Tokala profile picture


This is Tokala Clifford's Official Myspace page.

About Me

Ikce Wicasa Hemaca, Ca Lecamu 'elo. (That kind of means "I'm just a regular guy, and I do what I do.")
I am a Native man. I was raised as a traditional Lakota. I grew up with both English as well as the Lakota Language. I grew up with really old style people. I learned to hunt really young and by the age of 7 I would go out alone to do just that. The place that I grew up is called "Yamnumnuga Wakpala" (pepper creek) community on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation. I now reside in Los Angeles. But my heart will always be with "He Sapa" the sacred mountains of my people. I am a very spiritual person. Several of my grandfathers were medicine men and this fact had a very big influence on my life.
My Father's name was Gerald Clifford, He was a leader of Lakota people and as such was called "Nunca Cikala" Which means Little Commander, it is a rank (like field commander) in Lakota warrior societies. He was a highly respected person among Native people in the United States due to his involvement in politics and his stances against the loss of Indian sovereignty. He was a chairman for Jesse Jackson's Presidential campaign in 1988, and many times a member of the National Congress of American Indians. He died of cancer in 2000. I was named after him. But As a child of about three, I made the decision that I have no right to stand on his honor, so I have always been called by my other birth name, Tokala. Anyone that knows me knows me by this name. It is mine, and all honor and dishonor that it holds shall be gained by me.
My Mother's name is Charlotte Black Elk. She is also a well known person in Native circles. She has done many things from being a United Nations Ambassador for Women's rights, to leading the fight to get back the Sacred Black Mountains for the Lakota people (And lets be correct, The real Lakota name is "He Sapa" or "Black Mountains". "Black Hills" is a mistranslation, and "Paha Sapa" is a translation back to Lakota of this mistranslation.)
My Grandfather Raymond Hollow Horn was a man that knew a great many things about Lakota history and ways, he once told me, "My boy, you must always walk like a Chief. For if you do not, can you ever be one? You must do this no matter what anyone else does. This is the only way for you." These are very intelligent words and good advice for anyone.
So there is a little bit about me for now. Ill put up more personal information later...
The following is Tokala's bio from the Black Hills Film Council, with a couple of additions FYI. ;-)
Tokala is a professionally trained actor. He has acted in films by renowned filmmakers such as: Chris Eyre, Steven Barron, Steven Spielberg, and others. In addition to acting Tokala has appeared in clothing catalogs, commercials, and art magazines as a model. Tokala is also a recording artist, with music ranging from Hip-Hop and R&B to Traditional Lakota songs having been recorded and used in albums, soundtracks, and scores. Tokala is a member of the Ouh'pe sub-band of the Oglala Lakota and was raised on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation. He is certified to teach Lakota at an undergraduate level. In addition to acting, music, & modeling Tokala does presentations about the Lakota Language, Culture, History, & Star Knowledge.
For acting, Tokala is represented by Darryl Mork of Darryl Mork Talent Management. Darryl Can be reached at (780)455-4215.
For Modeling, Tokala is looking for a new agency since He is moving to LA. :-) (You like that? I changed it just now)
Ok New info, 08-10-2007. I am moving to Los Angeles. I am looking forward to the fast paced life of LA again.
So if anyone would like to book me for appearances or presentations in southern California,
or anywhere (I can and do travel a lot),
contact me at

Click here to see to Tokala's Actors Access Film Resume.
Click here to see to Tokala's listing on the InternetMovieDataBase

My Interests

Click here to see to Tokala's Actors Access Film Resume.

Click here to see to Tokala's listing on the Internet movie Data Base.

Click here to go to Tokala's Official Site!!!

I'd like to meet:

People that know who they are and are proud of it.


I Change the music on my page when I find a good song.
That basically states how I feel about any music.
I like what I like.
I will like a song,
I don't care where it is from or what language it is in,
as long as I can close my eyes and see the way it moves in my mind.


Crazy Horse, Geronimo, Sitting Bull, Beloved by Many Wolves, Gall, Rain in the Face, Tecumseh, All Warriors of the Zapatista: Subcomandante Insurgente Marcos, Comandanta Esther, Comandante Tacho, Comandante David, Comandante Zebedeo, Comandanta Susana, Comandanta Ramona. Basically all Native people willing to die as "Hostiles" in order to save the children, the people and that which is sacred.

My Blog

21st Century Skins Calendar

Just a little note to let everyone know that I will be appearing in the 21st Century Skins Calendar for the 2008 edition.   I will post more about it when it is closer for the launch date of the ...
Posted by Tokala on Sat, 30 Jun 2007 03:02:00 PST

Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee (updated 9-19-07)

 Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee is a made for HBO movie that was shot in Canada.  One of my best friends in the world is Sean Wei Mah, and this is the first time since "DreamKeeper" that we ...
Posted by Tokala on Wed, 25 Oct 2006 01:31:00 PST

"Rez Bomb" the movie

I just wrapped on "Rez Bomb" This movie is a faster paced UK style independant movie. It is produced by Roaring Fire productions, which is a small production company from Scottland.  It has a rea...
Posted by Tokala on Wed, 25 Oct 2006 01:03:00 PST

Imprint the Movie (updated 02-24-07)

"Imprint" is a movie produced by Chris Eyre and Linn Productions. Imprint is currently going to premier at a Film Festival in 2007.  Where? I don't know.  That is up to the Linn Brothers an...
Posted by Tokala on Tue, 24 Oct 2006 01:06:00 PST