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Brings Plenty

Brings Plenty

About Me

I am not of this world. I can sit here and tell you all about who and how great my family and ancestors are, but if I can't live as they have and do, then their lives and efforts are meaningless. I can also tell you where it is that I come from, say how proud I am to be what is it again? oh yeah Native American and tell all the things that I am and have done but here is the thing, what good is it if I can't "LIVE IT". My words could be beautiful, I may even look like a real indian but if my actions don't match with those so beautiful words then the Great Mystery will no longer see me for being a native, Lakota or foremost a Human Being. Then if it comes to that then what is life? Maybe that is why the children are lost and have no idea who they really are or know where they come from. Well I would die before I change my way of life and who I am to fit in this world or please people that don't want me to be what it is that I was created to be. I will live without fear in this day to give a beautiful way of life to those of tomorrow just as my Grandfathers, Grandmothers, Fathers and Mothers. I will be the living proof because I want to be. One can read, dig and look the world over to find themself but it would never be found because what it is that you are looking for is in the depths of your heart and beyond the stars. You must live without fear to find it. Yes I am LAKOTA. I was born one, so I shall live as one and I will die as not only a Lakota but a Human Being. I would like to ask all of you who are so proud to be native american. The lives and deaths of our ancestors what do they mean to you and how are you living in this day to show your thanks for what they have done and do for you and will your actions give life to those of tomorrow just as our ancestors had given you life? that is what a real Human Being would ask himself/herself with each new day that they are given. So live life without FEAR for the sake of tomorrow. Be a real Human Being and that is also for the non-natives that take the time to read this. So no more excusses! Jesus, Crazy Horse and Sitting Bull, great human beings, why? because they never made an excuss, they just did, for who? YOU!!!! Don't let the good things of life end with you....I am who I am so who are you?.
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My Interests

Courtesy of Studio West Mangement
BROTHERS.... Brule'/Airo

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I'd like to meet:

Those who Loved me so much that they gave thier lives to give me Life. My Hero's, My Grandfather's and my Fathers. The ONE's I will never forget!!!!

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Pilamaya Ate', thank you for being a Warrior for us.... Chief Leonard Crow Dog....




KOLA- One who will die for and with you....




Brings Plenty, Low Dog, Crazy Horse, Sitting Bull, Crow Dog and all those who have sacrificed there lives for a way of life and taught me how to be a real Lakota Man. My Fathers and Mothers. The people that really live a way of life with truth and without fear. People who are not here to please people and fulfill the dreams and visions of the Great Mystery and not their own. People who really care about the next seven generations so much that they die to self. Real Human beings.

My Blog

Moses Brings Plenty Introduces Night Shield At Nammys 9 ...
Posted by Brings Plenty on Thu, 08 May 2008 12:55:00 PST

Strong Heart Civil Rights Movement

My Relatives and Friends, Once again we as Oglala Lakota People have to make a stand on our reservation and we are asking in a good way for some help to feed our Elders, women and children. ...
Posted by Brings Plenty on Fri, 06 Apr 2007 08:10:00 PST


My Relatives and Friends, Sorry that I have not been able to respond to your e-mails but I have been busy and I am back home in South Dakota, so I have been trying to catch up with family an...
Posted by Brings Plenty on Tue, 13 Mar 2007 07:43:00 PST

Who are we?

Mitakuye Oyasin (My Relatives), I have a simple question that I want you to ask yourself but first. We are all very proud of our native american heritage right? at least we say that, for what re...
Posted by Brings Plenty on Tue, 27 Feb 2007 11:04:00 PST

Unci Nellie Two Bulls

Pilamaya Great Mystery for making Grandma Nellie a strong Lakota woman. She was a Mother and Grandmother to many. Pilamaya Grandma Nellie for all that you have done for us as Lakota people. ...
Posted by Brings Plenty on Mon, 26 Feb 2007 07:51:00 PST


Relatives, We as Traditional Spiritual People understand the reason's why we make the sacrifices and do the things we do in life; it isn't just for self -we know that somewhere&nbs...
Posted by Brings Plenty on Wed, 21 Feb 2007 02:03:00 PST


My Relatives, How many of us really understand the true meaning of "ACTION"? and How many of us as common people truly know how much tomorrow will be a reflection of our actions?  ...
Posted by Brings Plenty on Sun, 18 Feb 2007 10:01:00 PST


Before our white brothers came to civilize us we had no jails. Therefore we had no criminals. You can't have criminals without jail. We had no locks or keys, and so we had no thieves, if a man wa...
Posted by Brings Plenty on Fri, 16 Feb 2007 02:26:00 PST

About what?

Read (about me) on my page. I really don't like those two little words. What ever happened to "About Them". Oh I forgot we have become civilized and to damn scared to be uncivilized, thats right!
Posted by Brings Plenty on Thu, 15 Feb 2007 02:54:00 PST


We all were once the thought and hope of others. The dream's of someone before we were given LIFE. Now we have become the one's who hold the thoughts, hopes, dreams and foremost LIFE for tho...
Posted by Brings Plenty on Thu, 25 Jan 2007 08:17:00 PST