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About Me

s "The AUM Sound (OM)"Mother sound of all sounds, the creative Word by excellence. Amen and Amin are also derived from this sound.It is the Name of Synthesis of the Messiah.The AUM Sound is the Name of the Divine, it is the most powerful sound, the symbol of the Supreme Reality. It is the Eternal Word, the Manifestation of God.The AUM Sound is present in every tradition. It is the Source of all Blessings. It gives one the possibility to purify its body, its psychism and the atmosphere of surrounding world.AUM awakens every human being to the inner mystery of his own heart. Through AUM, man enters into communion with the universe, with creation, with the Divine expressing itself everywhere.The Sound AUM is the basic prayer of all Aumists in heart and spirit. It does not in any way prevent them from worshipping God in all of His facets and from praying Him using the Name with which they have the most affinities."Repeat OM at any moment. Apply oneself to love without reciprocity.Pray every day to obtain the grace of finally navigating in the great vastness of space where the soul enters into communion with the Divine Essence." His Holiness Lord HAMSAH MANARAH. The three letters of the AUM correspond to three principles: A paramount of before Creation (physical plan). U of Creation (plane mental). M of the expansion of Creation, is the ad infinitum propelled Divine Breath (plane spiritual). Particular effects of sound AUM: According to whether one pronounces AUM (OM) aloud, with low voice, or mentally, AUM acts differently. Aloud: purify environment; crystallize the good vibrations; drive out the bad entities. With low voice: calm the mental one; support the concentration, contributes to the cure; the anguish disappears. Mentally: one arrives more easily to the concentration, the meditation, the interior force which releases and delivers the heart...

My Interests

Get Code | My philosophy. I'm Uni'versal.
I live my faith, without seeking to impose it on the others.
To pray for all friends or enemies.
To be disinterested servant of the world and universe.
To purify internally.
To help our friends entities,of the stones,of the plants, of the animals,and the elements,to be reached the higher worlds of the great evolutionary scale whose man is only one link.
To develop the feeling of the Unity,and the Universality.
To accrurately like its contry without for getting to be citizen of the world and the universe.
To be detached,each day of the personal problems ,to take part in the quiet service of the world.

I'd like to meet:

God is one


Le film de ma vie.