I nventos -- Something from Nothing
Film Captures Flavor of Cuban Hip Hop
YO! Youth Outlook, Apr 25, 2006
Eli Jacobs Fantauzzi is the man behind this intimate look at Cuban Hip Hop culture.
YO!TV chops it up with Eli about family, revolution and Cuba. More »--INTERVIEW FOR THE MONTEREY HERALD--
(Just click on image to view)
Inventos MIXTAPE is out NOW!!! if you an't got it, go get it!
inventos, i of MOTION us of MOVEMENT, Agent Orange, Barely Audible ..
www.ClenchedFistProductions.com (check out the new update)
CLENCHED FIST PRODUCTIONS In associations with BORIQUEN LIBRE Presents 'INVENTOS: HIP HOP CUBANO' A Hip Hop Documentary Featuring EPG&B ANONIMO CONSEJO ORISHAS TONY TOUCH and DEAD PREZ Additional Cuts and Mix down by DJ ICEWATER Original Music By YOHIMBE J SAMPSON Edited By ELI JACOBS-FANTUAZZI Exectuive Producer KAHLIL JACOBS-FANTUAZZI Produced and Directed by ELI JACOBS-FANTUAZZIBest Student Film: Denver Pan-African Film Festival
Best Documentary Film: Cine Las Americas
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