BE, and so it is, and so its always been...I AM THAT, I AM."
I am riding the Cosmic Thought~Wave of Eternal Love home.

182.   Dana

I know I am...

"one with source energy, the universe, and all physical and non physical beings. I know I am on the verge of shifting from my head to my heart. I am grateful for Cosmic Thought~Wave of Eternal Love in helping me to make this transition."
I wish to...
"transition from knowing I can become enlighted to being consciously connected to pure, positive energy."
I am riding the Cosmic Thought~Wave of Eternal Love home.

183.  Where Love&Light is Force

I know I am...

"part of the Cosmic Force Flowing with Light and Love."
I wish to be...
"working from the Eternal Heart Self in every given moment Transmuting All To Perfect Love and Light."
I am riding the Cosmic Thought~Wave of Eternal Love home.

Where Love&Light is Force
Be # 184 on the list
declaring that you're
Riding The Wave too!

My Blog

You ARE the Eternal Moment! Find out why&

You ARE the Eternal Moment!   The eternal "now moment" (with all possibilities of now), means that without focusing on any one moment of "time", you are in every eternal moment, everywhere ...
Posted by Cosmic Thought~Wave of Eternal Love on Tue, 08 Apr 2008 04:19:00 PST

Understanding what were made of... Essence and Thought

Understanding what we’re made of& Essence and Thought (The key in the lock - Open the door to awareness) Es·sence  [es-uhns] -noun- 1. the energy of Existence that is expe...
Posted by Cosmic Thought~Wave of Eternal Love on Wed, 13 Feb 2008 10:07:00 PST