Let's just say this... I'm someone worth knowing. I have anxiety and panic disorder, so if you or someone you know is dealing with it and needs to chat, I’m here! I am also extremely self concious about my smile.. which I am slowly going through the Invisilign process to perfect it. On a lighter note.. I have a mild obsession with cars, mainly hot rods. I love dogs and puppies, especially Nitro, Cash & Primer (our Pugs). I am not lady-like at times (at least that is what my mother says), I burp frequently, and I even fart too.. Oh yeah and my sh*t does stink... even though I dont like to admit it. I am not perfect, just human. I think too much time at the shop and an older brother helped contribute. If you are totally turned off by this, oh well.... you can't tell me that those "picture perfect" girls don't do the same thing, they just don't talk about it.
Lastly, I have a handful of good, QUALITY friends, the kind that don’t make you compromise who you are and for that I am truly thankful! I also want to apologize for any friends that I have created over the years that I have recently neglected and to those friends that I have made but have not met yet. Believe it or not, it's not you.. it's a smile thing.