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Anahata Sacred Sound Current

Center Everywhere Circumference Nowhere...

About Me

The NEW album "WHISPERS FROM ETERNITY" is now in post production and will be available very soon!!!
Be on the lookout for albums "Womb of Creation" & "Sound of Yoga" early 2008. "Womb of Creation" is a soundtrack designed for a calm & meditative birth. Follow the 'Anahata Sacred Sound Current' as we flow through the sounds of the chakras.
Album "Pillars of Creation" available NOW!
Weaving the mystical with the therapeutic, this lushly illustrated gathering of spiritual sound wisdom from throughout the ages, explores the use of sound as a vibrative tool for self-healing, sacred creation, and higher consciousness. An alchemy of sound that blends ancient wisdom teachings with hands-on exercises for inner attunement to expand and open new pathways within.As the soul navigates its journey through the Higher Realms, it follows a series of elemental sounds acting as a guideposts to designate a specific spiritual region. Many of these sounds are mirrored here on earth through the purity of nature. We are drawn to the beauty of tribal cultures that use mystical sounds, song, dance and spoken word.If you are to examine the basic beliefs of the different spiritual paths on Earth, you will find a commonality in the belief that the world and in fact, the universe was created by sound. From the OLD TESTAMENT, it read "And the Lord said 'Let there be light'." In "St. John", from the NEW TESTAMENT come the words "In the beginning was the WORD..."In the VEDAS of the Hindu tradition, it reads, "In the beginning was Brahman with whom was the word and the word was Brahman." The Hopi Tradition tells of the Spider Woman singing the Song of Creation over all the inanimate forms on the planet and bringing them to life. In POUL VUH from the Mayan tradition, the first real men and women are created solely through the power of sound. In ancient Egypt comes the story of the Thoth, who spoke the names of objects and brought them into being. In Polynesia, the Gods blew a conch shell and created life. In the East, Divine beings struck a giant gong. On and on, different cultures and traditions throughout the world seem to posses within their religions, spiritual paths, and mythologies, an understanding of some extraordinary primordial sound that opened up gateways of manifestation and brought forth existence onto the earth plane.Subsequent to my own experience of healing with sound, I began to examine sacred sounds & music from the many varied traditions on this planet and compare them. I have done this, not to find their differences, but to find their commonality. It is my belief that sacred sounds stem from one source-the Divine-and that the truly resonant waveforms of the sacred could sound together in harmony, despite any differences in their spiritual traditions. I am aspiring to bridge the worlds of religion, sacred sound, healing tones, meditation, hip-hop, world rhythms, and natural sound environments. I trust that you will enjoy this music and that it will assist in your health, chakra resonance, balance and personal transformation...
!!~Watch movie on meditation~!!







My Interests


Member Since: 2/8/2005
Band Website:
Band Members: Anahata ~ (Karl Hubble)

"Truth is One and Eternal. Realize Oneness with it in your deathless Self within"

~from 'Rays of the One Light' by Swami Kriyananda

The powers that be can be communicated to earth by means of music are as yet scarcely suspected by the average individual. But the time is fast approaching when people will select their music with the same intelligent care and knowledge that they use to select their food. When that times comes, music will become a principal source of healing for many individual and social ills, and human evolution will be tremendously accelerated...

Influences: Music without words means leaving behind the mind. And leaving behind the mind is meditation. Meditation returns you to the source. And the source of all is sound...

Swami Kriyananda - Book launch for Revelations of Christ - America - 7/21/07

"There are no such things as obstacles: There are only opportunities!"
~ Paramhansa Yogananda

Autobiography of a Yogi Sideshow - The Life of Paramhansa Yogananda

KriyaYoga ~"Even a little practice of this inward religion will free one from dire fears and colossal sufferings." — Bhagavad Gita (2:40)

Sounds Like:

To enter into the initiation of sound, of vibration and mindfulness, is to take a giant step toward consciously knowing the soul. There are hundreds of accurate models for this great journey inward. Each requires belief and discipline as well as the will to allow the inner and outer worlds to relate. Listening, learning, study, and practice are important tools. But we need the courage to enter into ourselves with the great respect and mystery that combines the faith of a child, the abandon of a mystic, and the true wisdom of an old shaman...

As our inner ear awakens to hear beyond the mundane of the ordinary world, we begin to hear on the level of our Soul. It is with this Soul hearing that we invite you now to journey...........
Record Label: nope
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

Religion In the New Age: Introduction

In these pages I aim to show how a spiritual mission, regardless of its name and tenets, can be made to relate to the whole world.Paramhansa Yogananda prophesied that some day the purpose of all relig...
Posted by Anahata Sacred Sound Current on Sun, 27 Apr 2008 10:33:00 PST

Healing Vibrations...

"In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God". This profound statement in the New Testament is the ultimate basis for the power of harmonious vibration as a great heal...
Posted by Anahata Sacred Sound Current on Tue, 22 Apr 2008 01:46:00 PST

Learn to Flow with Life

Appeared in Clarity Magazine, Summer 2005By J. Donald Walters (Swami Kriyananda)To flow with life means being able to adapt to everything that happens. When you live at your center, you can flow with ...
Posted by Anahata Sacred Sound Current on Fri, 22 Feb 2008 09:29:00 PST

The Power of Goodness

Appeared in Clarity Magazine, Summer 2005By Paramhansa Yogananda In reality, there is more good than evil in the world. Although the evil people in the world outnumber the good, a few good people, by ...
Posted by Anahata Sacred Sound Current on Fri, 22 Feb 2008 09:28:00 PST

Benefits of Kriya Yoga

One of the great joys of my work with Kriya Yogis is the frequent emails I receive from them, describing the positive effects of Kriya practice. These testimonials come from long-time Kriyabans, and f...
Posted by Anahata Sacred Sound Current on Tue, 12 Feb 2008 06:07:00 PST

Bliss Avatar?

The purpose of this essay is, above all, to address the question implied in the title, which concerns my Guru, Paramhansa Yogananda, and his true mission in life. First it will be necessary for me, ho...
Posted by Anahata Sacred Sound Current on Fri, 08 Feb 2008 08:34:00 PST

Bija Mantra Meditations and Chants

Bija Mantra Meditations and Chants Balancing Earth with Air (For Clarity of Thought)Meditation:a (ah) cham shaChant: a (ah) cham sha ai ba jam jam sa (shaw) tham s (sh) vaIncreasing Fire, Reducing Air...
Posted by Anahata Sacred Sound Current on Fri, 03 Mar 2006 12:35:00 PST

Was Christ a Yogi?

...IN considering whether or not Christ was a Yogi we should first understand how spiritual and how divine one must be before he can be called a Yogi. A true Yogi must be pure, chaste, spotless, self-...
Posted by Anahata Sacred Sound Current on Wed, 09 Jan 2008 11:19:00 PST

The Hidden Reality Within

We're at a point in our society today where we're beginning to slough off old ways of thinking and enter into a new age. You hear people saying, "Are you a 'New Ager?' " Well, it's not a question of b...
Posted by Anahata Sacred Sound Current on Wed, 06 Jun 2007 11:09:00 PST

Ten Questions on World Events

by J. Donald Walters (Swami Kriyananda) 1. What do you feel is the single most important thing people can do to help the world crisis situation?I feel that the single greatest lack in the world consci...
Posted by Anahata Sacred Sound Current on Sun, 15 Apr 2007 07:16:00 PST