Operation Terra, swimming, meditation, yoga, writing, reading metaphysical material, Ufology, and Alienshift.
The Last Mimzy, Contact, What The Bleep Do I Know?,
What Dreams May Come, The Secret, The Piano, Apocalypto, The Pianist, Jim Carrey movies, All Chevy Chase movies, and last but not least; Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter, Spring, written, directed and starring, Kim Ki-Duk.
The 2 video clips below are beautiful, by: Anodea Judith
The Illuminated Chakras
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Illuminating Chakras
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Tap The Power Of Sacred Geometry To Activate Your Highest Potential.
Click to Visit Web Site for more Arcturian Crop Circles
The DNA, which carries the codes for the operation of all the bodily processes, must be restored and elevated back to its original frequency of Light.
The clip below is an example of how frequencies can affect
matter. Very interesting!
The Sound Experiment- Cymatics
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The Magnificent Power of the Merkaba
The Merkaba is a tool that helps humans reach their full potential. The Merkaba is a crystalline energy field that is comprised of specific sacred geometries that align the mind, body, and heart together. This energy field created from sacred geometry extends around the body for a distance of 55 feet. These geometric energy fields normally spin around our bodies at close to the speed of light, but for most of us they have slowed down or stopped spinning entirely due to a lack of attention and use. When this field is reactivated and spinning properly, it is called a Merkaba.A fully activated Merkaba looks just like the structure of a galaxy. The Merkaba enables us to experience expanded awareness, connects us with elevated potentials of consciousness, and restores access and memory of the infinite possibilities of our being. When the Merkaba meditation is performed correctly, the Merkaba fluidly integrates our feminine (intuitive, receptive) and masculine (active, dynamic) aspects of our mind and spirit.
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kinetica prose twinahom 'spiritual communion'
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Below is the famous Alex Grey, who's themes of diversity and transcendence weave throughout his artworks:
Alex Grey - Artistic Mysticism (Hi Qual) - Like Escher? Luv this
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Artist's Prayer
Creator of the Universe,
How infinite and astonishing
Are your worlds.
Thank you,
For your Sacred Art
And sustaining Presence.Divine Imagination,
Forgive my blindness,
Open all my Eyes.
Reveal the Light of Truth.
Let original Beauty
Guide my every stroke.Universal Creativity,
Flow through me,
From my heart
Through my mind to my hand,
Infuse my work with spirit
To feed hungry souls.
Starseed children are all around us.
Here is one definition of a Starseed;"Right now, all over the world, certain men and women are responding
to some remarkable internal stimulus, as if some incredible time-release
capsules are going off inside their hearts, brains and psyches. They
are having peculiar memories surfacing that remind them of their true
ancestral home. These awakening extraterrestrials are remembering that
they came to Earth to perform a specific mission. They are coming awake
to complete that mission."To summarize the concept. In our evolution the somewhat unexplainable
change from Neanderthal to Cro-Magnon is explained by intervention and
inter-breeding with Star People. If you can believe this, then you can
imagine how some modern day homo sapiens are throw-backs to their
ancestral Star People.
RA: We are those who are of the Law of One, of Unity. In our vibration the polarities are harmonized;
the paradoxes have a solution. We are one. We have walked your planet and seen the faces of
your peoples.We now feel a great responsibility of helping remove certain distortions that have been given to the
law of One.We, as social memory complex or group soul, made contact with a race on your planet which
you call Egyptians. We spoke to one who heard and understood, and was in a position to decree
the law of One. (Based on the Edgar Cayce Readings, we can see that this was the entity Ra-Ta,
who helped Ra design the Great Pyramid with Hermes and much later reincarnated as Cayce
himself). However the priests and the peoples of that era quickly distorted our message,
robbing it of the compassion with which unity is informed.
Click Here for RA Material/Law Of One