A gathering place for musicians who choose Love over Fear.
For those who choose Peace not War.
A place for like minded souls to dream
Building a community of soulful artists who embody Peace in their music.
Music for Peace
Peace through Music
Music and Peace create Joy. It is our highest expression.
UPM celebrates that expression and aims to bring musicians together to share ideas/skills/visions to help raise the consciousness and vibration of Humanity so the next phase of our evolution can manifest.
Everything you do
makes a difference.
Every note you play
is an invitation to
the Divine
Every musician on this page is unique. They all bring their own way of expressing the Divine. As a musician deepens into existence and grows in awareness, so his or her music begins to reflect that transformation.
It is as though the wine is maturing. And where once it tasted tart and slightly bitter, now it tastes seasoned, and has a clarity and depth.
UPM loves the music of its musicians and will support them in any way it can. And it will use the music they create to promote Unconditional Peace in this war torn world. We honour our musicians.
This is an amazing description of the times we are in.Please watch this it is truly inspring.
The Basis of our hope. A flash movie by Barbara Marx Hubbard
If you havent seen this it's so good. The Wombat
A Mighty Heart.
Matrix Trilogy
What the Bleep
Fierce Grace
The Fountain
Concerstaions with God
Peaceful Warrior
V for Vendetta
Children of Men
Lord of the Rings
The Postman
War on Democracy
What Dreams may come
The Moses Code
Hazrat Inayat Khan. 'The Music Of Life'