estella profile picture


maKing ThanGs ManiFesT!

About Me

Ya'LL knOw hOw I dO! LIvin tHis Life, triPPinG,Often slIppInG, in aNd Out of new VisiOns, I manIfesT mY reAliTY, I be a broWn chIld frOm my Mama'S wOmB, she sendS bLessIngs frOm her tOmB,mY ancesTors be PyraMid bUilders and agriculturAl fieLd tIlLLers,I'M jusT walKing the path, The anCestors gUidE,hIgh OFf this ThinG theY caLL jaH LigHT, iT'S mY lIfe,mY lIfe, mY lIfe in tHe sTar LIgHT.....

My Interests

mUsIc, TrAvelIng, CommunIty actIvisM, edUcatIoN

I'd like to meet:

gOOd peOple whO wanT tO bUild AND thIs dUeD!:) :) :) baby girL is grOwin' up.... firsT timE out in a yeAr!


rEggaE, SKa, HiP hoP, wOrLd beAts


iNvenTos: hIp hOP cubanO-, home grOwn: hip hOp in Ghana is coMing sOON! peeP the websIte... -RocKerS -Lachto Drom -La Haine aka HATE -KirikOu -RiZe -cIty Of gOds


f**K TeLevisiOn, it'S sucH a diStracTIOn frOm reAliTY.....


anYthIng by OshO, KabbalaH, the BibLe-the Oxford sTudY editIOn-interestIng nOtes & commentary in it, PoPul Vuh, OsuN acrOss waters,100 years of solitUde, The ProPheT,Ceremony,World Politics-treNds & transformatiOn text, KarMa sUtra-verY interesTing commenTary on socIal attitudes & human relatioNships, fOr reAL!To sPeak the Truth-compilation of fidel & Che speecHes, oH, compilatIOn of His Majesty Haile Selassie I's speeches-he had such a profOund undersTanding of historical and future worLd politics, aLways rUnning,I-ChinG- If YOu wAnt rule yOUr Own desTinY-Tao Te chinG.....wOrk in Progress...Im TryIng bE likE mY bOY bEN, HeLLa sMarT mAnG!


mY maMa. mY granDmas CarMeN, MariA, & LuZ, sTar-ZeHarI aLmA. aNand. OSHO.lOliTa leBrOn the sTunner-GunNer, mr. MarLeY,PauLo FreIrE, osHUN y sHanGO!

My Blog

sHe's a GirL!~!!!!!

sO...........fOr all the famIlia who i love.....anAnd and I are haVing a girL!!!! we were really Surprised! we both thoUght it was a boY! but nO jusT a strong queeN represEntIn'! Ms. Krishna-Citlalli ...
Posted by estella on Mon, 05 Feb 2007 06:53:00 PST

jOb.3, prOjecT 175 oN mY Life's to dO lisT

Posted by estella on Tue, 11 Apr 2006 02:28:00 PST