vespidae profile picture


i have been dissatisfied i have been uncharted i have been overcomplicated Understated Unrelated Int

About Me

I've never been here before; I occasionally find it unnerving--but delightful in the spring.

My Interests

All things in scope......I particularly enjoy anything unexpectedly miraculous.

I'd like to meet:

the girl in the corner with tragic russian eyes....the gypsy who sent her......the paint-smeared madman .....the Fairy Prince in footie pajamas.....the rockstar penguin theapist....all the electric banjo players in town....a qualified ninja translator........................oh, wait. msprm name="movie"


Jazz and blues are the two kinds of music I can listen to at any time, though I don't think I have ever heard anything that didn't eventually find it's way on to the soundtrack


psycological thrillers, true stories, and anything my sister says isn't worth seeing


I haven't really watched tv in about three years....I used to like BBC news, The Daily Show, AMC (for atmosphere)and the travel channel. Oh, there was a sit-com on a few years ago for about half a season...I think it was called 'Cafe American'....I don't know why, but I really loved that show..


too many. I did love The Heaven of Mercury...From the Corner of His Eye......Tom Robbins and Al Franken.....Pre-modern Female Japanese Writers....Charlott's Web.


Sheena Glass and Micheal Keaton as Batman.

My Blog

live feed

unwilling to be disinherited by my father, i did not vote for Obama; i wanted to believe, but the odds of that kind of happy sunshine are...well. not bad. but not good enough to risk my dad's substant...
Posted by vespidae on Wed, 05 Nov 2008 10:07:00 PST

not unlike the atomic bomb...

...the philosophies and principles that i am founded upon were not exactly meant to come to this, though their masterminds cannot deny they were aware of the potential hazards inherent in loosing some...
Posted by vespidae on Wed, 29 Oct 2008 11:31:00 PST


nearly Novemberand i am still crazystill refusingto tip my hatto the Passing Strangersfeet frozento the platform long coat lazy unbuttonedundilligent against the maniacal windpockets pregnant wit...
Posted by vespidae on Mon, 27 Oct 2008 08:47:00 PST


It is dark in my house right now. the Facts of the Matter are that the lights have been turned off. The Rationals required one thing, and i did something else entirely. Startled, they pulled the plug....
Posted by vespidae on Mon, 13 Oct 2008 10:56:00 PST

ninja baby kitty

Posted by vespidae on Wed, 17 Sep 2008 11:24:00 PST


" You cannot understand present day juvenile delinquency if you do not take into account the pathogenic and pathoplastic influence of comic books."Fredric Wertheim, noted psychologist, December, 1952....
Posted by vespidae on Sun, 14 Sep 2008 10:03:00 PST


i love the autumn. the air has the taste of iron cauldrons and copper pots, and the greyness of the sky has a quality of the small pools of water that collect in puddles along cement pilons and empty ...
Posted by vespidae on Sat, 13 Sep 2008 09:53:00 PST


tonight, through the living light and dancing danger of the city, and beyond into NoLand, the technology that is all solid metal and hollow plastic human hands made proof of God and other Plausible Fi...
Posted by vespidae on Tue, 19 Aug 2008 09:17:00 PST

South Side

.. http-equiv="CONTENT-TYPE" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">.. name="GENERATOR" content=" 2.4 (Win32)"> .. --> @page { size: 8.5in 11in; margin: 0.79in } P { margin-bottom: 0.0...
Posted by vespidae on Thu, 14 Aug 2008 11:40:00 PST

pulse check

when the door swung out into the darkness of my empty house tonight, this nearly physical presence surged over the threshold and onto my shoes. the place was populated with foreboding. i had the overw...
Posted by vespidae on Sun, 10 Aug 2008 10:27:00 PST