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James Daniel


About Me

-- James Daniel is a visual artist e Karma Kagyu Buddhist (student of Venerable Khenchen Thrangu Rinpoche). James began drawing and painting at a very early age and was winning first and second place awards for his art when he was nine years old. He holds both the Atelier and Renaissance lineages of drawing and painting. -- WWW.STUDIOJAMESDANIEL.COM -- - -- LINEAGES OF STUDY - RENAISSANCE LINEAGE Andrea Gastaldi Giacomo Grosso Felice Carena, Giuseppe Graziosi, Celestino Celestini Pietro Annigoni Romano Stefanelli, Ben Long James Daniel - ATELIER LINEAGE Jean Leon Gerome William Paxton Ives Gammell Paul Ingbretson James Daniel

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Chi lo sa. 16th Karmapa www.kagyuoffice.org --

Khenchen Thrangu Rinpoche www.rinpoche.com -- IN POSTMEDITATION, REGARD ALL BEINGS AS ILLUSIONS: - A practitioner might think, "If I meditate, then I can't work and do my job. And if I do my job, I can't practice meditation." This is why there is the instruction distinguishing between the meditation period and the post-meditation period. During the meditation session, we train in analytical meditation or we simply do resting meditation. During the postmeditation stage we are involved in activities, such as going to work, having conversations, and walking about. How do we deal with these activities? When things go well and there are no problems we become very excited and happy. When things do not go well we think, "Oh no! What is going to happen? This is terrible...," and so forth. Rather than reacting to these events we should train in the understanding that whatever we perceive is like a magical illusion. So the reaction of being excited about success or depressed about failure will diminish when our external world is seen as a magical illusion. -- THE PRACTICE OF SENDING AND TAKING: - The practice of sending and taking should be done both as actual sending and taking meditation on the breath, and also as part of our normal daily activities. For instance, any time that we have a feeling of strong attachment, we should think, "May all beings be free of this feeling of attachment." If we are suffering or sick, or something terrible happens causing mental or physical pain we should think, "May all living beings be free of such pain." If we become angry at someone we should think, "All living beings feel this. May they be free of such hatred and anger." In the same way if we do something very good we should think, "May all living beings enjoy this virtue." If something very nice happens to us and we are very happy, we should again think, "May all living beings experience this happiness."No matter what we are doing we can practice this. It is very beneficial to actually say the words, "May all living beings have happiness; may all living beings be freed of suffering." -- -- WHATEVER YOU MEET, INSTANTLY JOIN IT WITH MEDITATION: - This instruction discusses the post-meditation state when we bring unexpected circumstances to the path. Whatever we encounter should be brought onto the path, that is, made use of. For instance, when we have a pleasant moment that we enjoy, we make the aspiration, "May every being experience happiness." This is the way we help promote loving-kindness and compassion. Then there may be an unpleasant moment or situation in our life and at that time we remind ourselves that the unpleasantness of this difficulty has to do with self-cherishing. We make the aspiration, "May self-cherishing diminish in me and in all living beings." In this way both pleasure and pain are brought into the path. -- SEEING DELUSIVE APPEARANCES IS THE UNSURPASSED PROTECTION EMPTINESS GIVES: - The way to see confusion is to regard any difficulties and troubles we may experience as a dream, a magical illusion. The true nature of external phenomena has no inherent nature: external phenomena are like phenomena in a dream: they do not exist and the realization of this absence of true existence is complete realization. While phenomena do not exist ultimately, on a relative level, they arise like appearances in a dream. These two qualities of being non-existent and yet perceived or experienced are an indivisible unity. This method is called "the unsurpassed protection of emptiness."If we have developed some stability in our meditation we may be capable of dealing with problems and mishaps by regarding everything as an illusion. Otherwise, we will have to train in the relative level of dealing with difficulties by bringing them onto the path, diminishing self-cherishing and increasing cherishing others.


All kinds.






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