Familia, naturaleza, amigos, deportes, animales, dibujar, arte, mar, diseño grafico, fotografÃa, cultura nativoamericanana, viajar y conocer a gente de todo el mundo, chocolate, té, ropa negra, vino, sonreir, verano, el pelo largo, cocinar, los chistes faciles, la carne, el voluntariado, hablar y escuchar, el silencio, bailar, mis manos ............Family, go to the mountain, friends, sports, animals, draw, art, sea, grafic desing, photography, native american culture, traveling for the world, chocolat, tea, black clothes, wine, smile, summer, the long hair, cook, the easy jokes, the meat, volunteer work, speak and listen, the silent, dance, my hands ...
Me gusta todo tipo de música... pero me gusta mucho la música relajante (chill out), musica nativa y en especial el grupo Maná..........................................Every kind,but not every song.... I like relax music, native music and the mexican group Maná.MY FAVORITE VIDEOMY FAVORITE SONGOTHER NATIVE PEOPLE
braveheart, dancing with wolves, cold mountain, the bear... and +++++
La televisión en España es agh.... pero me gustan series como la pantera rosa, House, Prision Break, La vida es asÃ,programas de viajes, Heidi, Fraggels jeje que tiempos.........................................The tv in Spain is aghhhh... but I like pink panter, house, prision break, travel programs...
Si tu abres un libro y lee el primer párrafo y deseas seguir leyendo, seguramente sea un buen libro... quizas me gusten los libros de aventuras y aquellos libros que te hagan pensar y te enseñen sobre la vida............................................... If you can open up any random book to any page and read one paragraph, and you want to read the rest of the book. its a good book... meaby I like more the adventure books and the books can to teach me somethings about the life.
Todos los inocentes que murieron en Wounded Knee son mis heroes..................................................... The people dead in Wounded Knee are heroes for me...MySpace Widgets