KEEP QUIET ! profile picture



About Me

NOW...laughter or sadness is far away.Enjoying the silent empty mind in gentle loving awareness,no more need for excitement,no more chasing after women,or saving the world,or seeking enlightenment.Whatever comes,comes,seen in the distance,heard in the echoes. ............................................................ ............................................................ ......................................................... THEN...the con artist (consciousness)formerly known as swami anand terry,swami anand banana fruitcake,swami anand banana nut panic-ache,swami bananas (deceased)Zen Mistress........terry the toilet,fake swami ............................................................ ..........................................traveller on the path to nowhere.There is nothing to seek,anyway,enjoying the view as I travel,without moving,anywhere,everywhere,nowhere.......................... ............................................................ .........................................................ONL Y MEMORIES...As I kept having to tell this,here is....Some life story..........In my twenties involved in humanitarian/political actions:medical supplies and food to rebel held areas during the war of independence of Bangladesh,help for the homeless In Brixton,(london),squatting,local food cooperative/environmental etc.So successfull,but I felt there was something missing,and ,at age thirty,I posed the question,"Is it religion ?"Life immediately offered me choices.The first came in the form of a young french girl,with small child,who I fell for-she was a follower of Guru Maharaji.I went to one of their meetings,but it was too wishy washy for me,so I gave her some money and she followed her guru to america,and I never saw her again.The next invitation came through two white rhodesian brothers,who I was sheltering,refugees from the military draft,who were going to a big happenning for followers of Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh (Osho),but my mind said "CULT" and I didn't go.So "Life" had to use other bait ! I got a letter from india from an australian girl I had also had the hots for-she had become a disciple of this guy Rajneesh,and it was such a joy-filled letter,I wanted to know more.Within hours,I met an orange clothed sannyasin who came into the food coop and we spoke.A little later she came back with one of oshos books.I read a few pages and knew I had to go and be with him.(Though of course,at the subconscious level,what I wanted was to get together with the girl!)Everything fell into place-there was someone to take over my responsiblities running the charity,and no problems.A week later,I got off a plane in Bombay,with money in my pocket and a passport,but with absolutely no luggage,no innoculations,nothing.Customs couldn't believe it.Shared taxi,five hour journey to Poona,and almost the first person I met,from the thousands of westerners there,as I entered the ashram,was the girl ! ....................I threw myself into the activities of the ashram,I who had never been,before, or after,a follower,accepted all the "Therapy" groups I was offered,and became a disciple (sannyasin).After being thrown out of "encounter" group,twice,I shaved off my glorious long hair and beard,to look for the beast,the ugliness underneath,which one groupleader said I had to find.But I could not,and collapsed into laughter and began to enjoy the absurdity.I was thrown out of the encounter group for "not doing anything",precisely in the moment when I was feeling the first real emotion of anger about to explode ! Curious ! As I had been sincerely trying to "Do" things,I came to the conclusion that I should STOP DOING THINGS,so entered into the state of NON-DOING ! or LET GO,NON-BEING,and to this end I stopped doing anything unless I got a sign/push from existence-and I allowed the money to run out,so that I could no longer control the situation through its possession.The amazing thing was that existence completely took care of all my needs.I had somewhere to sleep-the owner of the sugar-cane field on which I lived in a bamboo hut,stopped asking for rent,when he decided I was a holy man (I shouted at him!)Food was always offered,by strangers,without being asked,beggars shared their food with me,local tradesmen gave me un-asked for credit,which I settled whenever someone gave money.Whenever there was money left in my pocket,I would give it all to the first person who asked.-LIVING IN THE MOMENT.-And, "Life" brought me lessons to learn,and an "unofficial" job,-looking after the people who were too strange to be let in,or back in to the ashram.People who,later,I found to be described as "mastas"-the divinely mad,by the late enlightened master Meher Baba...typically I would find myself drawn to a place where someone was freaking out,or a riot taking place,and I would find myself calming down the situation just by my presence,without using any words-these were my first experiences of NO-MIND,existence acting through me,making "subliminal" hand gestures which worked on the subconscious level,to calm someone down,and move them away from the situation,sometimes I would move them away from the ashram,and occasionally use words to comfort and encourage them to let go.Other times in this state of no-mind I felt to take people who were banned from the ashram,inside the ashram,so that they could come closer to Osho and commune with his presence-dropping into no-mind,it was if I did not exist,the ashram guards,who had photos of people not allowed inside,would just not notice them,when I escorted them inside,to sit in silence as close as we could to the house where osho lived.....And then there were experiences of such at-one-ment......When the monsoon rains came after six months,my bamboo hut was literally washed away by the rains,and I found myself lying on a wall,waiting for sleep to come.There were dark clouds,heavy with rain,all around me,but above was a circle of clear,starry sky,which remained all night,like magic,and when I was feeling cold,a puppy came up to me,and climbed up on my stomach,and kept me company,and warm until dawn,when suddenly he gave a yelp as if someone was pulling him away from me with an invisible lead.he jumped off me and ran away !Never saw him again either! many weird and wonderfull experiences that I have kept to myself-you may think I'm making this up.or crazy-thats your choice.But theres more to "life" than meets the eye,unless you slow down enough to start seeing them........................................................ ............................................................ ............................................................ .........................................................for further episodes of my story,check out the blog "SHARING,theENDLESS.PATHLESS PATH",where you see,my story is your story,is our story,is the story of life ! Blogs - Compassion - Osho MySpace Blog

Beautiful lies from osho (I love you)The closest any word can come to truth:awareness

My Interests

The pathless path from enlightenment to...enlightenment..................harmony with the environment,this wonderful existence we are all part ofI think therefor I am ?A simple meditation technique (thanks to blog & posting from "Dhammaraja" and "Dhammaspace")

I'd like to meet:

NOW...without desire...............................PREVIOUSLY:Someone to commune with,sitting in self......................fellow travellers.......and before I die,I would like to swim with dolphins,and apologize for the human race........................................................ ........................................................ Tears flowing,I am so sorry,Iam so sorry,Iam so sorry !


birdsong,silence (okay,there are lots of music videos scatterred among the blogs)..


DON'T THINK.....JUST WATCH !!!! The life of Brian, The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy.... ideas


........A meditation technique for tv addicts-when watching a good film,or commedy programme,when the adverts come on,immediately press the mute button on your remote,close your eyes and look within.With any luck,your mind will have stopped,no thoughts will be there,a glimpse of NO-MIND,maybe only for a few seconds,until the mind says "Oh,look,no mind !" So hard to stop the constant chatter of the mind,but a glimpse of the peace without it.AAAAAAH,This !My first,beloved masters..monty Python's Flying Circus (more humorous videos on blog "Sphongled"


science fiction: which gives glimpses of the divine and broadens the mind,and the works of terry pratchett,which question the whole idea of reality as we thibnk it,whilst taking the piss,and bringing laughter.


Osho and Eckhart Tolle and Meher Baba and Terry Pratchett-as well as being either great enlightened masters and or writers,they all have facial hair!And of course DOLPHINS,who dont have facial hair,but do smile and play all the time-the most intelligent beings on this planet and of course John ..................and Nisargadatta

My Blog

you are free !

Who are you? Where do you come from? Many times you came and many times you returned.  You have never attempted to ask yourself who you are.  If you had done so, you would never have return...
Posted by KEEP QUIET ! on Fri, 27 Jun 2008 02:08:00 PST

Bananaman wins sensational byelection

in the henley byelection (UK)yesterday the conservative party candidate lost the byelection with only 19796 votes and was condemned to sit in the house of commons for two years with a lot of other c...
Posted by KEEP QUIET ! on Fri, 27 Jun 2008 12:40:00 PST

What is real life ?

Ed,quantum environmentalists,sent me this,and got a few words out of me today: I sent him the comment:this format doesnt really give indian music at its best.I have been to concerts,where a t...
Posted by KEEP QUIET ! on Sun, 08 Jun 2008 12:53:00 PST

Thank ourself ?

If you can wake up (thanks to Kara Johnstadt) (thank Shantamo)Who am I ?Choiceless Awareness ?Ourself ?Thanks !.............................................What Mask Are You Wearing?...
Posted by KEEP QUIET ! on Tue, 03 Jun 2008 11:27:00 PST

who AM I ?

who AM I is important ?The question "who am I ?"dissolves every thing,solves every thing.Is the only question worth pursuing.Nisargadatta,Papaji,Gangagi etc all use this question in various forms.Even...
Posted by KEEP QUIET ! on Fri, 30 May 2008 12:47:00 PST

feelings uplift

this is a copy of the blog posted Thursday, May 22, 2008 by friend"Malini",based on a video from another blog from "Sean D'Souza is just a name"..TR> Feeling choked up... My future is exciting and wid...
Posted by KEEP QUIET ! on Fri, 23 May 2008 08:59:00 PST

please delete !

posted as a comment from "Shekinah Radha" to profile of "Michael" difficult to follow,as it has a visible narrative,as well as a contrasting Audio narrative,which is later added to with...
Posted by KEEP QUIET ! on Tue, 13 May 2008 07:46:00 PST

tibetan bliss

One of three videos from the latest blog of friend Karl Jacob; ...
Posted by KEEP QUIET ! on Thu, 08 May 2008 12:42:00 PST

Laughter,loving compassionate laughter.

This is a blog from "sean d'souza is only a name" ..TR>..TR>..TR> ..TR> Wednesday, May 07, 2008 ..TR>..TR>..TR> ..TR>   I am a citizen of no country even if it is written and attached to me at...
Posted by KEEP QUIET ! on Wed, 07 May 2008 02:20:00 PST

After the Ecstasy,the Laundry

Included in a bulletin from Yoga Ghost...Nonduality Highlights: Embodied EnlightenmentEnlightenment must be lived here and now through this very body or else it is not genuine. In this body and mind w...
Posted by KEEP QUIET ! on Thu, 01 May 2008 02:22:00 PST