(((love&light))) profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

yellow self-existing sun, Ahau
Mayan Goddess IxChel-
I AM....a seeker of Universal Truth in the eternal, ever expanding moment of NOW. BE-ing, as opposed to doing and self actualization with every breath. Anchoring the frequency of love into this 3D illusion, I AM a lighthouse, for all journeying, travel with me? We are more than we imagined, so think Higher ;)
I AM a healer and a weaver of Light, sewing the fabric of perception, crafting optimal experience, a wholly holy ride- using only one eye to navigate this darkness
This interactive Game is Divinely orchestrated and the sky is not the limit, only a new horizon. I value all life, an organic HERBivore. I make time everyday to thank the Universe for making the experience *extraordinary*. So pleased at how my dream has turned out. Grateful to have recollected with many from my soul family, I'm intending to connect with all of you ;) I am an advocate for the Earth- WE ALL SHOULD BE! Spreading awareness about Ultimate Reality and loving with all of me is my soul purpose. Please join me...
I believe in the perfection of the human blueprint.........so mysterious, playing this "Game Of Definition".

My Interests

Kundalini Raising




I'm interested in learning. Please teach me some-thing that will blow my mind!

I believe the most creative thing you can do is parent, god in installments.

I like to end suffering and spread compassion whenever possible just for fun.

I'm interested in evolving, please let me reMind you ;) our greatest joy can be found in your soul's remembering Who You Really ARE.

Always know ONLY LOVE IS REAL everything else is an illusion created by your ego craving data to process. Just BE...

Chakra Alignment

I'd like to meet:

Any Lamps to the World! Critical Mass instigators, free thinkers, creators not reactors, non-conformists, mystics, peacemakers, pathpavers, teachers that love to be students, those interested in sustainability, uninhibited dancers, givers not takers, bodhisattvas, pro active parents, people that can laugh at themselves and the world...Bliss Blue
Super Human, fully activated


the silence of my soul


many lives spent giving my power away to sources outside myself, until I remembered


No TV for me.

"Those who study the stars have God for a teacher."-Tycho Brahe


Anything by: Neale Donald Walsch, Sanaya Roman and Orin, Lama Surya Das, David Icke, Brian Weiss, Erich Von Daniken, Dan Millman, Don Miguel Ruiz, Barbara Marciniak and The Pleiadians, and of course, The Dalai Lama. No fiction.


My Beloved Teacher
Dalai Lama
Peace Pilgrim

Ghandi, Timothy Leary, Jack Herer, Martin Luther King, Oprah, David Icke, Jordan Maxwell, Erich Von Daniken, Marilyn Lopez-Wood
third eye=pineal gland

My Blog

Ahau, the journeyer....

"I Am that I Am....I Am that I Am...I Am that I Am." This mantra of Ahau is a meditation for accessing the I Am presence that contains great power and universal truth. Ahua is the mystery unveiled, th...
Posted by (((love&light))) on Thu, 20 Mar 2008 04:09:00 PST

Ahau, my star glyph

I AM Ahau, I Am that I Am, Inexhaustible supply of Love, sourcing infinitely in all worlds,  the seed of solar mastery containing the stellar hologram of your return, I Am the Sun’s ...
Posted by (((love&light))) on Wed, 19 Mar 2008 09:41:00 PST

Twin Flame Physics

CRACKING THE CODE:THE PHYSICS OF TWIN FLAME RELATIONSHIPby Angelina HeartThe Twin Flame relationship is the ultimate balancing of the two primal forces of creation: the divine feminine energy and t...
Posted by (((love&light))) on Thu, 28 Feb 2008 07:49:00 PST

True Love Dissolves Every Human Boundary

  .. ..> TRUE LOVE DISSOLVES EVERY HUMAN BOUNDARY Not in a thousand years, as you say, could your little minds have seen what we shall do together here on Earth. For hidden in the ...
Posted by (((love&light))) on Thu, 21 Feb 2008 02:47:00 PST

How to soothe an autistic child

- Colors on the child and on those persons around them should be kept to those in the cool and light spectrum- cream, pastel pink, blue and green are best. -Continuously play soft, soothing music such...
Posted by (((love&light))) on Mon, 12 Nov 2007 06:26:00 PST

Heightened Awareness

When You Raise Your Frequency....(coincidences sent from my Higher Self all quoted material is actual words said on TV)("she has reached total surprise")You move your frequency signature - soul note -...
Posted by (((love&light))) on Mon, 22 Jan 2007 06:08:00 PST

The Awakening

thankingBarrettStrong Money Thats What I Want LIFE MUSIC Powerful Words To Live By:The Awakening A time comes in your life when you finally get it ...when, in the midst of all your fears and insanity,...
Posted by (((love&light))) on Sat, 26 May 2007 06:58:00 PST

Who set up the Game Plan?

thanking *Healer*, my brother THE PLANIFICATION   REPORT BY ARCHANGEL MICHAEL          ;   19 March   2007  &nb...
Posted by (((love&light))) on Wed, 21 Mar 2007 10:50:00 PST

Unconditional Love and Higher Intelligence

~THANKS  :-)~: D A V I D  (Messenger of Love) CONNECTING WITH EXTRATERRESTRIAL INTELLIGENCE Integrating a Universal Principle that some Beings from 5th density realities and upwards, know ...
Posted by (((love&light))) on Wed, 24 Jan 2007 07:53:00 PST

Mission of Light

by my friend,  LightworkerWe are on a mission to return back into the light  of our creation~I know many of us have been on the path that has been termed "ascension" We as Lightworkers&...
Posted by (((love&light))) on Thu, 11 Jan 2007 04:30:00 PST