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About Me

“No amount of fighting to save the whales or singing for world peace will ultimately create a harmonious humanity if we are still divided within. If you have not fully embraced yourself, then how can you fully embrace the world?”
’Unconditional Peace Movement Vol 1 ’CD wants musicians to donate 1 song for peace!See blog.
People (What are we fighting for?)
We cannot continue as a species if we continue to fight in this way.
We are a Family, One Tribe. We share One Planet.
There is No Enemy but that which we create.
Hate, Fear, and Jealousy are Prisons that trap each one of us. THEY HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH GOD.
The only way to dispel the shadow is to turn towards the Light.
Everyone is a manifestation of God, No-one is separate from this.
Love needs the same fervour as hate.
Peace starts on the Inside.
Without a personal transformation there can be no global transformation.
When you become Unconditional Peace then everyone and everything you touch is affected by your presence and truth.
A person at war with themselves is still a person at war.
You must make peace with yourself first.

The Unconditional Peace Movement (UPM) was born from witnessing the film A Mighty Heart
The Daniel Pearl Foundation
The world was shocked by the senseless loss of Daniel Pearl, an ethical journalist and accomplished musician who dedicated his life to bringing joy and understanding to the world.The Daniel Pearl Foundation was formed by Danny’s family and friends to continue his mission and to address the root causes of this tragedy in the spirit, style and principles that shaped Danny’s work and character. These principles include uncompromised objectivity and integrity; insightful and unconventional perspective; tolerance and respect for people of all cultures; unshaken belief in the effectiveness of education and communications; and the love of music, humor and friendship.
Daniel Pearl World Music Days

My Interests

A gathering place for musicians who choose Love over Fear.
For those who choose Peace not War.
A place for like minded souls to dream
Building a community of soulful artists who embody Peace in their music.
Music for Peace
Peace through Music
Music and Peace create Joy. It is our highest expression.
UPM celebrates that expression and aims to bring musicians together to share ideas/skills/visions to help raise the consciousness and vibration of Humanity so the next phase of our evolution can manifest.


Everything you do makes a difference.
Every note you play is an invitation to the Divine

I'd like to meet:


Every musician on this page is unique. They all bring their own way of expressing the Divine. As a musician deepens into existence and grows in awareness, so his or her music begins to reflect that transformation.
It is as though the wine is maturing. And where once it tasted tart and slightly bitter, now it tastes seasoned, and has a clarity and depth.
UPM loves the music of its musicians and will support them in any way it can. And it will use the music they create to promote Unconditional Peace in this war torn world. We honour our musicians.



This is an amazing description of the times we are in.Please watch this it is truly inspring.
The Basis of our hope. A flash movie by Barbara Marx Hubbard
If you havent seen this it's so good. The Wombat

A Mighty Heart.
Matrix Trilogy
What the Bleep
Fierce Grace
The Fountain
Concerstaions with God
Peaceful Warrior
V for Vendetta
Children of Men
Lord of the Rings
The Postman
War on Democracy
What Dreams may come
The Moses Code


Hazrat Inayat Khan. 'The Music Of Life'

My Blog

Love is your Destiny

You cannot feel love with your mind.For that you must unlock your heart.To unlock your heart you must face your demonsYou must embrace your pain and your sufferingAnd then you must embrace the pain an...
Posted by UPM on Fri, 16 May 2008 08:34:00 PST

Only Love

Posted by UPM on Wed, 07 May 2008 07:02:00 PST

UPM is one week old!!!!!

      Its been one week since the Unconditional Peace Movement burst into my consciousness!! One week of intense action, thought, feeling, ideas, fears, possibilities, excitement, disa...
Posted by UPM on Tue, 08 Apr 2008 05:40:00 PST

Calling Musicians and Poets

’Unconditional Peace Movement Vol 1 ’wants musicians to donate 1 song free! Are you interested in giving one song to us to put on our first CD? You have to give up all rights to the song. ...
Posted by UPM on Mon, 31 Mar 2008 07:24:00 PST