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PLEASE NOTE before you read further: If you subscribe to racism and bigotry, do not reach to ring my doorbell as solicitors of ignorance are not welcome here. Now that that is out of the way...I...
engage in all that is the Arts & Humanities;
collect vintage goods and Gucci gear;
adore salty air and saltier water;
am a patron of the spas;
drink dirty martinis on Friday nights and wheat grass on Saturday mornings; am often found collaborating with Senior Citizens and debating with an eleven year old Drama Queen;
attend both punk rock shows and philanthropic fundraisers;
worked in Cities of Asylum and for Institutes that heal;
believe in Karmic Catholicism so I say my Om's and Hail Mary's;
find solace on a sticky blue mat;
am a better student when I teach what I know;
am number seven of eight (thanks to Irish birth control);
appreciate intelligent women who honor their inner-bimbo and bimbos who are emotionally intelligent;
have a fondness for girls who wear garters and respect for girls who wear quads; like culture, subculture, car kulture, haute couture;
am an addict to everything chocolate;
flirt with the idea of walking away from everything except what I gave birth to; practice life with an open heart and an open mind; am not always politically correct but always live with a social conscience;
am directionally challenged to the point of needing intervention (I average at least 3 U-turns a day) and so I fare better walking although I am a walking contradiction with a tendency for bumping into walls (metaphoric and real ones), and I'm in love, I'm in lust, and I'm in it for the rest of this lifetime with my man...