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Sound Therapy

Music. The universal language.

About Me

I am an intuitive Energy Practitioner. My associates are angels. And yes, I have considered that I may be insane. That being said, I would like to make myself available to all who are interested in using energy medicine for spiritual, physical or mental conditioning. For those who do not already know, energy therapies are like the waves of radio, television and microwaves. Distant healing works the same way, through the air. So no matter where you are the energy will be able to reach you. Each practitioner will carry different vibrational frequencies. Depending on their own atonement, they too tune into different channels. Their are many different tools that I use, one being sound. Whatever sounds good to you and makes you feel good, that is your prescription. I also recommend natural sounds, i.e., the sound of wood, water, wind and ofcourse fire. Animal sounds are great too. Birds are my favorite now, but also try bees, whales, wolves, crickets, frogs, owls, etc. And always let your conscience be your guide. I specialize in removing negative energy so positive energy may flow freely and generously. When we allow this energy to flow through us we awaken our beings to the truth of who we are and the magnificent powers that dwell in us all. As our minds evolve our bodies follow. This opens the door for our soul to live through us. Like heaven on earth. And we shall all live like God. I will honor all request. Thank you for reading. Have a great day and a better tomorrow. Sending much love, light, peace and joy to you and all those around you.
Kevin MacLeod ~ Royalty free downloads for you’re next project! Click here!

Sound effect ~ Royalty free downloads for you’re next project! Click here!

"Don't wait for Leaders. Be the Leader." Mother Teresa
The Secret Law of Attraction
The Secret

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Your brain of Drums
"You’re imagination is a preview to life’s coming attractions!" ~ Einstein
Mass-energy equivalence: E = mc², energy and mass are equivalent and transmutable.
"Does the inertia of a body depend upon its energy-content?"
"The total amount of mass/energy in a closed system remains constant because energy cannot be created or destroyed and, in all of its forms, trapped energy exhibits mass. In relativity, mass and energy are two forms of the same thing, and neither one appears without the other."
Is time on a line, flat like the earth we once believed? Or a ring, each dimension having it's own meridian of time. Where all 24 or 32 dimesions that are available to us connect at the north and south poles. A dimensional highway by the way of the axis mundi.
Free your imagination from the prison of the physics in this world.
"Freedom is like birth. Till we are fully free, we are slaves.Freedom received through the efforts of others, however benevolent, cannot be retained when such effort is withdrawn.No charter of freedom will be worth looking at which does not ensure the same measure of freedom for the minorities as for the majority.No society can possibly be built on a denial of individual freedom.True nonviolence should mean a complete freedom from illwill and anger and hate and an overflowing love for all.This freedom from all attachment is the realization of God as Truth.I do not want my house to be walled in on sides and my windows to be stuffed. I want the cultures of all the lands to be blown about my house as freely as possible.Independence means voluntary restraints and discipline, voluntary acceptance of the rule of law.Independence of my conception means nothing less than the realization of the "Kingdom of God" within you and on this earth.Complete independence does not mean arrogant isolation or a superior disdain for all help.If it is man’s privilege to be independent, it is equally his duty to be inter-dependent." ~ Ghandi
"Never trust wholly in those things that have once deceived us." ~ Rene Decartes
Advocates for Self-Government click here!

SNAP click here for support
S urvivors N etwork of those A bused by P riests. The nation’s largest, oldest and most active support group for women, children and men wounded by religious authority figures.
An open heart is a happy heart.
Love is loving those who choose
you, not those who you choose.
Bring me to life.
Out of our heads
Que Sara Sare~Hermes House
Speed of Sound
She says she talks to Angels
Little Wonders
New Soul
August Rush~Music, it’s everywhere!
Things aren't the way they were before.
What if God was one of us?
Genesis 3:5 For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil.

My Interests


Member Since: 11/28/2007
Band Members: Elevate Hope Foundation (EHF) is dedicated to provide abused and abandoned children an alternative method of therapy through music and the arts , and funding special services and programs that assist the needs of these children using these fundamental methods.
To learn more about EHFclick here!

On the stairway to Heaven we can only see where we have been and a short distance in front of us. Looking back we see others who are still trying to achieve what we have attained and we look up to those who have mastered the path that we are on. A wise soul will seek knowledge from the Masters. A caring soul will use this knowledge to lift others.

A HealerThe heavens wait and the earth watches for the ones that have suffered. And in the suffering they have learned. And have grown as a beautiful flower bringing healing magic to all that ask. The sacred heart, the perfect temple only such through the healing of self. Healing the wounds, walking the talk. A Healer is a healer that has traveled the underworld in forgiveness. And in healing the woundedness has broken free into the light of one's own heart. The Sun of self, shattered and darkened whole once again, brilliant and loving. And the dark of the Moon, the veil is removed. The Earth blessed in it’s light blossoms, paradise restored. (JC Husfelt, D.Div.)

"Modern research science is validating and explaining the beneficial effects of a wide range of energy therapies, both those used in conventional medicine and those used in alternative therapy settings.
There is growing interest world wide in the field of mind-body medicine and the effect which the natural "energy forces" within the body play in the maintenance of normal health and wellbeing. This in turn has led to interest in how these energies or forces may be channelled to assist in healing and restoration to health. This book, written by a well known scientist with a degree in biophysics and a PhD in biology, brings together for the first time evidence from a wide range of disciplines which is beginning to provide an acceptable explanation for the energetic exchanges that take place in all therapies."~ James Oschman
Visit his website. Click below.

Click here to visti Reiki to read an interview with Dr. Oschman
The Spirit of Reiki by William Lee Rand (on-line book)
The Munay-Ki are the nine great rites of initiation of the medicine way. The word munay means “I love you” or “BE AS THOU ART.” The Munay-Ki are the nine gates that heal us and transform our human energy field into that of homo luminous. The prophecies of the ancient Americas speak about a new human appearing on the planet – one who lives free of fear and resides in his or her transcendent nature. The Munay-Ki are the codes for the new human. They are delivered in the form of energetic transmissions. The ninth rite, the “Creator Rite” was transmitted for the first time in the summer of 2006 at the Holy Mountains in the Andes. The nine initiations of the Munay-Ki have only been available until recently to the high wisdom keepers of the Americas.
Om Mani Padme Hum

HU sounds of God.

Alchemy of Love. Rumi.

A whale song

Love poems of Rumi.

♥ The Hidden Words of ♡Bahá'u'lláh♡ Flute Terry Oldfield ♪

A Maha Mrityunjaya mantra

Let your conscious be your guide! J.C.


He lives in you.

Free Will Soul Descent

"I will be strong, brave, persevering in his service.


"I will attain that intuitional wisdom which can be developed only through perfect love.


Adaptability or Tact
"I will try to gain the power of saying and doing just the right thing at the right moment-of meeting each man on his own ground, in order to help him more efficiently.


Beauty and Harmony
"So far as I can, I will bring beauty and harmony into my life and surroundings, that they may be more worthy of him: I will learn to see beauty in all Nature, so that I may serve him better.


"I will unfold within myself the might power of devotion, that through it I may bring others to him.


Ordered Service.

"I will so order and arrange my service of God along the lines which he has prescribed, that I may be able fully to take advantage of the loving help which his holy Angels are always waiting to render.


The Chohans and the Rays
from The Masters and the Path by C.W.

Type of Label: None

My Blog


The Six Solfeggio Frequencies include:UT  396 Hz  Liberating Guilt and FearRE  417 Hz  Undoing Situations and Facilitating ChangeMI  528 Hz  Transformation and Miracles (DNA Repair)FA  639 Hz ...
Posted by Sound Therapy on Tue, 27 May 2008 08:58:00 PST

Song of the Soul

Posted by Sound Therapy on Tue, 27 May 2008 05:32:00 PST

You are the creator.

I am living art, an image of the creator of that which I am we are. We are the living image of our own creation. Created by our imagination. Created through our images. We are that which we have imagi...
Posted by Sound Therapy on Wed, 06 Feb 2008 09:11:00 PST

Messages in the Song of Nature

The pendulum always swings the same distance from each direction. If Love is represented by SouthWest, what does NorthEast represent? "Too much of a good thing will throw you off balance", said the Ro...
Posted by Sound Therapy on Fri, 16 May 2008 10:00:00 PST

And the truth shall set you free.

John 10:34 (Whole Chapter) Jesus answered them, Is it not written in your law, I said, Ye are gods? 1 Corinthians 3:9 (Whole Chapter) For we are labourers together with God: ye are God's husbandry, y...
Posted by Sound Therapy on Sun, 24 Feb 2008 03:35:00 PST

Taste the music...

Taste the music, feel the colour Imagine a world where you feel sounds, taste music or see letters and numbers in colour. This may sound strange to most of us, but for synesthetes these perceptions ar...
Posted by Sound Therapy on Mon, 04 Feb 2008 07:29:00 PST

Civil Disobedience

"I heartily accept the motto, "That government is bestwhich governs least"; and I should like to see it acted upto more rapidly and systematically. Carried out, it finallyamounts to this, which also I...
Posted by Sound Therapy on Tue, 05 Feb 2008 08:37:00 PST

Theory of Perception

Posted by Sound Therapy on Thu, 31 Jan 2008 10:02:00 PST