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About Me

Its actually difficult to describe myself, since I actually try to not define myself completely, so I think the best terms to use are 'balanced and dynamic.' By not completely defining who I am, I've actually completely discovered who I am, and its given me a freedom I never could've imagined. Once you surrender to change and accept it as the way nature is, then life really starts to flow smoothly and you realize the truly important issues. I am a dreamer and a visionary. An analyst and a mystic. I love to love and hate to hate, for I believe hate stems from fear, and it is my goal to fear nothing. I like to explore different ways to be in touch with my spirituality and dive deep into the rabbit hole to experience the nature of how life is meant to be lived collaboratively, and if you could understand things the way I have come to know them, this life would be an amazing world of non-stop evolution and creation of dreams. I have been acting since I was a young teenager, and have just completed an improv intensive in beautiful downtown Chicago. I love to laugh. I love to feel joy and experience the array of emotion elicited by beauty. I am currently receiving therapy for my addiction to peanut butter, and am an only child. Just remember: less is more! :) I am returning to school through the University of Phoenix to attain my Masters in Psychology, and then would like to apply to get my doctorate and become a Clinical Psychotherapist. I hope New Zealand or India are in the cards for me soon here. We'll see what my financial freedom predicts. Stay tuned!! ?? Which Angel Or Demon Are You ??
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My Interests

portishead- glory box
Add to My Profile | More VideosPsychology, Mysticism, Physics, Religion, Philosophy,Meditation, Theatre and Musical Theatre (acting, singing, dancing,directing, designing) Fashion, dance(choreographing/performing to hip hop, funk, jazz... learning salsa, tango, ballet, tap), visual arts(painting, drawing-- mostly portraits and abstract)TRAVELING! I lived in Ireland for six months, and have traveled to Spain. I also lived in Chicago, Florida and Boston for varying spans of time. Brazil/South America is my next goal.... I music- (singing/guitar/ some piano)... swimming, rock-climbing, camping, volleyball....I also love working with High School teens, helping people to help themselves, and creative problem solving, and I am always up for an inspiring philosophical conversation, and love experiencing new adventures!!

I'd like to meet:

You Are Most Like Liv Tyler
“I don't want to spend so much time obsessing about myself.” What Modern Bombshell Are You Most Like?I want to meet people who are in a vast pursuit of searching for truth. And those who appreciate the value each person holds in life. We all have different gifts,and although one may have skills that 'pay the bills' in one area, there are lessons to be learned and experiences to be had in every single living creature we are capable of coming to know; this is the intrinsic secret! Once it is understood one can come to the revelation of our true eternal existence. Remember- love and compassion are what keep this world going. ENLIGHTENMENT is what ascends our concept of what this world is, and transforms it into our dreams beyond reality! I also love those with an impeccable taste for the randomness and irony of life and have a sense of humor which can sense themes running through these different wavelengths... I have been getting to know someone who has never failed to take my breath away every moment I spend with him. I know most relationships fade into complacency, but this one is different my friends. This one... is different. :D
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Sun Sign: Gemini
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Sneakerpimps, Tweaker, The Pixies, 30 seconds to Mars, Imogen Heap, Sarah MacLachlan, Incubus,Tori Amos, Tool,The Postal Service, Alice n Chains, Def Leppard, STP, The Doors, Pink Floyd, U2, Coldplay, The Roots, Madonna, Justin Timberlake, Jennifer Lopez, Britney Spears (YES! I like the music she performs okay!?So she's not a strong singer, she's a performer!- give the poor girl a break already!)Ricky Martin, The Alex Wilson Band, Pachabel, Mozart, Beethoven, Rebecca St. James, Barbara Streisand,--Hip Hop, Funk, Techno, Classical, Nature Sounds, Blues, Rock, Alternative, Pop, New Age, R&B, Showtunes-- basically, no country, heavy metal(with the exception of Metallica), ska, or punk (except for Green Day... they're pretty good)I just don't like angry and/or choppy music..I never get angry so I can't relate to it. Things have to flow, and have rhythm.... everything else pretty much goes...


WHAT THE BLEEP DO WE KNOW - YOU MUST SEE THIS MOVIE! Iron Jaw Angels, Somewhere In Time, Blades of Glory, V for Vendetta, Requiem For a Dream, American Beauty, A Walk to Remember, The Notebook, Shawshank Redemption, Underworld and Underworld Evolution.. Anchorman, Zoolander-- basically anything with Ben Stiller or Will Farrell makes me laugh my ass off!


Stuart from MAD TV is my favorite!!! Other than that, I have no time for TV...


Conversations With God (The Trilogy), Dreaming a New World, Entering the Castle, Life After Death, The Field, Sacred Contracts, Many Lives Many Masters, Same Soul Many Bodies, Why People Won't Heal and How They Can, Satisfaction, Human Sexuality: Opposing Viewpoints, Da Vinci Code, 1984, Impro by Keith Johnstone, Angels & Demons, One for the Money, The New Dictionary of Cultural Literacy..(lol)


Jesus, Buddha,- all the religious prophets and the lessons they've taught and will teach me, my mother, Aimee, Heidi, all of my beautiful friends for the gifts of joy they have given me and that I may be able to bestow upon them, Neil Donald Walsh, Deepak Chopra, Caroline Myss, Brian Weiss

My Blog

The man of my dreams

I've met the man I am going to marry. They are right ya know, about knowing when it's the right one. Although, I do admit, it was incognito at first. So I hope that most of you have read my last blo...
Posted by Rebecca on Thu, 17 Apr 2008 05:30:00 PST

My ultimate purpose: Breaking through the barriers

These amazing realizations have been starting to come at me a lot faster than ever before in the past. It's so exhilarating... I can't even describe how happy I have become over the past year.. but ov...
Posted by Rebecca on Wed, 02 Jan 2008 07:56:00 PST

Into my state of heaven

I love my parents more than anything. I've been so blessed to have such amazing people raise me. Through all their struggles with being on welfare when I was a little girl, I never would've known it.....
Posted by Rebecca on Mon, 10 Dec 2007 08:46:00 PST

world traveler

SO!  I've formulated a new plan. More of a final plan  for the next few years I hope. As some of you know and may be able to tell, I am a very deep and analytical person. This incessant call...
Posted by Rebecca on Sat, 01 Dec 2007 07:44:00 PST

Thought Police??

So I recently saw this posted on a friend's bulletin, and wanted to put it up for debate. Is this really thought crime? It says that they are preventing FORCED actions... How is peaceful protesting a ...
Posted by Rebecca on Mon, 05 Nov 2007 08:41:00 PST

Economic Implications and Medicinal Purposes of Marijuana.

Why Should Marijuana Be Legalized? Marijuana for fuel Marijuana is a perfect source for clean-burning alcohol, methanol and methane gas. These ’biofuels’ contain no sulfur, the pollutant ...
Posted by Rebecca on Wed, 27 Jun 2007 05:48:00 PST

My dream career

I want to start my own inter-collaborative business. I think it would be more of a co-op internally, and competitive in its own right. I want to build an 'institution' where people can come to underst...
Posted by Rebecca on Wed, 06 Jun 2007 11:45:00 PST

Jesus's sense of humor, hipocracy, and a commentary on Christian Fundamentalism vs. Buddhism

I definitely need to read the gnostic gospels- apparently these are what portray Jesus having a sense of humor, which is clearly left out in all the books of the Bible. Why is it wrong to portray Jesu...
Posted by Rebecca on Mon, 07 May 2007 08:44:00 PST

If God is truly Good, then we have NOTHING to fear.. or Deep Thinking 101

I have had the most AMAZING  past couple months. My closest friends know it, but I am just bursting to let the world know it because they too can experience this state of utter awe and beauty tha...
Posted by Rebecca on Sat, 14 Apr 2007 12:42:00 PST

The Colloquial Code of Castor and the Goat

- From Your Friend & Student Emaculate talent unsolicited.  Hiding underneath the blanket of fear that flagrantly fumigates beneath Friday night affairs; disintigrating: deeming it febriferou...
Posted by Rebecca on Tue, 13 Feb 2007 12:54:00 PST