Yogaville profile picture


Yogaville, VA

About Me

Truth is one, paths are many.

Whether you come as a program participant, a guest, a Living Yoga Trainee, or a Karma Yogi, your experience at Satchidananda Ashram, Yogaville will be unforgettable. Yogaville is a very special place. Situated in the rolling Virginia countryside on the banks of the James river with the Blue Ridge Mountains as a majestic backdrop to the west, it encompasses almost 1,000 acres of serene, wooded landscape with hundreds of varieties of trees and wildflowers.Our community consists of some of the most loving and diverse people you could ever meet. We have come together from a wide range of different faiths, backgrounds, and nationalities to live the simple, yet profound, teachings of Integral Yoga. Our goal is to realize the spiritual unity behind all the diversity in the world and to live harmoniously as one Universal family while enjoying and honoring our differences.If you come as an overnight guest or as a program participant, some highlights of your weekend will be: awakening to Mataji playing her lovely violin in the early predawn hours; greeting the morning with meditation and the gentle stretching and centering of a Hatha Yoga class; walking down to the Light Of Truth Universal Shrine (LOTUS) on our wooded paths, meditating in its profound silence at noon with the Ashram family and attending the Saturday evening Satsang.

My Blog

Beautiful Yogaville

I manage this site. I don't necessarily officially represent Yogaville, but having grown up here and lived here most of my life I definitely unofficially represent Yogaville. I love Yogaville. I have ...
Posted by Yogaville on Fri, 01 Dec 2006 12:06:00 PST