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built to expose

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About Me

A travelling art exhibition of more than 80 skateboards made by over 70 of the best artists from belgium and the netherlands. Tattoo artists, painters, muscicians, graphic designers, cartoonists, skateboarders, etc, etc. 60 totally different expressions of underground art that all started out from the same shape, the shape of a skateboard.After Amsterdam (Art Beat at the Post CS building, the Cantine, the Jam), Huizen (Huizer museum), Antwerp (club Petrol, Fish 'n Chips), Berlin (Spirit of Fashion tradeshow), Rotterdam (Shipwreck gallery and tattoos) the exhibition will now be going to Groningen; the last three days of the guerilla Blend store!

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My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Contributing artists:
Angelique, Erik Kriek, Typex, Leslie Reesen, Martin-Jan v. Santen, Hein de Kort, Def P, Yildiz Celie, Rob Admiraal, Vince, Experimental Jetset, Ali, Sjaak Kooij, Paul Rosenberg, Mo Badrane, Jeroen Smeets, Matto le D, Dzia - Dzia, Claudia Hek, Hoving, Eelco van den Berg, Roy San, Babette Jong, Chrisis, Jurriaan Rexwinkel, Jan-Paul Jansen, Stella, Jurriaan Torsius, Martijn Smulders, Guido, David Hornbeck, Edu Kisman, Amadai, Sven!!, JesseR, Mounia Kalai, Femke Hiemstra, Shamrock, Peter Pontiac, Lucas, Wilke Heijnen, Dan-Vi Pham, Paul verbraak, Luuk Bode, Chris Slacker, Kaj Niemeijer, Goof, Roel Smit, Hans van Dorssen, Ronald Korbe, Joram Roukes, Roddy Mac Mahon, Jean, Raphael, Stijn Claikens


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My Blog

Mad Science Tattoo & Art

Tattoos, art, skateboards, cleaning my house and a major hang-over; certainly not a bad sunday!Sunday june 10, I wake up after less than 5 hours of sleep in a house in a state of total chaos. Earlier ...
Posted by built to expose on Mon, 11 Jun 2007 12:03:00 PST

our visit to berlin.....

In january I was invited to bring the exhibition to berlin. So I loaded everything into a van and me and my girlfriend Liz drove into germany. Built to Destroy skateboards team manager Ramoen and his ...
Posted by built to expose on Wed, 11 Apr 2007 01:26:00 PST

Built to Expose in Bitterzoet, Amsterdam!!!

Another chance to see a selection of the art from Built to Expose in Amsterdam. On February the 3rd Toy Machine and Emerica are organizing a party in Bitterzoet in Amsterdam. It's an afterparty for th...
Posted by built to expose on Fri, 29 Dec 2006 08:29:00 PST

Talent Speaks!

Hi everyoneBuilt to Expose was chosen to be featured on the Talentspeaks.com, a blog discussing self-promotional opportunities for talent in the arts and entertainment industries. Check it out!Talent ...
Posted by built to expose on Wed, 20 Dec 2006 11:13:00 PST