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Use Myspace for GOOD, not EVIL!

About Me

I drink a lot. I curse too much. I say no to drugs.
..Links to my old blogs! Check it out:
Naked and Betrayed
Pre/Post ATL
Tragedy, Friendship, and The Injustices of The Opposite Sex
I Dream of Martini
Last Weekend
A Blog For Blog's Sake
Life Mysteries Revealed, Pt. I
Hermit Aspirations
Any Man With A Microphone Can Tell You What He Loves The Most
Chuc Mung Nam Moi, Hollaaaa!
Insomniac Censured Recap
Practice Safe Text Sex
If the silence takes you, then I hope it takes me too
Party and Bullshit
California Stream of Consciousness
This is a long ass recap...
Blogging Under the Influence
It's All Relative
How are things on the Fresh Coast?
Saturday Nights All Right
Life, The Universe, and Everything
Huong Thu
Everyone looks good in dim lighting...
Real Quick
Everyday With Rachel Ray November 2007
HBO is the new Chloe
Baby, It's Cold Outside (REPOST)
Back In North America
Pre-Vacation Weekly Rewind
Seasonal Psychosis
Monday Ramblings
Sho Nuff
Last Night. She said.
Make It Fit
Another Day Another Dollar
Weekly Rewind
The Opposite of Fabulous
This Is Not A Test
My life is nice...
Another Plan C bites the dust
Girl Talk
Notes on yesterday, 07/14/2007
Fight or Flight
Week 53
Me Love You Long Time
Happy Father's Day
This is crap and I wrote it in three minutes...
Racking up the frequent flyer miles...
So I'm a Black Panther now
Home Brooklyn
Heck Yeah, Fool!
Greetings From Sacramento!
JFK and Mom's Bday
Ramble On
120 BPM
I lost my coat!
Ramona Vs. Satan
MLK and Pop's Bday
Rebel Yell
New York Story
I Heart NY
Dear Plan C
Westside Story-A Very Quick Recap of My Cali Trip
Missed Connection with 17 Year Old Spanish Kid on the D Train
Week 12
Everything Sucks AKA Misery Loves Company
Baby, It's Cold Outside
Porn Exchange Program
More Random Stuff
Microwave-less In The City
Mandy. Choose Your Own Adventure
More Random Updates. This is deep stuff, y'all. Not for everyone.
Brief 4AM New York Update
Lifestyles of The Potentially Homeless
I'm a grown ass woman, Dawg...
Garage Sale Porn
Random Shit or Insight into Girl with ADD or Don't Be Mad That You Don't Get These Inside Jokes
Freakin' Toothpaste
Moms, Pops, Coco, Thuy, and Indian
Hey Kid...
Damn you, City of Oakland! Damn you!!!
Fortune Cookies, Korean Dry Cleaners, and Taking Risks
Salsa As A Means of Re-Affirming Fabulousness
If you see my homeless peeps...
So I still find Myspace strangely fascinating, and appalling at the same time. My 13 year old nephew put me on to it (he's Super Wonton-love you Jonny!) and despite the potential for PURE EVIL, it's a fabulous way to catch up with old friends, stay in touch, and stalk people.
Moms and Pops
Moms, Pops, Coco, Thuy, and Indian
Moms is this fierce, proud Vietnamese woman. The opposite of dainty, she stands tall at 5'7" and can really knock a muthafucka out. Although she doesn't bust out her moves anymore, it is rumored that she has mastered several different forms of martial art. She can beat up ten men with two chopsticks. She can eat ten pies in ten days and still maintain her figure. She is immortal, despite her tendency to watch the health channel and claim to have symptoms of every disease mentioned. Recent self-diagnoses include SARS, West Nile, and bird flu. This has become a source of amusement for me, as it's not unusual for members of our family to reach triple digits, agewise. Moms has got connections in 'Nam, Hong Kong, and Sydney, and gives orders to her two best henchmen via carrier pigeon. She calls her henchmen Right Hand and Left Hand. She's a stealthy little minx and I believe those skills have helped her to become a better Ninja. They used to call her High Pockets.
Pops is an old school cat with an appreciation for jazz, literature, dark beer, and Led Zeppelin. His heart belongs to Moms and New York City. He thinks Brazil is beautiful. He will always beat you at Jeopardy. He will always be available to discuss Mozart, the Musuem of Modern Art, and time travel with you. He will always welcome an opportunity to tell Right Wing Idiots to eat shit. He will NOT, however, be able to help you with your Trig homework. He does not use spell check, which angers me to great extent.
It's been said that Coco was born on a full moon. He is the leader of a slightly fictitious rap group called Philly Condo. He'd prefer that you call him V.C. Charlie during their performances. He's an easy going fellow that drinks what's on tap. His sense of humor parallels his sister, SNL in the 80's, Cheech, and The Man. You will find that you often do not understand the jokes between him and his sister, or Philly Condo. You may become upset and slightly annoyed when this happens. Coco has a pattern of falling in love fast and hard, but that is changing due to the theraputic effects of Blackjack, Booze, and Brunettes. The secret to his success lies in his strict diet of scrambled eggs and pizza. He always knows what song you're talking about. While his taste in music is broad and quite spectacular, his political views are almost blasphemous.
Thuy has a patient ear and a sharp tongue. She gives advice but can talk you out of your own shoes. She has mastered the Jedi Mind Trick. You will look into her eyes and do exactly as she tells you. She knows football better than me, you, and everyone. She was a Con Artist in her previous life, as well as a direct descendent of Ghangis Khan.
Moi? I am known by the name of Indian in priveleged, exclusive circles. Those that know the source of this name shall consider it an honor. I don't eat anything that swims. I enjoy broccoli, the color pink, and the word VICARIOUSLY. People are often amazed and somewhat saddened by my extensive knowledge of movie trivia. I love Emma, my boyfriend, and my all girl band, among other things. My all girl band is called Everybody Needs a Nemesis. You may NOT shorten it and just say Nemesis. Chela Picante does the lead vocals on our greatest hits album. My super powers include x-ray vision and the ability to forget what you were just talking about. Please do not ask me to use these powers unless you know me by the name of Indian. If you do not know me by the name of Indian, I may just demonstrate only one of my super powers. I have a tendency to scoff at stupid people, as well as a tendency to write blogs that don't make much sense at 3 in the morning.

My Interests

I Love Wonton!!! My nephew Jonny is so cool it's ridiculous...

I wanna publish zines and rage against machines...

Things I'm diggin' right now: quirky swag, Ketel One, Fly kicks, dancing with an entourage

Things I'm not diggin' so much: Texting under the influence

Things I miss: Carbohydrates, Che Guevara With Bling On

I'd like to meet:

ADD ADHD GROUP FORMING!There is a new group forming for people with attention defici HEY LETS GO RIDE BIKES!

The Ranch representin' at MOMA???!!! That's wassup...

Gotta love the Broseph, Coco AKA VC Charlie

No need to go to Barnes and Noble when there are always free books in Park Slope. I love me some Brooklyn, yo...


Don't put your life in the hands
of a Rock N Roll band

I love all kinds of music, especially Rock/Alternative and Hip Hop. Heavy rotation in my CD player right NOW: Broken Social Scene, Grand National, SILVERSUN PICKUPS, Nas (Illmatic), The Shins, Kasabian (yeah, still), Michael Jackson (dark skinned), The Strokes, The Cool Kids, David Bowie/Ziggy Stardust, Nine Black Alps, Buena Vista Social Club, Ibrahim Ferrer, Tribe Called Quest, Led Zep, Interpol, The Beatles (Post-LSD), Doves, and ooohhhh ahhhh Jay Z...My relationship with hip hop has been a little shaky, we have both changed over the years and I was afraid we'd drifted apart. We're cool now, but we mostly just party together. You never forget your first love! Somebody get me back with hip hop please???


I am such a nerd when it comes to movies. It's so hard to list my favorites, but my favorite scene is the duel scene from The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly. If you've seen it you know what I'm talking about. Absolutely perfect timing! And the wide landscape angles, the choreography, the photograpy-keeps you on the edge of your seat without any dialogue! Perfection! Sergio Leone is a genius. And now I think Clint Eastwood is my favorite director.
Love Heathers, Raising Victor Vargas, All About Eve, Shawshank, The Last Dragon, anything Quentin Tarantino, Pre-1999 John Cusack movies, 25th Hour, Donnie Darko, Ferris Bueller, Boy with The Golden Arms...I could go on and on. Love the gangsta mob movies too, but it's become so cliche with our generation! I mean, was Scarface really that great? And The Usual Suspects was cool, but ask someone to describe the plot. The only thing you can remember is Kaiser Soze. Right now, trying to catch up on the classics -Casablanca, Breakfast at Tiffanys, etc via Netflix.


Don't knock TV, it's a valid form of art! Love Buffy the Vampire Slayer (great dialogue, and who else can pull off using monsters and demons to parallel teen angst bullshit?), CSI, Nip/Tuck (even though it's getting a little hyphy), Lost, Chapelle Show, Entourage, The Office, Ab Fab, Degrassi, STRANGERS WITH CANDY, Curb Your Enthusiam, 6 Feet Under, Golden Girls is f*cking hilarious...I talk shit about Reality Shows and MTV, but they still manage to kill my brain cells pretty often. Watching ANTM with Tha Gang kicks ass.


Flowers in the Attic.Just kidding!


Your mom

My Blog

120 bpm Part Deux

I can't be the only girl that constantly runs on three hours of sleep and a mild hangover.    I'd like to blame it on a myriad of social obligations.  Nikkisha was in town th...
Posted by ramona on Thu, 09 Oct 2008 07:15:00 PST


Went out last night, had at least five vodka tonics and absolutely no food, woke up laying next to an egg sandwich.  If you saw me, please excuse all erratic behavior and dismiss any inappropriat...
Posted by ramona on Wed, 01 Oct 2008 10:16:00 PST

Im gonna move to Argentina and smoke crack

...well, the crack thing, not so much. But I did wake up on Saturday with a strange urge to try cocaine. I didn't act on it, but perhaps in the not-so-near future I'll try it. I keep thinking of that ...
Posted by ramona on Wed, 17 Sep 2008 04:15:00 PST

Nor Cal Recap

I left for Cali without a gameplan. I knew I'd arrive on Tuesday at around noon, with no agenda for the day and no one to pick me up from the airport. I sent out a few strategic text messages before t...
Posted by ramona on Thu, 04 Sep 2008 10:55:00 PST

My So Called Love Life

Writing this from Moms house in California. More on that later. How do I sum up how my summer has been going in a few short paragraphs? Lots of free concerts in the Park. Dancing. Block Parties. Flea...
Posted by ramona on Fri, 15 Aug 2008 10:37:00 PST

On Black Girls Ruling

  Every year TRACE magazine does a Black Girls Rule issue that I absolutely adore. If you had the privelege of entering my bedroom during my first year in New York, you'd know I had the 2006 iss...
Posted by ramona on Thu, 07 Aug 2008 09:00:00 PST

On Oprah, Unintentional Stalking, and Being a Good Person

So if you read my last blog, you know that I have this new crush and that I kinda struck out on making a first impression. I'm a little bummed by that. I think I'll have a better shot getting by on my...
Posted by ramona on Fri, 27 Jun 2008 03:26:00 PST

Naked and Betrayed

A while ago, Kimmie and I were at Chuck's house hanging out and watching cable on his big screen TV. We're scrolling through the channels and land on some soft porn action on Cinemax. The title of the...
Posted by ramona on Fri, 20 Jun 2008 02:26:00 PST


There are whole chunks of my adolescent life that I can barely remember or understand. 1999 was the year I moved out of my parents' house, but I remember it as being more significant in reference to...
Posted by ramona on Tue, 20 May 2008 10:35:00 PST

Pre/Post ATL

Every once in a while, a friend of mine will start our conversation with the following phrase,   "I have a confession!"   So with her permission, let me share this NC-17 rated story wit...
Posted by ramona on Sun, 18 May 2008 10:12:00 PST