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About Me

from "The Voice of Babaji" by V.T. Neelakantan
I am, indeed Brahman, the basic principle from which the whole universe seems to have come. I am the same in each and everything. I am all peace and all calm within myself. I am of the nature of Being, Brightness and Bliss Absolute. This is My eternal Truth.
I am that Supreme Self before whose magnitude the suns and moons and all their systems appear as insignificant specks in the ocean and before whose glory space melts away into nothingness, time vanishes into non-existence, and causation dwindles into emptiness. Truth flows from Me just as light radiates from the sun and fragrance emanates from a flower. I am the transcendental Bliss, the Absolute intelligence, the Supreme Synthesis of Consciousness that shines in the shrine of every heart. I am the divine inner harmony of the universe in the unruffled stillness of the soul.
I am the one music of all life in the deepest depths. I am the immutable and indescribable Atman, the dynamic principle of Existence and the infinite ocean of everlasting Glee. In my presence all hells and heavens are effaced into shadowy nothingness and the whole universe is a mere bubble ever ready to burst.
Who is Babaji?
In 1946, Paramahansa Yogananda, one of modern India's greatest yogis, revealed in his classic "Autobiography of a Yogi," the existence of a Christ-like saint, an immortal yogi, Mahavatar Babaji. Babaji was a great siddha, one who had overcome ordinary human limitations, and who worked silently, behind the scenes for the spiritual evolution of all humanity. Yogananda also revealed that it was Babaji who taught a powerful series of yogic techniques, know as "Kriya Yoga," to Lahiri Mahasaya, around 1861, and who subsequently initiated many others, including Yogananda..s own Christ-like guru, Sri Yukteswar, some thirty years later.
Babaji was given the name "Nagaraj," which means "serpent king," referring to "kundalini," our great divine potential power and consciousness. He was born on the 30th day of November 203 A.D., in a small coastal village now known as Parangipettai, in Tamil Nadu, India, near where the Cauvery River flows into the Indian Ocean. His birth coincided with the ascendancy (Nakshatra) of the star of Rohini, under which Krishna was also born. The birth took place during the celebration of Kartikai Deepam, the Festival of Lights, the night before the new moon during the Tamil month of Kartikai. His parents were Nambudri Brahmins who had immigrated there from the Malabar coast on the western side of south India. His father was the priest in the Shiva temple of this village, which is today a temple dedicated to Muruga, Shiva's son.

My Interests

Babaji's Kriya Yoga is a scientific art of perfect God Truth union and Self-Realization. It was revived by a great Master of India, Babaji Nagaraj, as a synthesis of ancient teachings of the 18 Siddha tradition. It includes a series of 144 techniques or "Kriyas" grouped into five phases or branches.
Kriya Hatha Yoga: including "asanas," physical postures of relaxation, "bandahs," muscular locks, and "mudras," gestures, all of which bring about greater health, peace and the awakening of the principal energy centers, the "chakras". Babaji has selected a particularly effective series of 18 postures, which are taught in stages and in pairs. One cares for the physical body not for its own sake but as a vehicle or temple of the Divine.
Kriya Kundalini Pranayama: the potential technique, is a powerful breathing exercise to awaken powerful latent energy and circulate it through the 7 principal chakras between the base of the spine and the crown of the head. It awakens their corresponding psychological states and makes one a dynamo on all five planes of existence.
Kriya Dhyana Yoga: meditation, the scientific art of mastering the mind: to cleanse the subconscious, develop concentration, mental clarity and vision, to awaken the intuitive and creative faculties, and to bring about the breathless state of communion with God, "samadhi".
Kriya Mantra Yoga: the mental repetition of subtle sounds to awaken the intutition, the intellect and the chakras; the mantra becomes a substitute for the "I" centered mental chatter and facilitates the accumulation of great amounts of energy. The mantra also cleanses habitual subconscious tendencies.
Kriya Bhakti Yoga: devotional activities and service to awaken pure Divine universal love and spiritual bliss; it includes chanting and singing, ceremonies, pilgrimages, and worship. Gradually, all of one's activities become soaked with sweetness, as the "Beloved" is perceived in all.
"Kriya Yoga brings about an integrated transformation of the individual in all five planes of existence: physical, vital, mental, intellectual and spiritual."

I'd like to meet:

Those who seek to avoid the snare of the cycle of births and deaths. Let the heart, the Inner Self, guide you rather than emotion and intellect. Come nearer and abide by the "I" in the "I". Build up your Individuality slowly and surely; Self-dependence is needed. Independence will not do. Freedom alone is not enough. Don't grow up a sorted out personality by sex as "man" or "woman"; by profession or vocation. Remember and Realize that you are master of yourself and your own servant.

My Blog

The Mind of Light

Divinizing human life should not simply mean an inner union, Conscious union with the Divine, but the divinization of the material body itself.  That means that the body will be free from disease...
Posted by Babaji on Wed, 01 Oct 2008 05:27:00 PST

On Truth and Authority:"Life itself is the greatest revelation"

The art of living consists in luminous belief.  Theology has little or nothing whatsoever to do with the inner religion of the living man.  "If you are a living man, test the truth by dedica...
Posted by Babaji on Sun, 31 Aug 2008 03:12:00 PST

Perfect Sweetness

Mind is a bundle of thoughts, of course, limiting and conditional.  These thoughts cover up their real oneness of the soul and thereby the way is paved to the false appearance of manifoldness upo...
Posted by Babaji on Fri, 18 Jul 2008 08:11:00 PST

"Out of love ye are born and unto love ye shall return"

There is enough suffering in the world, frustration is evident: life itself seems dull and a sorry scheme of things.  What is there to encourage people to live well on earth, to live in joy, peac...
Posted by Babaji on Tue, 24 Jun 2008 02:24:00 PST

Laugh and be healthy!

The Americans called him an American; the Japanese called him their own and the Persians saw Persia in him.  The wonderful realization of the Man-soul made him look like the one who happened to b...
Posted by Babaji on Mon, 19 May 2008 06:48:00 PST

Know Your Soul

"Know your soul and you know all.  It is in your soul the origin of the world is.  The Light of the soul is the illuminator of the Universe.  Let your love for and your loyalty to Truth...
Posted by Babaji on Mon, 12 May 2008 09:22:00 PST

Go Beyond Form

To realize God or Bliss, have the Brahman spirit, dedicating your intellect to thoughts for the advancement of the whole world.  To realize Bliss, you have to possess the Kshatriya spirit, ready ...
Posted by Babaji on Sun, 13 Apr 2008 06:32:00 PST

The Path of Peace

Think of the world.  There is frustration; there is misery and pain.  Dishonesty is the ruling passion.  The fashion is for artificiality.  What is most horrible turns out to be th...
Posted by Babaji on Tue, 01 Apr 2008 04:49:00 PST

The Life of Light

"You are born for higher things, a brilliant future is awaiting you:  apply diligently to Kriya Yoga and unfold all latent faculties". But what are higher things? Certainly, spiritual.  BUT ...
Posted by Babaji on Sun, 16 Mar 2008 10:06:00 PST

No Division

The most sacred truth is violated, as it were, when you do not consider yourself one with your fellow man.  The right spirit of Truth is to assort the supremacy of the individual against the worl...
Posted by Babaji on Sun, 02 Mar 2008 07:13:00 PST