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I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Have you ever watched a small child, truly watched one? How purely fascinated by everything around them they are. Watching, wondering and believing in everything around them exactly as they understand it. Seeing with an honesty that has no fear. Such wisdom they are unknowingly capable of and often express to the wonderment of anyone older. With the experiences of life, growth, and the laughing gods of time, child's wisdom is lost, replaced by the borders of fear through experiences both good and bad. As time plods and flies along, different children of different strengths learn more. Most grow more and more stupid as they learn more things to fear. Some retain functional intelligence of varying levels by suppressing fears and strengthening themselves to not be hurt by things they fear and thus reduce fear of them. Age and circumstance, people die along the way till a few are left very very old. At this time the mixes of the strengths and fears from their experiences those people left have divided distinctly into two extremes: the insane and helpless ones that are little more than living shells of fear and/or stupidity, and the others. The others are those that at some point, knowing of their experiences and of all the fears taught to them, choose to live without those fears. The others that are revered as wise. But what if? What if someone young listened to what they observed of all these people, watching all the ages, listened to both the children and the aged, and choose to live life through the eyes of a child again. Seeing with an honesty that has no fear. Knowing what there is to fear, learned through experiences of life, and still choosing not to fear. That, would be me. Hello, I'm Heidi. But you may call me anything you like, Ill probably answer to it if it sounds true.
Is that to say I fear nothing? Not at all. I fear the slime of dishes that have not been washed immediately. I fear pain. And I fear things that cause pain. I fear falling most. But I choose not to fear most things that almost everyone else cripples themselves with for all their lives. Why? It's not as necessary as you think. But then again, that's just me.
What I do with my time is work, develop my acting skills, paint, sew, draw, dress up in costumes, tell stories, entertain people, pose for pictures, read, and randomly spend time with my friends. I can stay at home all day or go to the beach. I can go to the mountains, or capture the attention of hundreds of people in day on a public boulevard and leave them happy. I can dance with faeries, talk with cats. I need no religion to govern myself and do not begrudge others that do, to each their own. I am quite eccentric and with it far more functional than most people.
I have a handful of close good friends, some old and some new. I love my dad, like his wife, and try to accept my mom. My last cat is immortalized in a tattoo and I surround myself with faeries.
I love the way I look and my ability to look Any way that I want, which I express my right to do often (see variety of photos). I chatter forever. You aren't likely to forget me are you?

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Those that are strong enough to survive my honesty and curious enough to be my friend. Also a large amount of patience must be had with me as if you noticed above, I have terrible time management skills. I can spend every moment with a person for weeks on end then not have any communication for months and still pick up with them exactly where I left off. I remember only what I see, so if I don’t see you I don’t remember that you are there till I see you again, of which, then you are to me what I saw you last: emotions and all.
My friendship door is open to the brave, honest, and self confident. Try to hit on me and you’ll likely find a wall.

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My Blog

Snail Hero!

So leaving my gym tonight, there was a GIANT snail on the sidewalk.  Really awesome one I must say.  He had a great swirl shell, sparkly luminesense, and very long antenne.  He was beautiful.  I just ...
Posted by on Thu, 30 Apr 2009 22:54:00 GMT

Honesty is best.

So I just came across this in my friend's blog and while I agreed with the entire article this particular one fits my more recent experience.  I underlined the most important point that summarize...
Posted by on Fri, 21 Nov 2008 11:45:00 GMT

Do Not Breed

Ever wanted to have a rubber stamper to nail people on the forehead with 'Do Not Breed'?  I really have a desire for one right now...
Posted by on Thu, 20 Nov 2008 12:28:00 GMT

I wrote this one! Very exciting to see.

We filmed this in 7 minutes under the pressure that we were late from a different scene and had to be out of the building asap. Whew! Very neat to see my own writing on film.Check out this video: BC...
Posted by on Wed, 05 Nov 2008 10:18:00 GMT

Me as Annie Hall!!

Check out this video: BCC Exercise 3
Posted by on Wed, 05 Nov 2008 10:13:00 GMT

Dear America,

Upon the turn of this "Historic Event" in America, our first black president, why does the color of his skin matter? Likely both candidates of intelligent men in positions that do not have as much p...
Posted by on Wed, 05 Nov 2008 10:04:00 GMT

This is what makes you hot. Think for yourself. Vote.
Posted by on Sat, 25 Oct 2008 18:14:00 GMT

New favorite quote.

Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sa...
Posted by on Sun, 05 Oct 2008 15:37:00 GMT


Ah bliss and joy that is Salmon.  Butter of the sea.  I need to go fishing again.  I'm in severe withdraws.That's all.
Posted by on Fri, 26 Sep 2008 13:40:00 GMT

Role Reversal

The intriguing thought was brought by my friend Malachai, "My mother once told me, "Back in the day, it was men that didn't want relationships.  Nowdays, the roles have reversed."  And for t...
Posted by on Thu, 11 Sep 2008 19:53:00 GMT