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Your own Self-Realization is the greatest service you can render the world.

About Me

Yoga is my life, and everything else hangs underneath that canopy. "There are four major stages of spiritual unfolding: belief, faith, direct experience, and permanent adaptation: you can believe in Spirit, you can have faith in Spirit, you can directly experience Spirit, you can become Spirit….Meditation is not primarily uncovering the repressed unconscious, but allowing the emergence of higher domains--which usually leaves the lower, repressed domains still lower, and still repressed….Well, the point, of course, is to take up integral practice as the only sound and balanced way to proceed….If you are interested in genuine transformative spirituality, find an authentic spiritual teacher and begin practice. Without practice, you will never move beyond the phases of belief, faith, and random peak experiences. You will never evolve into plateau experiences, nor from there into permanent adaptation. You will remain, at best, a brief visitor in the territory of your own higher estate, a tourist of your own true Self." -Ken Wilber

My Interests

HOMEWARDYOGA.COM (under construction)


"There is a great secret that beings throughout time have announced, the secret of an extraordinary treasure, the treasure of the nectar of eternal life. It is the nectar of pure beingness, recognizing itself as consciousness and overflowing in the love of that recognition.If you imagine yourself to be located in a body, then you will move that body from place to place, searching for this treasure of nectar. But, if you will stop all searching right now and tell the truth to yourself, you will know what is known in the core of your bones. You will know what these great beings knew and attempted to describe. You will know it with no image of it, no concept of it, no thought of it. You will know it as that which has eternally been here. And you will know it as yourself."-GangajiThere are two fundamental components of the experience of enlightenment. One is the profound and overwhelming discovery of the primordial ground of reality itself. That ground is where there is no time, where the unmanifest, unborn Self abides in the consciousness of absolute zero, or no thing whatsoever. In the awakened state, that primordial ground emerges in consciousness as the direct experience of everything being perfect just as it is. But genuine spiritual awakening is also the explosive emergence of the evolutionary impulse in human consciousness. With the submission of the ego and the surrender of the personal will, the individual becomes aware of the presence of a powerful and unyielding energy. That energy is the movement of the life-force in a self-propelled state of conscious evolution or becoming. From absolutely Nothing, suddenly Something emerged, and that Something has remained ever since in a constant state of becoming. The source and ground of everything that has become, and that is even now in a constant state of becoming, is that place where there is no time and where nothing ever happened. Nothing and Something cannot be separated because they are simply two sides of the same one coin. That's the meaning of nonduality and that is what enlightenment is: the awakened knowledge of this living mystery that cannot be divided.-Andrew Cohen

My Blog

Hopi Prophecy from a talk with an elder in 1999

  To my fellow swimmers:here is a river flowing now very fast.It is so great and swift,that there are those who will be afraid,who will try to hold on to the shore,they are being torn apart and...
Posted by Jordan on Tue, 13 Mar 2007 01:48:00 PST