DONATIONS help keep my work going
I have made it possible for all of my music to be freely available upon the internet to anyone & everyone who enjoys the vibe & who thinks they may like it. All I ask in return is that if you do enjoy the vibe & go on to purchase my music that you share that love back to me by giving a donation for how much 'you' believe the music is worth to you. There are no limitations, the donations can be any size (large or small), All I ask is that when deciding how much to give that you take into consideration how much time thought & energy went into creating this work & then give only what 'you' can afford as a gift to the creator.
The way I see it this way no one ever get's ripped off or is hard done by.
I believe 'everyone' deserves the right to experience & enjoy the things they love, want & need at a price that they can all individually & always afford for in my understanding everyone generates & manifests a different income in this world thus everyone can afford a different & unique amount for the things they love, want & need. With the heartfelt giving of donations for purchases, no matter what the amount that is ever given for the product all parties will always know it to be a fair & just amount for everyone concerned & the giver will always know that it is always the same amount as everyone else no matter how much that is given, & that is always quite simply put just 'what they can afford' .
I thank you my my beautiful friend for being a part of this awesome revolution of consciousness & I thank you my friend just for being you, together we will co-create a much fairer, balanced & mutually beneficial world for all....
thank you...
there truly is a lot of love,
always all ways
Purchase Wilson Noble cd's locally in
Scotland from these beautiful places...
One up : Aberdeen (Belmont street)
The cavern : Aberdeen (belmont street)
Avalanche records : Edinburgh (cockburn streeet)
Coda Music : Edinburgh (bank street)
Apothecary : Edinburgh (clerk street)
The Salisbury Centre : Edinburgh (Salisbury road)
& internationally from the Magical Gabriola Island in Canada...
BlueApples metaphysical store (3415 South Rd)
thank you.... (",