SOL COllective is closed due to fire..We are looking for -Artist to display work in our monthly exhibitions- -Musicians, bands, Mc's, poets,dancers,cultural groups etc who would be interested in perforMing- -Merchandise (independant clothing designs, jewelery,cd's,artwork etc..) to sell in our urBan mercAdO retail space- -Volunteers who live in the Sacramento & outlining area who are dOwn to Put iN worK in eXchaNge for cOmmuniTy lOve....
Sadness Current mood: sadAs a collective, we each gave our community everything we had. We gave without expecting anything in return. Our doors were opened for the sake of youth. To them, we passed on our knowledge of art, design, photography, music production, activism and social justice. We hosted events to expose the community to cultural events and experiences most never knew existed. We hosted events for the sake of art, not the dollar. We embraced a community the city tried to push out. We gave our cultures a stage for expression. Together, we turned 2010 Del Paso into one of the most amazing and unique organizations around. We feel blessed to have witnessed all the events that took place within these walls. Some of the most amazing artists have blessed us with their visions of creativity and passion. We may not have changed the world but we gave many a glimpse of what could be.As an artist, I am proud that I was a part of such an amazing place. A piece of me has gone missing. I am overrwhelmed with sadness as the place I called home lay in ruins.Thank you to my fellow collective brothers and sisters. I will never forget our experiences we have had together.Gabriel Romo (hERMANO)
worLd-Hip Hop,Reggae,ReggatoN,sAlsa, cumbiAs,NeO sOuL,BaNda,sOca,BhAngrA,SKA,aFrO beAt, traditiOnal & contemPorarY Cultural music: Send your info, website,links,etc to [email protected]
We are always looking for indepenant films/video to screen in our venue... *****Check Out******
KiDs-tUrn tHaT isH oFF! Sol Collective offers FREE YOUth Classes (ages 12-20) every Monday SoL program: 4:30-6:30- Hip Hop Dance, Dj'ing,Theater,Guitar,advanced acrylic painting Tuesdays Da' HustLe-Silkscreening,clothes design,mural painting Mon & TuesdaYs: cOmmunIty Love- youth leadership and devLOpmenT through community actiOn projects
sOl CoLLective LOVES BOOKS!! Help us bUild a Book & multimedia Library for our YOuth cLasses! Please Donate bOoks, cds. dvds subject area: activism,cultural,history,revolutionary,music etc... Big Ups To Jesse Hutchinson for hooking up a hip hop history music anthology to be used for our music class!! mY bOOk seleCTiOn gOt erASed, bUt whAt yOU kNoW abOUT ?????
mY mAmA and my AncEstors and all divine enerGY that inhabits the earTh,cHe GueVara, PaulO FreIre, BuddHa,frida KahlO,BlaCk PanThers, YOunG Lords,Ella Baker,GahndI,Bob MarleY, CurTis Mayfield,OSHO,pueBlo de CuBA,mS. StaR zeHarI & her papa, the Jacobs-Fantauzzi crew(all ya'll!:), LibErTad familY Cali & NY,OgBedi, mR. ParMar..:) and all tHe peoPle who use theIr LigHT and enerGY to creaTe posItvE change----mUch LoVe & reSpecT-----