KELLI. profile picture


Square One: Open Your heart. Open Your Mind.

About Me

I like results, dignity, integrity, character and those that are themselves with nothing to hide. Cheating and lying are NO NOs. I don't play games; I'm for real. Like it or leave it; I do not care. Not everyone cares what people think. I am one of them. Here are a few things I am too: Facetious & Playful. Big sun lover, tree hugger, tot tree monkey, impulse catalyst, ultimate explorer, fashion futurist, always adventurist, intense individual, tactful talker, ocean floor feeler, past apathetic, solid breather, quite listener, objective observer, crap detector/caller, opposite of fixator, constantly growing, Arm-Wrestling Queen, word wooer, day dreamer, inquisitive instigator, harmony maker, peace spreader, answer finder, question asker, problem solver, perpetual believer, universal picture vision person, Big Red bubble blower, beer-bread baker, cross-country runner, 7 year gymnast, singing bird and piano player depict me. Tisch School of the Arts called, so I hopped a jet to experience. Reared in Oklahoma, I rode my horse to school wearing my cheerleading uniform, cowgirl hat and boots saying, "Gitty up Lightenin'. Good boy.". My karaoke songs are "I Touch Myself" by The Divinyls, "Just A Girl" by No Doubt and "What's Up?" by 4 Non Blondes (Which I got an 'Audience's Favorite' certificate; yeah! lol.). :)
August 10th is the birthday I share with my Grandpa Ed, except he was birthed in 1917 vs. my 1980. His illness onset my writing at fragile five. Often I cry at night because my best friends won't join myspace. (That last line isn't true; it's a joke because I'm facetious. That's one of the first things I said in the above paragraph.) I contain great tendencies to swoon, be agog and invest ab ovo (= from the beginning). I invest ab ovo because I owe it to myself to give it everything I got before I even start. I do my homework. I love learning more than.... most everything. When people try to interfere with my studies, it makes me feel invaded. My work is very important to me. If you respect me, then you will respect that. If you don't respect me, then... well, you are not my friend. I only surround myself with friends, and let me tell you, I've been doing some major Spring cleaning over the past few years.
My pet fish is named Mo, to remind me to do mo of this and mo of that everyday. I have bad news, Mo passed away because they told me at the pet store I could give him bottled water. The water I put him in which was a generic brand, killed him. This made me very sad. What's worse is, I watched him die over about a three day period. I could tell the water was tainted because he just wasn't swimming right; he was becoming stiff. I boiled some tap water immediately, cooled it down to room temp and put him in it. That always works, but by that time it was too late. His fins had started falling apart and the trauma was too much. Little bits and pieces sat at the bottom of his home. I could tell he felt relieved though. It was like the burning from that awful bottled water had gone away, but it was too late. The poison had already taken over his insides. Everything is alright. I know there are other Mos out there for me. So, my sadness lasted about 30 seconds in real time. I know that I didn't believe what I told myself because I kept thinking about him. My fish before Mo was Einstein. Moving on... there are mo fish for me. Moral of the story: Don't believe everything spoken even if it's someone that should know the topic well.
WATCH THIS SHORT -- DEFINING THE PROBLEM Directed by Kate Sharp. It was the first & last 35mm film I shot. Ck out how beautiful Prague (Czech Republic) was back in the summer of 2003. Due to a severe back injury in 1997 and another one later in 2005, I only do thinking jobs in the film/tv world; NO MORE: moving, lifting, hauling, shifting, loading, carrying or nervous system inflammation. I respect my body. Fortunately my predicament steered me to focus on the role I really really want in big screen land: Writer/Director. My pen can't stop making love to paper and my fingers won't quit the keyboard. So, at one point, a dam will give. This girl knows what she wants, so directing is not a problem. :)
Creating sets me free. I want to see more people grant themselves freedom to create and abandon self-defeating criticisms and deflect destructive words and thoughts, especially those that come from outside sources. I'm a self creator, not created by others. My time is consumed by piecing the puzzle together and solidifying my visions in harmony constantly. The main career irons in the fire are: Writing, Directing, Fine Art, Fashion and, last but not least, Music. I love expression, education and communication. The every moment goal is to have fun and make every second count. My destiny is up to me. Those that try to convince me otherwise are nutz CRAZY!!
If you have questions I'm easily approachable. If I find someone interesting before they approach me, it is likely I will approach them. Read my blogs to find out what I want to tell the world. I have much to learn but I just now decided to start telling the world all of my stories and information I have gathered from my studies. It has taken time to find the right characters for the jobs and parts. Not everyone is fit for my work. What I've been doing my entire life is casting characters for different parts. I knew my part, therefore I knew my character and what I have to do. It's what I've been doing all along. I've been casting, interviewing and auditioning. This means I've definitely fired some people because they weren't right for the parts no matter how badly I wanted them to be. I give everyone a second chance. If they aren't in my life, they blew their audition or they aren't in it for one reason or another. I can't make people who they are. People make themselves. I know that. Wow! I've learned that spoiled eggs cannot be unspoiled or can they? Only if the core is not rotten. I have no patience for nonsense; its just too BORING! I have better things to do. :) I'm Czech American and this is my galaxy famous "art".
I've learned that people just want a background check. Well, here it is Sweetheart, here it is. XO . . . . . .
-Kelli Stretesky
The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing. -Socrates
You saw me from afar, and it helped me see myself.
-Kelli Stretesky
I fight the world with my sweetness. I'm number one on Evil's shitlist. Ask all the villans; they confirm without request. Their snickering is petty static.
-Kelli Stretesky
Be a person of your word and your words will have meaning.
-Kelli Stretesky
My work is complete before requested.
-Kelli Stretesky
We are only as good as our designs. If time and energy is not invested into the goal, that was part of the plan.
-Kelli Stretesky
Integrity. It's obvious if you have it.
-Kelli Stretesky
I am a series of "If ..., then ..." statements.
-Kelli Stretesky
Reason is the equation to the sum of character.
-Kelli Stretesky
Open your heart. Open your mind. Fear destroys everything. End the madness.
-Kelli Stretesky
I am Bohemian . People love and hate me for the same reasons.
-Kelli Stretesky
Don’t wish me happiness - I don’t expect to be happy… it’s gotten beyond that somehow.
Wish me courage and strength and a sense of humor - I will need them all.
- Anne Morrow Lindbergh
(She is a relative on my Mom's side; when I read her books, it amazes me how much we have in common.)
Courage is grace under pressure.
-Ernest Hemingway
Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and
those who matter don't mind.
-Dr. Seuss
You see things; and you say, "Why?" But I dream things that never were;
and I say, "Why not?" -George Benard Shaw
Imagination is more important than knowledge.
-Albert Einstein: German-American physicist, Nobel Prize for Physics (1921), 1879-1955.
Fiction is the truth inside the lie. -Stephen King
Color is my day-long obsession, joy and torment.
-Claude Monet
Creation is a drug I can't do without.
-Cecil B. DeMille
Kelli Stretesky
Lawlessness, 2002
Oil on canvas
36" x 48"
Kelli Stretesky
Bright Sight, 1995
Acrylic on board
12" x 18"
Kelli Stretesky
Concrete Kiss, 1999
Acrylic on canvas
16" x 20"
Kelli Stretesky
Detrition, 2005
Oil on canvas
9" x 12"
Kelli Stretesky
Egg In Cup, 1997
Film photograph
5" x 7"
Kelli Stretesky
Egg Shadows, 1997
Film photograph
5" x 7"

My Interests

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Gratitude. Grace. Smiles. Painting. Drawing. Reading. Writing (Poems, songs, short stories, screenplays, & fiction.). Singing. Filmmaking. Directing. Photography. Cinematography. Psychology. HEALTH. Just Say No 2 Coffee (even though my taste buds like it). Blueberries. Acai. Spinach. Brocolli. Sushi. Wasabi (lots of it). Cayenne (My friends with spicy food cultures tell me I'm nutz for the amounts I consume; honestly, it clears my sinuses and makes me feel better). Fashion Design. Art (Yeah!). Music (Yeah!). Movies (Yeah!). Director's Cuts and Comentary. Nature. Rain Forests. Evolution. Volcanoes. Education. Exercise. Science. Mad Scientists. Astronomy. Water. The Museum of Natural History (One of my favorites!) Timeliness and turntables. The Unified Field. Meditation. Yoga. Time travel. The past, future & present. Breaking molds. The Carribean (St. Thomas and St. Maarten especially). World Travel. Early morning hours when most sleep. Dusk til Dawn. Sipping Pina Coladas. Dancing till drenched. Running. Loving. Kissing. Hugging. Loving. Giving. Giving More. Laughing. Silliness. Lots and lots of fun!! FUN! FUN! FUN! Peace. RESPECT. Dare I mention acting. brrrrr. I've been acting my whole life, but it's taken me a long time to figure out which character I'm going to play. That's okay because I'm only 26 and I know my part has to be the best part I can get for myself. I'm still trying out and I know I'm going to get many great parts.

I'd like to meet:

Those with pictures and a developed profile. I have a stalker; only a headline does not cut it. Otherwise: All sorts. Those with heart, soul, compassion and self-respect. People who differentiate between fiction and non-fiction, a.k.a. bullshit vs. non-bullshit. Cluers. Listeners. Observers. Those that know the difference between cruel and clever. Training buddy for the NY marathon, artists of all expressions, the young, medium, old.. . shakers, dreamers, rock n' rollers, jump starters, entrepreneurs, dysfunctional wonders, storytellers (I want to know where you'll take me.), those with a backbone, giggle boxes, warm souls & nice folk. A few specifics: Grandpa Frank, Anne Morrow Lindbergh (Relative), Billy the Kid (Relative), Lynch (Uncle Frankie reminds me too much of him), Prince, Beethoven, Einstein, Courtney Love, Tim Burton, Kubrick, Robert Oppenheimer, Demi Moore, Jacqueline Bouvier Kennedy Onassis, Shania Twain (ridiculously ravishing) and Oprah (amazing business woman). A ton of others . . . Advocate yourself!! I have new people to add to the list. I will when I make the time.

WHO I DO NOT WANT TO MEET: LIARS! Stalkers. People who pretend to be something they are not. Posers. Fakers. People accuse me of being a "know it all". (Are we in preschool?); I'm certainly not. If a solution is needed and I provide it, that should not be criminal. Unbelievable. Those who take me for a fool. Relatives that have rejected each other because they did not even have the courtesy to speak with each other. "Bleep bleep bleep bleep Mon!". Fictional storytellers that pose it as "reality" are petty to retarded. I have no interests in reconciling differences with those who lie. If you don't know, don't make it up; no one has all the answers. Come on! We attract what we are and repel what we are not. I use the word "I" a great deal because I speak for myself not others. It's up to other people to say what they think. I, Kelli Stretesky, can lead my dehydrated horse "Lightenin" to water, but I cannot make him drink. It is up to him to decide and I will not try to show him what he doesn't already see. If Lightnin sees and chooses to be blind or go run and hide(I know TOO many that ENJOY that kind of living.), I will not try to remove the sash. The thing is, I don't blindfold Lightnin; I'm his friend and love him. He's choosing to be blind and unfortunately lacks common sense. Education works if the student is open to learning. Unfortunately I've found many content with ignorance ("Ignorance is bliss." -American Proverb) and an unwillingness or lack of desire to search. Nothing with value comes easy and is always hard work. Living (things in this Universe) are self made; no matter how hard ____A___ try(tries) to change ____B____, ____C____ will not result unless the ____B____ wants(desire)/allows(approval)/needs(evolution) change. Character is built on choices beings makes. Note: Living come as they are; if Judge does not accept, look elsewhere, there is something for the fitting. Some are harder to find than others. I definitely don't surround myself with people who kick others when they are down; "CHEAP SHOOTERS!" "BUNCH OF WANKERS!" lol. Makes me laugh when I write like that. Troublemakers are signaling for help. They need to converse with those they respect. Typically hard-core rebels will not listen to "Authority" figures because respect is earned, not a given. Rebels need the most love and attention of all. Self inflicting harm: cutting, burning, hitting, substance abuse and overall recklessness is typically rebellion against self when the person does not like their own behavior or environment. It does not mean they are a bad person. It is poorly routed energy with lack of direction. LOST; it's a red flag that says "Somebody please help me!" What is clearly not understood has nothing to do with lack of reasoning. There is always past, history and background = present. Lay off my coattails. This chick ain't no free ticket roller coaster. :o Puffy ego types that write me off as pretentious. Hardly; if only they had a clue. The sunglasses people wear when judging never cease to amaze me. "Dumb blondes" are better than a know-it-all hot-head any day.


is my life support. The Flaming Lips. The Polyphonic Spree (Love; Amazing people!). The Toadies (Genius). Tripping Daisy (Endlessly Awesome!). Pearl Jam (Damn Eddie). Tori Amos (Holy Tori!). Everclear (I love Art; he's so smart.). Green Day (Wakeup Call). The Cranberries. Carly Simon (She knows her men). Courtney Love. Hole (Let's not go there.). The Pixies. Frank Black (Hell Yeah!). The Smashing Pumpkins. Zwan. Billy Coragan. Nirvana (Break my heart). Foo Fighters (Dave is fighten' the fuckin' foo). Melvins. No Doubt (Girl rocks it right!). The Divinyls. Silversun Pickups. Stone Temple Pilots. Helmet. Tool. Prong. Primus. Thrill Kill Cult. Bikini Kill. Babes in Toyland. The Mighty Mighty Bosstones. Burden Brothers. Yeah Yeah Yeahs. Interpol. Radiohead. Coldplay. Blink 182. Motion City Soundtrack (The torch inside the exitless cave). Slide Coaster. Limbeck (Great bunch of dudes). The Matches. Zolof the Rock & Roll Destroyer. The Postal Service. Chet Baker. Cursive. Sunny Day Real Estate. Mercury Rev. The Cardinal Sin. Superchunk. The Martinis. Kathleen Edwards. The Weakerthans. Old 97s. Rhett Miller. Fischerspooner. Death Cab for Cutie. Built to Spill. Ugly Casannova. Modest Mouse. Liz Phair. This Mortal Coil. Superchunk. Portastatic. Nine Inch Nails. The Red Hot Chili Peppers. Dinosaur Jr. Tom Waits. Janes Addiction. Alice In Chains. Ministry. Beck (La la la). Sonic Youth (Are you washing yourself in my machine?). Stereolab. Air. Daft Punk. Tom Petty and The Heartbreakers. They Might Be Giants. Rusted Root. The Benjamin Allen Band. Reckless Kelly. Dwight Yokam. Garth Brooks. Willie Nelson. Johnny Cash. Roy Orbison. Hank Willians. Resident Funk. Jeff Hobbs Band. The Stock Market Crash. The Platters. Dolly Parton. David Bowie. 10,000 Maniacs. Stars. Mazzy Star. Sarah McLachlan. PJ Harvey. The Go-Go's. Raveonettes. 311. Bob Marley. Arrested Development. Tina Turner. Joan Jett and the Blackhearts. Divinyls. Beastie Boys. Bjork. Blondie. Blur. Jason Boland. Jimmy Eat World. Nada Surf. Sublime. The Bloodhound Gang. Pink Floyd. The Breeders. The Distillers. Rage Against the Machine. Budabpest One. Cake. Roger Clyne and the Peacemakers. The Refreshments. Shurman. Cracker. Cross Canadian Ragweed. Reckless Kelly. Waylon Jennings. Robert Earl Keen. The Cure. The Cars. The Police. The Smiths. Catatonia. The Carpenters. Concrete Blonde. Cowboy Junkies. Dandy Warhols. Sean Lennon. Air. Teagan and Sara. Kino. Blue October. Fleetwood Mac. Elvis Presley. The Beatles. Blind Melon. Pat Benetar. Patsy Cline. Patti LaBelle. Patty Smith. Elliot Smith. Iggy Pop. The Ramones. Muse. Mike Doughty. Soul Coughing. The Bloodhound Gang. O.A.R.. R.E.M. U2. NOFX. INXS. Prince. Blondie. Blonde Redhead. Bloc Party. Super Furry Animals. Arrested Development. Aerosmith. Guns N' Roses. The Greatful Dead. Phish. Blind Melon. Placebo. Primus. Cake. Heart. Stars. Hum. P. Butthole Surfers. Lords of Acid. Traci Lords. White Zombie. Rage Against The Machine. The Cardigans. The Charlatans. The Mimsies. Metallica. The Weakerthans. Ween. Wilco. The Who. The Clash. The Tragically Hip. The Arcade Fire. The Exit. Wolf Parade. Band of Horses. Yo La Tango. Coheed and Cambria. +44. Airplanes and Airwaves. The Arcade Fire. American Hi-Fi. Fountains of Wayne. Dresdon Dolls. Feist. Charlotte Martin. Etta James. Louis Armstrong. Ray Charles. Bruce Springsteen. Billy Idol. Madonna. Martin Sexton. Dixie Chicks. Shania Twain. Skinny Puppy. Kristen Hersch. The Smiths. The Clash. B Movie Legend. Billy Bragg. Screaming Trees. Primal Scream. System Of A Down. Anything 50's and all the classical dead men. for starters... i breath music. I love this:


Can't Buy Me Love. The Crow. Peggy Sue Got Married. In July. Baz Luhrman's Romeo and Juliet. Indecent Proposal. One Flew Over the CooKoo's Nest. The Shining. Silence of the Lambs. Legends of the Fall. Fight Club. Flight of the Navigator. ET. Chinatown. St. Elmos Fire. Prizzi's Honor. Good Fellas. Donnie Brasco. What's Eating Gilbert Grape? The Royal Tenenbaums. Shakespeare in Love. Edward Scissorhands. Gone with the Wind. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. Japanese Story. Goonies. Driving Mrs. Daisy. Pie. Lawrence of Arabia. Amelie. Breakfast Club. Breakfast at Tiffany's. Red Violin. Vanilla Sky. I Am Sam. Raising Arizona. Boogie Nights. Mad Love. Rocky Horror Picture Show. The Godfather. Apocalypse Now. Children of the Corn. James And The Giant Peach. Seven. Platoon. Dazed and Confused. Back to The Future. Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory. Mrs. Doubtfire. Labyrinth. The Lost Boys. Dark Crystal. The Neverending Story. Dead Poets Society. Trainspotting. Beetlejuice. Clockwork Orange. Ferris Bueller's Day Off. Scarface. Cry Baby. Office Space. Eyes Wide Shut. Lost Highway. Mulholland Drive. Snatch. The Princess Bride. American History X. Run Lola Run. The Exorcist. Interview With The Vampire. American Beaury. Weird Science. Memento. A Beautiful Mind. Natural Born Killers. Psycho. Being John Malcovich. Aliens. Terminator. Moulin Rouge. The Big Labowski. Baron Munchousen. Fiddler on the Roof. Some Kind of Wonderful. Sound of Music. Fosse. The Lion King. The Little Mermaid. On Golden Pond. The Wizard of Oz. A Midsummer's Night Dream. All About Eve. Vertigo. The Birds. Gone With the Wind. My Architect. Blow Up. Wedding Crashers. Walk the Line. Kinsey. Breathless. Amadeus. Mr.and Mrs. Smith. Mysterious Skin. Rory O'Shea. Fog of War. Sherry Baby. Stranger Than Fiction. I Trust You To Kill Me. In July. 3-Iron. and numerous documentaries. Anime Baby!


I don't watch much; no time for it. Six Feet Under. Oprah. Sixty Minutes. Freaks and Geeks. Band of Brothers. Twin Peaks. The History Channel. Conan. CBS. Seinfeld. MTV (my after-school cartoon in the 80's). Inspector Gadget. Care Bears. The Discovery Channel. HBO. Fuse. CNN. NY1. Thirteen. 'Reality TV' is retarded; it is all scripted and produced; it's a forced reaction and everyone is feeding the insanity (Same thing goes for the Paparazzi.). Good morning America, Entertainment is a Business as we see through our television sets. Everyone is on stage. Hello Politicians, do you see me smiling back? I threw away my television set February 2007.


Non-fiction with stories; psychology, science, auto biographies, some "self-help" because we all need help, and technical books I find interesting. Lots of entrepreneurial resources. Anything analytical or about music (I'm a junkie). Bring Me My Unicorn. Wuthering Heights. Beowulf. Grendel. Walden. The Giving Tree. I love dissecting. Science, Reading and English were always my favorite subjects in the early years.

Shared a taxi with a writer today from the airport to Manhattan (9.7.2006); plan to read Stephanie's "Plan B : How to Get Unstuck from Work, Family, and Relationship Problems" for fun even though after talking she said, "You don't need to read it". Thanks Stephanie! I'm a dork; I know.


I love tons of people and this is my crew. Mount up: Momma, Daddy, Suz (boundless woman that is also my Sister), Jeffrey Scott Goddard (reflection), Aunt Judy (Holy cow she's STRONG!), Uncle Philip (Rebel with a cause), Marvelous Martha Collings (Love. Tastily Smart and Creative.), Elaine Elmore (AWESOME; showed me my artist in 5th grade; She's a riot!), Einstein (Rad), Shakespeare (melts me), Joseph (. . . . enlightenment), Elan (showed me the way), Justin Morris and his Mom Mary, Fritz Kiersch (gave me the keys and said, "Drive."), Gray Frederickson (can't deny such a Producer), Arnie Baskin ("She's gonna make it."; he also recognized Spike Lee's abilities), Emily M. (Beautiful Soul; friend), Nietzsche, Hilan Warshaw (one of my new best friends; he's brilliant), Katie P. (She rocks it right.), Kelli B. (Supercool!) J (mad stimulant), Western Womack (Rock N' Country Roll Baby/friend), All American Rejects (Catalyst; Tyson said, "I wish all of our fans were like that." What he didn't know was, I had never heard of them. I was there, to hang out and have a good time after the Willie Nelson show. Oops! lol.) Different characters for different parts. Least of all, a select few nameless antagonist who made me stronger. Most of all: Writers. Artists. Typically pen n' paper. WHITE CANVAS!!!
Kelli Stretesky
Scream!, 1996
Plaster on base
8" x 8" x 14"
Kelli Stretesky
Dance, 1997
8" x 11"
Kelli Stretesky
V Eggs, 1997
Film photograph
5" x 7"
Kelli Stretesky
Eggs On Crate, 1997
Film photograph
5" x 7"
Kelli Stretesky
Reach, 1996
Ink on board
18" x 12"
Kelli Stretesky
Paris, 1999
Graphite on paper
9" x 12"
Kelli Stretesky
Punctured Planet, 1999
Graphite on paper
9" x 12"
Kelli Stretesky
Climb, 1999
Graphite on paper
9" x 12"
Kelli Stretesky
Inside, 1999
Graphite on paper
9" x 12"
Kelli Stretesky
Heart Like a Hole, 1999
Oil on canvas
20" x 16"
Kelli Stretesky
Man in the City, 1998
Oil on canvas
20" x 16"
Kelli Stretesky
Violet Iris, 1998
Oil on canvas
36" x 28"
Kelli Stretesky
Susan's Flowers, 1996
Soft pastel on paper
30" x 26"
Kelli Stretesky
Violaceous, 1996
Acrylic on board

My Blog


So I got hacked. Sorry for the inconvenience for all the posts I didn't send. Cheers.
Posted by KELLI. on Thu, 31 May 2007 05:09:00 PST

Give Up Coffee!

10 Reasons to Curb your Coffee Intake!Beth Ley, P.h.D. Coffee is been a controversial subject for some time. No wants anyone to mess with their coffee! The bottom line is that while it can do some go...
Posted by KELLI. on Thu, 10 May 2007 07:05:00 PST

Reasons to Drink Water.. .

You know that drinking water is good for you, but did you know that every system in your body depends on water? Here are 10 reasons why drinking water is good for you and why you should make drinking ...
Posted by KELLI. on Thu, 10 May 2007 06:51:00 PST

Everything is Alright

It's true.Love is a Science. .. an ongoing experiment.Rad! ...
Posted by KELLI. on Mon, 07 May 2007 12:22:00 PST is my friend Morgan's site. It's pretty badass. We connect big in the mountain and water sports arena. He's AWESOME regardless of those common interests. Very short story: ...
Posted by KELLI. on Wed, 02 May 2007 06:55:00 PST

Great Westerns

Everclear "Glorious"You were shining in a white lightLike a fairytale movie starNever really thought I would find Snow White drinking in a downtown barYou were underneath the white lightLike a vision ...
Posted by KELLI. on Fri, 27 Apr 2007 04:47:00 PST

You Got It Man

Vanessa Carlton "Rinse"She'd do anything to sparkle in his eyeShe would suffer, she would fight, and compromiseShe's been wishin' on the stars that shine so brightFor answers to the questions that wil...
Posted by KELLI. on Fri, 27 Apr 2007 03:59:00 PST

Uh uh, uhh uh...

Caviar "Aloha"Lying in bed, daylight outsideA taste in my mouthLike something something has diedI should get upI should get dressedBut I know I won'tOh, I won'tHoliday evenings, so hard to surviveTell...
Posted by KELLI. on Fri, 27 Apr 2007 04:17:00 PST

Dear J,

I want you to stay forever.Ween "Stay Forever"In the morning sun, I couldn't tell youI couldn't tell you so many thingsAbout how much I really love youAbout how much you really meanSo far away but it'...
Posted by KELLI. on Wed, 25 Apr 2007 10:06:00 PST

Something I Know

Jane Siberry "It Can't Rain All the Time"We walked the narrow path,beneath the smoking skies.Sometimes you can barely tell the differencebetween darkness and light.Do you have faithin what we believe?...
Posted by KELLI. on Thu, 26 Apr 2007 08:23:00 PST