Phillip Meshekey aka (Mi-she-kae) profile picture

Phillip Meshekey aka (Mi-she-kae)

Native....but not so amerikan!

About Me

"No matter who it offends type cleanse"-Poetree-
My name is.... not important, and if i told you it would be recognition extortion, ego’s constantly forcin good energy’s abortion, big headed thoughts shattered by humility’s porclin, humility lets one remain teachable, the impossible becomes the feasable, be reasonable- To me...Nowadays half-breeds generate just as much native spirit than"Indian pride", Then the blessed, Full blooded & beautifully brown eyed, Both need to strive to thrive, Be those Ghost Dance Warriors after that vision on a spotted horse, galloping in unison on a thunderstorm’s ride, Retied , like when wind, and fire collide, Tears of blood our Grandmothers cried, As our Grandfathers fought for earth and tribes- Treaty’s are suppost to be Laws, Flaws, their forked tongue interpretation, Just gave me more inspiration in the duration, To take a deep breath and be patient- Because every evil empire has its replacement- Life never begins or ends, Compromise is what the predator always recommends, so im native not american no matter who it offends, and i cant make ammends, unless i can coherently see through the third eye lense, your only as sick as your secret, and maybe you cant learn about your truth in some revolutionaries leaflet, Feather versus scale, earth childrens new uprising prevails, Roman world ran by all males, we cant be them and they cant be us, but we’re together and they’ll never leave us, do they really remember there jesus, that our minds, and not our fist can actually free us, can they really impose on how he’d actually treat us, they try and decieve us, strip us in boarding schools, re-program and teach us, we dont want your clinton shared vision, your draconian system, apology monopoly or technology, your figure eight psycology, your european genocidal policy- Perception pimps, they’ll whore your spirit till it quits, if you act like a piece to their puzzle, they’ll shave you down to it fits-Father sky meets mother earth, be good to each other and dont worry about who comes in first, i have this unquenched ravenous thirst, to un-cover corrupt state and church, I will carry on pontiacs legacy, Carry the sacred pipe no matter what agency- Start tracking and tracing me-If this kitchen gets too hot, then this isnt your spot- I remain enlightened, full torch- This soul enjoys learning more than sports & boats, Rather smoke the short pipe with Uncle on the front porch, Stories of migratory Sasquatch people moving back and forth, our encampments, and their calvarys forts, Now its "our"reservations(death camps), and their Casino resorts, Opposite way of Human Life is what the predator distorts, flips, and sorts, The same bad energy Fox News spins in its reports-The predator always takes without askin, they made up the laws of attraction, there isnt any laws when it comes to attraction, these machines exploit un natural action, reaction,"Weapons of mass distraction"only work if you fail to fuel your passion, failing isnt falling, failing isnt getting up, its being your own spirits dumptruck,mind control is a microscopic...topic, run by fear and not logic,if it became big they wouldent profit, our mind , they cant stop it,they wanna steal it and hog it,their instinct manipulation coaxin you in to sedation, will you help self , mother earth, or mason,contribute to their zombie led participation, its time for frequency purification, they bloodied our islands and wounded our knees, infected with fear....the ultimate disease, democracy...i mean class systems feeding,eating, reaping ,kids preaching commercials and not their reading, media mis-leading, survival of the fittest left us always competing, assigned seating, left too many races not eating, crying...weaping ,not knowing themselves and believing, their scripted meaning-Pressent or past tense, they took away our circle, and put up a fence,they got you right where they want you, dealin and wheelin their drugs, huntin each other packin their guns, they promote there pattented dope and demonize purple earth budz, Supply and demand, or do they demand a supply, we seem to follow these police, cable corrospondents and pastors, these crooked political roman bastards, these logo pushin slave masters, they put us in cages then we stab eachother with daggers, all the kids follow the same ol gangster rappers- I once had a nightmare about being incarcirated, when i came to, i was really incarcirated, the crazy NDN girls ive dated-" Its crazy how my love life goes, the last one damn near broke my nose, she threw out and cut up all my clothes, and slept with all my bro’s, but im as crazy as the ones ive chose- Its not your fault, sisters tryin to connect to mother through rubber and asphault- Woman always work on how they look rather than how they feel, their natural radience replaced by chemicals to conceal...conceal what, and how they forgot to feel- im sick of seing barly alive doped up stripper mommies, gettin there babys taken away from them in nazi sheriff lobbies- So today i call out the new world order, the minutemen blockin my brother the mesheeka(mexican) from crossin our border, we both speak a language other than our former-Homeland in-security, the not so "patriot act" ,every treaty & every his-story historical fact-The police state, state of mind or mind of state, we must reverse their ways at a fast rate- Tk realm and the behavorial science unit, the nazi corporations who pay to...create and use it- The Fbi, the Bia,Cia, the un-just court sytem, the Good cop bad cop democrats, and republicans,im calling down the air force and there barrium spraying jets leaving chemtrails,the bohemian grove , dickie georgy and carl Rove, the ones who really fear and loathe.... and al secret societies who generate this energy stealing system, we want our thoughts back, we miss them and they miss us, we knew the silent laughter was a sign we couldent trust, Since 1492 Blues battled Greys- Bedasiga=Light Shining Through “Sun Rays” Warms up even the coldest of “Bone Days” We have the same god, but our own ways!- & Like one the Prophet’s sons, love is my religion, Look what it has already given,energy driven, Helped inmates envision “Good” in prison, the enemy isnt any race or religion, its the evil that fuels ones dark mission, Love over hate and the disease is symptom, Of a predatory Imperialistic System- We always loved and prayed for our enemies... Play close attention, If the enemy is a disease, then we pray for medicine, Good thoughts and action is our final redemption, Mind, heart, and spirit(3 fires) is our only protection, To properly heal a festering infection Giving in to the chaos is what they’re expectin’- Lets not vote next election, As if 2000 wasn’t any sort of detection- White Buffalo’s medicine, Yellow, Red, Black, and White, mix them and Makes brown like the mexican. If we are all related, then im every dead human beings next of kin- Kids treated me the same on and off the Rez, Fight back only in self-defense, Grandmother says!- Be good to your sister & Brother, Have peace pipe in one hand, and tomahawk in the other- we understood the circle, so they created the big hurdle, disapearing aura was brite purple- I like the number Seven, like the Generation!- Ancient future, our death before recreation, It’s all the same relation- Love is all we can afford, hate’s to expensive, All the while Spirits attentive, Be good and spread love as a representative- Turtle Island Peackeeper, No chem.-trails, just reefer-be a light seeker, Earth Warriors, so Grandmother can breathe easier- Blood quantum congressional, City to rez housing residential, The Red hawk sentinel,will take out the snake on the pedastool- They killed our elderly, daughters & sons! What is truth?...I guess who ever witholds the most land and guns,or who can poisen who’s lungs,well, we are the ones! Rainbow warriors bangin the drums,and we are the ones, To disolve the Medicine Women being out respected by the Catholic Nuns- It’s our responsibility to link the hoop,to patiently ride out the loop. The peaceful Ambassadors that could fuse full blood ,and little blood into one troop-Stay calm even when the corporate goons begin to shoot- Stay away from their poisons like dope and liquor, Spiritually you will be 10 folds richer- Maybe Mother Earth does want to forgive-Maybe Medicine people beg her to let us live- Seek to Give,Seek the same Spirit of our Ancestors did- The heartbeat of a friends drum, the unity of one, So all the races of Earth can peacefully travel beyond to the lodge of the Sun, Earth Dance, Fall, stand, walk, then the place we originally come from..."7 stars, or locked behind bars, if we dont do something now , we will be slaving mars- can you find the middle to their galactic riddle, or are you too simple, your not, your really not, sometimes all we need is all we got, and all we got is all we need, to live think and breath, its not about winning or loosing, recieving or using, but looking in the mirror and choosing, and creating the answer your soul has been persuing-we are all indigenous to some where on the planet,and my people have only been indian for 515 years, before we we’re only people, humans, but who are we being, light energy leaving, as we fight over lifes meaning, the 60’s were a screening, the weining, revolutionary bleeding- Life never begins, or ends, not balance, but compromise is what the predator always reccomends, so im native not amerikan no matter who it offends! My no matter who it offends type cleanse!
- by Phillip Meshekey (turtle island) Waganakising(crooked tree) Odawa (to trade human being) Copyright 2008

Prayer at United Nations. San Francisco-2007

My Interests


Member Since: 11/30/2006
Band Website: "Mouth Horse music" at
Band Members:

PHillip Meshekey aka "Mishekae" means turtle. I am not a band, but a human being who likes to think & write, and also record these expressions in native hip hop or poetry forms. I guess you could say im a writer/poet/speaker/spoken word artist..... a crazy person in this so called "normal" society Lol. I am a self entity when it comes to music and "activism", part of no movements, but part of all movements! My band members consist of my personalities, and ancestors. I do spoken word with different featured artists, solo poetry readings, and public speaking on many issues, including workshops. Coming soon! is......"They bloodied our islandz, and wounded our kneez" I am the executive producer for an all native artist filled line up, a benefit album for the Pomo nation's very own Lucy Moore Foundation(LMF) based out of Robinson rancheria(rez) in clear lake California, by Clayton Duncan and family. Bloody island was a massacre site of over 400 hundred native people in 1850 by the calvary and local vigilantes, one of the many atrocities suffered by california natives, they survived the worst genocide ever(over 50 million killed), far out numbering any holocaust on Earth. The procedes will establish a base income for a cultural center on the island, but the island must be bought back from the current land theif, please help support the truth, and the healing time of a tribe human beings! The album featuring John Trudell & Quiltman, Annie Humphrey, Floyd Redcrow Westerman, Good Sheild, El Vuh, Tchiya Amet, Okimaskwesis, Buggin Malone, Red, Blackfire, and many more! You can book me to come to your community, or event for speaking engagements, Poetry readings, or for liason/advisory work at: [email protected]

Black panther Douglas Emory with 7th generation!

Trudell the Movie!!
John has been one of the most influentual human beings in my life; he has "Icktomi"(spider) medicine , a trickster has a sacred role, and shows us what not to do. Since he knows bad really well, and since we live in trickster times, it might be favorible for us to listen to the message! Below is a new interview, push the play button under the raven! ..


Gitchee Monitou-"The great spirit" and equally, our Ogashnan Aki-our MOTHER EARTH! Nokoomis Giizis aka La Luna aka Grandmother moon. All the monitous(spirits), Niiwiin Nikiiyaanan or known as the 4 directions, and the power and spirit of father sky, Grandfather Sun "Mishkoomis giizis" Miigwetch to Bedasiigaa, or the "light that shines through" or light beams, that medicine and my relatives. The sun that sets here at the western gate, in which i hold space for my family here, and back home in Michigan, our Tribe, Community, galaxy, unverse, My thoughts, OUR Thoughts! All of our relations, Anishnaabek(be) Kwe) ways, the children and elders globally. I come from the mishekae (turtle) clan of the Odawa people, which influences me greatly. The turtle emerged from the water with Earth on its back, providing a living place for all creatures between sky and water. We are a medium of communication, the emissary of beings of this world and time, beings of another world, and dimension of time. Turtle symbolizes thought given and thought received, and also represents clarity of communication between beings. I am Waganakising(crooked tree) Odawak (to trade people) of the great lakes, or little traverse bay. I am a human being to the western hemishere, i am Native, but not so american, to this place our ancestors actually called Turtle island. My father was from "Petoskey" or (Bedasiga)"light shines through" in northern Michigan, known as little traverse bay. My influences definetely consist of my many grandparents and parents, My human mother from up-state new york, my Alaskan "angel of sin" who i choose to walk beside, at times we stray from eachother, my daughters for who i do everything "Gaazaagin" my Brothers, and sisters, my neices and nephews, the 7th generation everywhere! One thing that really influences me, when a wombyn knows who she is, her beauty, her power, but doesnt hate the man in the process. The sacred plants, Sage(mashkodaeweshk), Cedar(Keeshiick),Sweetgrass(Wingush),Tobbacco(Semaa).The grandfather medicine (Peyote) and Grandmother medicine for balance (Jauna Mota). The wind, the WATER, mountains, trees, animals, and the little people who inspire our visions. The Maple syrup medicine, The rice medicine, everyone, thier thoughts and actions, good or bad, or should i say "responsable" or not. The Eagle and Condor now uniting, the 7 fires prophecy of the Midewiiwiin, and the 8th prophecy, or fire yet to be revealed. The person, spirit, or people i meet today, the dream we all weave, and all my enemies who give me strength, we are all brothers and sisters of earth, and we all share our father Sky, and our mother earth, and the spirits, because they control everything, and you conrol nothing....WE never close our eyes!

"Now they want us, to cry thier tears for them" - John Trudell

Sounds Like: "Nothing you've ever heard in this galaxy!" Phillip Meshekey "Mishekae" (turtle) an Waganakising(crooked tree) "Ottawa" Odawa (to trade) native from Northern Michigan, but grew up in northern California's "bay areas" mean streets. He has left the city to go back to the rez & woods, and then to travel all over his homeland of Turtle island , opposite of most natives. Mishekae is a mix between native hip hop, and spoken, or "BSP"BrightStarPoetree(Writing, poetry) New project on the way with Good Sheild of "7th generation rise" He is a speaker first of dreams, a speaker of his personalities, and music is secound with "MOUTHHORSE"music (record company) has fused his ex-gangsta but now "Indigenous Hip Hop" and poetree with traditional Native not "American" chants. With Earth & galactic history not known, or authentisized previously by Westerner's. He has left the Hyphy, and gangsta rap world for more prosperous movements. His lyric's seem to be a constant battle with good and evil, humility on top of humility, and seems to spark something abruptly positive in reluctant spiritualist's. He said he acts in a "Evolutionary way!".....meaning he has a number of talent's, but really, he just considers him self just a human being! "The constant movement within the wheel of life is essential for handling spiritual tasks and business on earth & abroad" He state's that he is like a walking stick; going where ever his people need him. "Like an Eagle stare's at a encroaching intruder".....he refers to his music & as "strange" He has shared the stage with many talented artists: John Trudell Quiltman & bad dog, Winona Laduke, Fred Hampton Jr, The Coup, Julian Marley,Natural vibrations, Junior Reid, Blackfire, Irene Bedard, Floyd Redcrow Westerman, Oren Lyons, and many more!-MOUTH HORSE MUSIC-, staff writer.2007
Record Label: Mouth Horse Music 2008-
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

Migwetch to our ancestors who died, so you could live!

Time to get serious, this history hijacked from HERstory is our truth, our medicine dose, as in the first step to healing. It will take alot to become sustainable communities again,that bein...
Posted by Phillip Meshekey aka (Mi-she-kae) on Mon, 20 Oct 2008 10:28:00 PST

How can i stay mad

"How can i stay mad"if nothing is good and nothing is badfocusing on what ive got, and not what ive hadIve learned to forgive myself quickly, and purelyfor the ones who given up on themselves too earl...
Posted by Phillip Meshekey aka (Mi-she-kae) on Tue, 07 Oct 2008 08:22:00 PST

She was a poet, and dident even know it

Your a poet...and dident even know itnow you show it it show you nowwhat to communicate,and what not toyou have looked into a thirsty miror,and you has tought youdrinking deeply from your earths red s...
Posted by Phillip Meshekey aka (Mi-she-kae) on Fri, 10 Oct 2008 01:09:00 PST

Bear that stands for his people!

(un-finished) ruff draft!   Mankulantu...aka Bear that stands for his people It is known that if a bear is standing, he is ready for war, or action if he is on all fours, he is teaching a le...
Posted by Phillip Meshekey aka (Mi-she-kae) on Thu, 21 Aug 2008 03:00:00 PST

Where's the Native in all of this?

I dident know that...... never saying hello, or later taking never asking taking and never giving claiming protection of your wombyn then thinking they are less in private re-living yesterday and not ...
Posted by Phillip Meshekey aka (Mi-she-kae) on Fri, 03 Oct 2008 02:07:00 PST

Thunderbird, heyoka, & trickster medicine.

Thunderbird and Heyoka, the Sacred Clown NOTE: (this information is not the whole story of these beings, or ways) It was known among the Dakota, or Lakota and other tribes that if you had a dream...
Posted by Phillip Meshekey aka (Mi-she-kae) on Sun, 21 Sep 2008 12:33:00 PST

Inward i spiraled....outward i cycled!

Through the power of respect, imagination, and patiencehelps create confirmations in our daily affirmationshelping all of our relationsto remember the wisdom of ancient star constelationstraveling to ...
Posted by Phillip Meshekey aka (Mi-she-kae) on Thu, 18 Sep 2008 06:06:00 PST

Political prisoners, as in voters!

America, you have proven our point as the original inhabitants of this stolen island exactly, this nation is beating itself delirious with its illusions, lies, and robotic like movement...
Posted by Phillip Meshekey aka (Mi-she-kae) on Wed, 27 Aug 2008 04:10:00 PST

Flower of the dawn

Xochitlahuia -flower, or the dawn He was Turtle island, she Aztlanreflection of an ancient ceromony & songinstantly forming this through out the ages type bondthe light shines through, but the dar...
Posted by Phillip Meshekey aka (Mi-she-kae) on Tue, 19 Aug 2008 03:10:00 PST

Smile or cry!

Teach our children respect, not  reverse racism, or hate it isnt too catcht up to the Mayan calendar date to our ancient future future is ancient we are replacement while spirits...
Posted by Phillip Meshekey aka (Mi-she-kae) on Sat, 16 Aug 2008 02:35:00 PST