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Got Enlightenment?

About Me

Educational Background: Double Majors: Psychology,Physics Double Minors: Religion, Math Concentration: Computer Science
Occupational Background: Current job(s): Polysomnographic Technologist Professional Fighter (80-0-0) Massage Therapist Sannyasi, Buddha, ParaBrahman ^_^
About Me: I consider myself to be multi-faceted, intelligent, and very intuitive, which is extremely rare for a guy. My interests are diverse; If you decide to message me I think you will find that our interests are bound to share common ground somewhere. I consider myself to be a friend to all; and try to represent myself with poise and class regardless of circumstance or situation.

I spend a great deal of my time studying Consciousness, Perception, and the Mind; as well as enjoying the practice(s) of yoga, contemplation, and meditation. From direct experience and realization; I have seen that it is possible to wake up into a 4th state of awareness, cultivate and maintain a stable mindset characterized by: silence, stillness, peace, and tranquility. I have also seen that it is possible to end suffering altogether, lose all fear of death, oblate the self-schema(s), and experience a shift in perception that results in non-dual awareness.
I have seen that it is possible to enjoy complete freedom, contentment, and peace in this moment here and now regardless of life's attendant and changing circumstances, that death is not the final term of our being, and that it is possible to remain truly aware of a higher non-dual reality, while remaining in a world with seemingly endless multiplicity.
I choose to follow Truth alone and it has led me to pick flowers from many gardens of spirituality so-to-speak and to the academic study of: Cognitive Psychology, The Psychology of Perception, Cognitive Neuroscience, PsychoNeuroImmunology, the Philosophy of Mind and consciousness, and practice yoga and meditation.
Recently, I have had the great fortune of finding a Sat guru in H.H. Mahamandalashwar Paramahamsa Swarupananda Vishwa Guru Maharaj Swamiji. Under the guidance of Swamiji it is my goal to deepen my understanding of ultimate truth, increase my knowledge of yoga and meditation, and to reach the state of perfect enlightenment. Swamiji was a disciple of Paramahamsa Muktananda & student of Swami Ramananda Sivadass Maharaj. Paramahamsa Muktananda’s guru-disciple tradition is traditionally traced back to Shiva. Swami Ramananda is the Dharma successor for Shankaranada Sivadass Giri; (the 148th Dharma successor for that tradition), and Anandamayi MA’s Dharma successor for the United States.
I have been known to give occasional advice, pointers, and tips on meditation and yoga practice when possible; but would like to stress that I can only speak from my own personal experience. I do not advise anyone on something unless I have accomplished it in my own life.
While I am currently affiliated with a specific guru and tradition it's because this is what's right for me at this time in my life, it's what I enjoy. I have a lot of appreciation for the practices, I'm fascinated by the literature and texts of this tradition, and I have a lot of love and respect for the guru. This is where following my bliss led me! I must stress that I am not one of those people who tries to affiliate themselves with others, traditions, or guru's in an attempt to make themselves seem more credible then they really are. In fact; I do not seek to try and establish or claim authority by association with any organization or particular tradition whatsoever, and therefore I will not, and can not speak on their behalf. I think it would be somewhat of a fallacy to assume any tradition, system, yoga, or particular spirituality has any monopoly on truth whatsoever. ^_~ Instead of playing favorites, or getting involved with too many politics, and trying to be in one in-group over another my philosophy is simple; just find what is right for you personally. Find out what speaks the loudest to you, what you believe, what you enjoy, what agress with reason and the truth of yoru own experience, and follow that. Follow your bliss and see where life takes you. It need not be any more complicated than that.
As a scholar of religion; I have always enjoyed learning and utilizing teachings and practices obtained from many different traditions, organizations, books, gurus, etc. I just try and find what’s right for me personally and what is appropriate does tend to change from time to time as I learn more and progress. I spend many many hours each day Practicing and Meditating, and applying spirituality in my own life day in and day out. So I tend to cover a lot of material, acquire and master many practices, and understand the deeper meanings behind teachings very quickly. When one is interested in what they are doing one tends to absorb things up easily and naturally.
First and foremost, I count direct knowledge and 1st hand experience to be the only things that give one any credibility or authority to talk knowledgeably about any subject matter, whatsoever. So I am inclined to seek out those who have accomplished for themselves the lessons they would teach to others. This is why I am currently studying with Swamiji. His state of enlightenment is publicly recognized by others who themselves are widely recognized as being enlightened. Having realized perfect enlightenment for him self, I could have no better guide to instruct me on how best to make the journey.
I stay away from people who misuse religion, act hypocritically, only preach groundless theology and dogma, use their belief system to control others, to justify their self serving actions, and to avoid personal responsibility and accountability for their own actions. This is why you will never find me near those who teach blind faith, theology/dogma, and fear based religion.
On an end note: Spirituality, to me is an actuality, something that can be experienced directly; it's reference is not something ONLY to be found discussed in books, teachings, customs, traditions, and in the words of gurus. As a result of several experiences; I feel that with direct awareness, neither belief nor disbelief are required, and no one need ask another to verify the truth of one's own experience. Truth can be so rare these days when we do finally see it for ourselves we recognize it immediately, there is no need to ask another for independent verification. Yet, with this being said, I do also maintain utilizing such resources, as mentioned above, can be very helpful, especially having the benefit of a good guru! Everyone is different, and I am not here to be a guru, orginization, or religion sales person...find what’s right for you! Follow Your Bliss.
It should go without saying: I am no saint, certainly not a god, not a guru, not an initiated Swami, not anything special at all, just a simple person living the life of a Sannyasi; and I am content to keep it like this. I am not enlightened, nor am I unenlightened, such things are merely concepts, what I am cannot be referenced with words, or conveyed through language; let's just say there comes a freedom through realizing one's true nature. ^_^
I am only aware of certain truths that can be arrived at through reason, logic, observation, practice, patience, meditation, and a lot of regular persistence. And, these truths can be verified by anyone; one only need to invest the time and effort to obtain the experiences and realizations for themselves. I make no claims other than this. If something can't be observed, experienced, realized, tested, or verified directly then I do not invest any belief whatsoever into it and will not support it. Truth is here for everyone and anyone to see, I merely point it out, show people how and where to look.
Note:I posted a profile on this site just for fun to see who all I could meet and to have a good time doing it. Just being yourSelf will speak a lot louder to me than you might think.

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My Interests

General: Hanging out with friends and family. Having fun and enjoying life. Road Trippin', Parties, and Playing Guitar. Competing in MMA NHB and jiu-jitsu tournaments. Anything out doors.

Sadhana - Practice(s):

Yoga: Hatha, Jnana, Bhakti, Karma, Raja, Kundalini, Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga, Sahaj Marg Yoga,Integral yoga, Kriya yoga, Pranava yoga, Nithya yoga, Yogacara Buddhism.

Systems: Yoga Darshana, Tantra, Sanatana Dharma, Sankhya, Mantra. Meditation, Advaita Vedanta, Upainshads, Kashmir Shivaism, Vedas. Shiva Samhita, Etc.

Methods: I practice the Eight Limbs of Yoga (Ashtanga Yoga): Yama, Niyama, Asana, Pranayama, Pratyahara, Dharana, Dhyana, Samadhi.

Tools: I have come to value cultivating the qualities of Discernment, Apperception, Perspicaciousness, Compassion, Dispassion, and Ataraxia.

I'd like to meet:

You... And Paramahansa Swami J & Sri Swamiji Bodhichitananda Saraswati again! Rebecca, Adam Pearson, Author Under a Tree, Jiyo, Faith, Zach, Dr. Biscuits...Aka "B", Deepam, and everyone on my friends list. I find in everyone I meet a source of unending inspiration. ^_^

Anyone looking to realize their true nature, anyone looking to end their suffering, Anyone looking to enjoy infinite bliss and freedom. Anyone whose realized their true nature, anyone whose ended their suffering, anyone enjoying Jivamoksha!

In your meditation today.... May your body be still and comfortable.... May your head, neck and trunk be aligned.... May your breath be smooth, slow, serene and with no pauses.... May the flow of thoughts in your mind not disturb you.... May your meditation today bring you peace, happiness and bliss....
Namaste & Nithyanandam.


Just about anything. This list would go on forever. As a musician In enjoy playing guitar and spending time working in the recording studio. Everyone brings something new and unique to music. And if you keep an open mind everyone you meet will teach you something new.
As a reflection of self; each song is just as unique as the artist playing it. As a medium; music expresses those universal themes we all identify with.

I think we enjoy most the music that shares a comparative value with our lives. If a song has touched us deeply, it is because we ourselves have once felt deeply, and music has put us back in touch with that. In doing so it has spoken to us in a way nothing else can; vibrating in silent accord, in perfect harmony with the truth(s) we have experienced. Even in silence I think music has communicated more to me than any word could ever express.

I think if you are open to it, if you are willing to keep an open mind, each song will provide an oppertunity (and sufficient reason) to expand your horizons even further.


Fear and Loathing. Super Troopers. Blow. Boondock Saints. Ron White. Half Baked. Matrix. Mill Moyers/ Joseph Campbells Series "the power of myth", What the bleep. Peaceful Warrior. The fountain.


I do not watch tv any more. I'm in the practice of watching the mind now.


Patanjali's Yoga Sutras. The Bhagavad Gita. The Upanishads: Mandukya, Brihadaranyak, Isha, Katha, Chandogya, Prasna, Tripura. The pranava veda, The Vedas. The Stanzas on Vibration. Alan Watts: Become What you Are. Eckhart Tolle: The Power of Now. Krishnamurti: Total freedom. Think on These Things. Anything by Sankara. The Diamond Sutra. The Nirvana Sutra. The Heart Sutra, Tao Te Ching, Corpus Hermeticum, Kabalion, Summum, Hericlitus, Anything by Joseph Campbell......Etc


My Mother, Einstein,The Swami's, Gurus, Lamas, Saints, and Buddhas. Those who strive to better themselves. Those who embrace truth with an open mind.

Those who listen to their inner Guru. Anyone with the courage to follow their own path, chase their dreams, be who they are honestly and openly, those who dare to make a difference even in the face opposition. Paramahansa Swami J and Swamiji Bodhichitananda Saraswati.

My Blog

Just writing stuff......

When there is no notion of perfection; what can be said to be anything less than perfect? This moment here and now is one without a second, no compairison can be made with it...future and past are a p...
Posted by Ananta on Thu, 26 Jun 2008 01:49:00 PST

Shakti VII

  Ok, So about last Thur - Friday I got another Shaktipat...smaller than the, one needed to tell me it was was transfered to my head (where kundalini is curren...
Posted by Ananta on Tue, 24 Jun 2008 12:18:00 PST

Shakti VI

    Humm where to pick this blog thread back up at...Ok, so shakti has awakened kundalini, have been purifiying the body...first noticed it in my legs...though it was arthritus at first...fe...
Posted by Ananta on Fri, 20 Jun 2008 11:43:00 PST

shakti V

 I have been reading in Muktanandas book the play of consciousness, and have heard in conversations with Swamiji about a time when one comes face to face with the blue pearl, the bindu (might hav...
Posted by Ananta on Thu, 19 Jun 2008 08:42:00 PST

Shakti IV

Hummm...where to start....Still feel the inner heat of yoga is more or less always present...though the intensity of its heat varies.   I am questioning how much is acceptable to dis...
Posted by Ananta on Tue, 17 Jun 2008 01:21:00 PST

Shakti III

Whoa! Ok....I'm Back!! ^_^ A week after shakti diksha I got Bhroncitus verging on pnemonia...balh! It had me on bed rest for a while. Doc's gave me inhalers, anti-biotics, cough syrup that made every...
Posted by Ananta on Thu, 12 Jun 2008 06:41:00 PST

4 statements

4 Aphorisms: Honor your Self, Worship your "Self", Meditate on your "Self", God dwells within you as you. See God in each other. The heart is the hub of all sacred places; go there and roam. Noth...
Posted by Ananta on Fri, 06 Jun 2008 12:27:00 PST

Shaktipat Part II

Ok...where to start....after reaching a core body temp of like a trillion degrees....the heat flashes, headache, and stomach problems all subsided leaving me feeling like a recharged battery...and ver...
Posted by Ananta on Thu, 05 Jun 2008 07:44:00 PST

Shaktipat Diksha

    Whew! Received Shaktipat about 4 days ago.... Yeah...I didn't have much of an Idea what the heck it was either...but if it wakes up Kundalini it must be good....Fast track to enlightenme...
Posted by Ananta on Tue, 03 Jun 2008 02:16:00 PST

First and Final blog

All is God. There is nothing that is not God. You and I are one. One without a second.
Posted by Ananta on Wed, 28 May 2008 01:50:00 PST