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Lahiri Mahasaya

Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya

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"Even a little practice of this inward religion will free one from dire fears and colossal sufferings." — Bhagavad GitaThe Science of Kriya YogaClick on the above link to read the entire chapter, The Science of Kriya Yoga, in Autobiography of a Yogi by Paramahansa Yogananda.The Technique of Kriya YogaKriya yoga is a concentrated approach to Self-discovery and spiritual enlightenment: complete awakening to full knowledge of the Infinite and of cosmic processes. It includes the most effective processes of all systems of yoga, with emphasis on wholesome, constructive living and superconscious meditation practice. The purpose of kriya yoga practice is to restore the practitioner's awareness to wholeness. This is accomplished by acquiring knowledge of one's true nature as a spiritual being; cultivating rational thinking, emotional balance, and physical health; purposeful living; and meditation.Online Kriya Library at Yoga NiketanYoga Niketan has a vast library of online Kriya Yoga texts and commentaries by Lahiri Mahasaya and other Kriya Yoga masters.Links to organizations of authentic Kriya Yoga lineages stemming from Lahiri Mahasaya. Most if not all offer initiation into Kriya Yoga.Center for Spiritual AwarenessAnandaKriya Yoga InstituteSelf- Realization FellowshipAryya Mission InstitutionCenter for Spiritual EnlightenmentThe Self-Revelation Church of Absolute MonismKriya Yoga Ashram (link doesn't work to Kriya Yoga Ashram so type in LahiriYogiraj Shyamacharan Sanatan MissionJujersa YogashramHariharananda Mission WestThe Cross and the Lotus PublishingSiddha SiddhantaRoy Eugene Davis, above with devotees, is the only living guru of Yogananda's direct disciples. He has the Center for Spiritual Awareness in Lakemont, Georgia.Swami Prajnananda above is the guru successor of Hariharananda and is the spiritual head of the Kriya Yoga Institute.Swami Sadhanananda Giri, guru and head of Jujersa Yogashram in IndiaSwami Kriyananda (Donald Walters) is the founder of and spiritual head of Ananda Community, but he does not consider himself to be a guru.Ellen Grace Obrian is the spiritual head of Center for Sprititual Enlightenment in San Jose, CA. A guru in her own right, she is a disciple of Roy Eugene Davis.Swami Shankarananda Giri of the Kriya Yoga Ashram. His work is mainly in Europe and India. He has built a large meditation temple in Rishikesh in honor of Sri Yukteswar and his work in astrology.Sri Daya Mata (Faye Wright), is the current president and sanghamata (Mother of the Society) of Self-Realization Fellowship. After the passing away of Yogananda and his successor Rajasi Janakananda, she became the third president of YSS/SRF in 1955.Shibendu Lahiri (born 1939), is the great grandson of the famous house holder Yogi Lahiri Mahasaya. Since 14 January 1988, Shibendu has been serving Kriya Yoga on full time basis.Differences in Kriya Yoga practices in different lineages:Lahiri Mahasaya customised Kriya practices according to the needs of individual disciples. This is the Indian tradition! The Guru knows what is best for the disciple & he has the authority to prescribe the best for him.But the basic structure of Kriya is same everywhere. When some of these disciples of Lahiri Baba themselves became men of great knowledge & had disciples, they preached Kriya as exactly taught by Lahiri baba to them. Hence these differences have persisted till today. But the basic structure of Kriya is same.

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Swami Prajnananda of the Kriya Yoga Institute and Swami Nirvanananda will be joining Roy Eugene Davis at the 2nd International Kriya Yoga Congress.FOR MORE INFORMATION CLICK HERE

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"When the waves of consciousness are transcended by concentrated meditation practice, consciousness, being purified, experiences oneness with the Supreme Self. The manifested world, the seeker's consciousness, and Supreme Consciousness are experienced as one." Lahiri Mahasaya

The Father of Kriya Yoga

Lahiri was the surname of Schyama Charan Lahiri, who lived from Septemeber 30, 1828 to Septemeber 26, 1895. Mahasaya is a religious Sanskrit title and means "magnanimous". Lahiri Mahasaya was a contemporary of Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa and a direct disciple of Mahavatar Babaji. He was the Guru of Swami Sri Yukteswar who was the Guru of Paramahansa Yogananda. Always soft and humble in contact with others, as a Christ-like spiritual teacher he was provided with great miraculous powers and took worldly responsibility as a familiy man as well. In the only photo of Lahiri known to exist, he is shown with half opened and half closed eyes. This shows his attitude to be at the same time in the everyday outside world of normal life and in the internal world of spirit. Through his exemplary life he taught the people an age-old and nevertheless modern form of Yoga, which shows the correct balance between meditation and the fulfilment of wordly obligations.At the age of 33 he met his Guru Babaji near Ranikhet in the Himalayas, who revealed to him the ancient missing form of Kriya-Yoga and instructed him to initiate any sincere seekers who may be so interested. Thus a prosperity of Kriya Yoga began in the year 1861.Apart from his spiritual obligations and his responsible activity in his occupation and family he still took over functions in the area of the youth education, founded study groups and actively took part in building a large high school in the Bengalitola district of Benares. He initiated thousands of persons of all religions and faith directions into Kriya Yoga, thereby undertaking a bold attack against the caste system of his epoch.On one occasion in Benares, the great Indian sage Trailanga Swami, who was known to be nearly 300 years old, forsook his usual silence in order to pay public honor to Lahiri Mahasaya. One of Trailanga's disciples objected."Sir", he said, "why do you, a Swami and a renunciant, show such respect to a mere householder?".Trailanga replied, "My son, Lahiri Mahasaya is like a divine kitten, remaining wherever the Cosmic Mother has placed him. While dutifully playing the part of a worldly man, he has received that perfect Self-realization which I have sought by renouncing everything - even my loincloth!".In the year 1886, 25 years after his initiation through Babaji, he retired and from then on spent most of his time in the overconscious status of silent meditation. On September 26th, 1895 he left his physical body, but not without appearing to some of his disciples on the following day in a very alive, just younger and more radiating form, and spoke with them.1. Lahiri Mahasaya 4.-17. Disciples of Lahiri Mahasaya and their Lineages 10. Swami Sri Yukteswar 38.-46. Disciples of Sri Yukteswar 39. Swami Satyananda 40. Paramahansa Yogananda 57.-68. Disciples of Yogananda (authorized to initiate) 58. Swami Hariharananda (Kriya Yoga Institute) 66. Roy Eugene Davis (Center for Spiritual Awareness) 67. Self Realization Fellowship and Yogoda Sat Sanga Society 68. Swami Kriyananda (Ananda Community) * Listed are the most commonly known Kriya lineages **Oliver Black, one of Yogananda's disciples authorized to initiate, is absent from this chart. *** Flow chart published in 1985 by Swami Satyeswarananda GiriCURRENT MOON lunar phase