mUsIc, TrAvelIng, CommunIty actIvisM, edUcatIoN
gOOd peOple whO wanT tO bUild AND thIs dUeD!:) :) :) baby girL is grOwin' up.... firsT timE out in a yeAr!
rEggaE, SKa, HiP hoP, wOrLd beAts
iNvenTos: hIp hOP cubanO-, home grOwn: hip hOp in Ghana is coMing sOON! peeP the websIte... -RocKerS -Lachto Drom -La Haine aka HATE -KirikOu -RiZe -cIty Of gOds
f**K TeLevisiOn, it'S sucH a diStracTIOn frOm reAliTY.....
anYthIng by OshO, KabbalaH, the BibLe-the Oxford sTudY editIOn-interestIng nOtes & commentary in it, PoPul Vuh, OsuN acrOss waters,100 years of solitUde, The ProPheT,Ceremony,World Politics-treNds & transformatiOn text, KarMa sUtra-verY interesTing commenTary on socIal attitudes & human relatioNships, fOr reAL!To sPeak the Truth-compilation of fidel & Che speecHes, oH, compilatIOn of His Majesty Haile Selassie I's speeches-he had such a profOund undersTanding of historical and future worLd politics, aLways rUnning,I-ChinG- If YOu wAnt rule yOUr Own desTinY-Tao Te chinG.....wOrk in Progress...Im TryIng bE likE mY bOY bEN, HeLLa sMarT mAnG!
mY maMa. mY granDmas CarMeN, MariA, & LuZ, sTar-ZeHarI aLmA. aNand. OSHO.lOliTa leBrOn the sTunner-GunNer, mr. MarLeY,PauLo FreIrE, osHUN y sHanGO!