aRte~muSikA~CulTuRa~ViDA~amoR~RebEL~uZioN~GenTe~mADre TiERRa!! ~oPEn YouR EyeZ And feeL~
~ReAL Down ASs people!!! ~oAxaCA~EsTamoS ConTiGo~
...........RoOTs MuSiK~;)
Stay tunEd!
iNDepenDent FilmS,FoRiEgn,HorroR,Comedy,SpEciAl Intrest,SunDance FilMS.....Gay FilMS......haha;)
MAy 1st los angeles Da poliCe StriKe Again!!! ~freeDom?of speech?yEah FuCK~N~right!!! ~opRessiON~WAKE~UP!!!peoplE!!! i lIke how They DisRespect OuR DAnZA BroThers and sisters in The middle oF the ACestral cEremoNial DanCe~!~!FuCkErs!! they pRoVokEd The CommuniTy!
~The Zapatista Reader~tom HayDen ~An AutobioGrapHy Angela DaViS~ ~The SerpentiNe HighWay~AlFred Howard~ ~The AwaKeninG Of inTellIgenCe~j.kriShNamuRti ~Lost Kingdom Of the mayA~NatioNal GeoGrapHic sociEty~ ~DesiGn MoTifs Of AnCiEnT Mexico~JoRGe EnCiSo~ The Wisdom Of GanDhi~SpiRiTs Of the Earth~bobby LAkE-Thom ~mExiCo From The OlmEcs To The Aztecs~MiChaEl D. CoE ~The art Of MeSoAmErICa~MAry ellen MillER~ ~We are EveryWhere~The iRResisTibLe RiSe Of GLoBal anTiCapiTaliSm~Notes From NoWhEre~ ~meXiCan And CenTral AmEriCan MyThoLogy~iRene NicholSon ~occupiEd AmEriCa~a History Of ChiCanoS~RoDolFo ACunA~ WIsDom of the maya~An OraClE KnoWLedge For toDay~Dr.RonAld L.BoNewitz
Comandante Ramona,DoloRes HuErta,EmiLAno ZapaTa,PAnCho ViLLA,BOB mARlEy,MARCOS,ChE,CESAr ChaVeZ,Manu ChAo,FriDa,SiQuEriOS,Dali,Diego,M.C. eshEr,gAnDhi,MLK,AnGela Davis!!!! ~ReBEl~UzioN UpRiSe!!!~~UNA~AmoR~