May: Veni Vidi Vici, Juxtapoz Issue Release Party. Pacific Art Collective, Club 6. May 10th. San Francisco, CA, USA.........................................................
May: The Soda Gallery. "Manipulations" Featured Artist. May 17th - June 22th. Reception May 17th. 408 N Bishop Ave. Dallas, Texas, USA
June: Side Show Studios. "Bringing Urban In". June 13th - July 10th. 5635 Freeport Blvd Suite 6. Sacramento, California, USA.........................................................
July: Ver(A)rt Gallery/ The Vera Project. Jorge Catoni & KD Matheson, "Xeno-Morphosis". July 3rd to July 31th. Corner of Warren & Republican Ave. Seattle, WA, USA.........................................................
July: MTZ Contemporary. "BI-POLAR" KD Matheson & Jorge Catoni. Reception First Friday July 4th, 6pm to 10pm. Commerce Street Studios, 1551 S. Commerce St. Las Vegas, USA.........................................................
July: STRIPART 2008. Centro CÃvico Guinardó. July 4th - July 11th. Horta Guinardó, Barcelona, Spain.......................................................
July: Brick House Gallery. Curious band of artists/Group show extravaganza, July 12th - August 8th. Reception July 12th, 6pm to 8pm. 36th & broadway. Sacramento, CA, USA.........................................................
July: Pinkard Gallery. (Maryland Institute College of Art). Artscape 2008, Penned Exhibition. July 17th - July 20th. Baltimore, Maryland, USA
July: Art Ark Gallery/Pacific Art Collective. "Art Peace". July - August. Reception July 19th. San José, California, USA
July: Galeria Trafixxx. "The Chilean Paint...Paint is dead". July 30th, 7:30pm. San Isidro 512(esquina Sta Isabel). Santiago, Chile.......................................................
Sept: Cafe Magdalena. Solo Exhibition, Sept - Oct. Las Urbinas 27, Local 39-40. Drugstore Providencia, Santiago, Chile.......................................................
Nov: Le Petit Mignon/Staalplaat Store. "Solo Exhibition". Nov 15th - December(?). Torstr 68, 10119. Berlin, Germany ............................................................
Nov: Biblioteca de Santiago/Sala +18. "Más que oferta, mas que demanda, un estado de sobrevivencia". Matucana 151, Santiago, Chile ............................................................
December: The Gallery. "Bedtime Stories". Dec 6th - Dec 20th. 1188 Glenwood Ave. Atlanta, Georgia, USA
ARTIST STATEMENT - Within the improvisation and the gesture, the quickness and the imperfection to go off on the land.
Where visual disorder, like audacious melodies gush without fear, like a battle shield within a supposed
reality. In society without time for observation, analyses, contemplation, audition and a new inaudible scream pseudo-instrument invades our brain, with rejected information where predictability is part of the routine and innate boredom is a way of escape. What is seen and heard is not what it seems nor does it pretend to be. Within the precarious and the technological, in the chaos and the calm, in the scarce and the
abundant, the positive and the negative, in infancy and maturity, that is how I pass................................
Entre la improvisación y el gesto, la rapidez y la imperfección en ese terreno se transcurre, Donde el desorden visual asà como las descompuestas melodÃas brotan sin temor como escudo de batalla dentro de esta supuesta realidad, en sociedad sin tiempo de observación/ análisis/ contemplación/ audición y un nuevo inexcuchable grito seudo instrumental que golpea nuestro invadido cerebro de información desechable, donde lo predecible es parte de rutina y el encarnado aburrimiento es la vÃa de escape, asà como lo que se ve y se escucha no es lo que parece ni pretende ser. Entre lo precario y lo tecnológico, el caos y la calma, lo escaso y lo abundante, lo positivo y negativo, la infancia y la madurez, asà se transcurre.....transcurro...................................
[email protected]...............
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