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NAMASTE'...Love yourself and you will know love.Be true to yourself and you know truth.Know yourself

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I am a spiritualist. I enjoy working with energies .I am Usui Reiki healer I,II.

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Web goddess-light.blogspot.com .. -- SiteSearch Google --Love is.......Love is feelingNo on can explainIt'll take you to placesYou'll never be the sameLove is a strengthYou know not where it cameBut if you abide itYou'll never be lameLove is leting life beFor all the world to seeFor what's to come your wayone must wait for the dayBut one must expect to suffer somepainFor great things come to those in vainLove is the greatest gift to man-kindIf only you'll see and not be blindLove is all aroundyou forever to stayIf only you'll allow it in your life today.~Marilyn Falconer..
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Hosted by eSnipsLOVEDo you believe what I believe? By Laura Scott~I believe in real butter and a big country kitchen where your friends can watch as you cook or help you, laugh and cry with you as we figure out the world, our children, each other, all the while cooking up life, nourishment and love. I believe in old fashioned things, like manners, and love notes and swinging on big long rope swings. I believe in the power of being present.I believe in love. Universal Love uniting us, unifying us, underwriting us. I believe in Grace.I believe in two ply and good plumbing. I believe in fresh cut lawns, a perfect peach, and juicy watermelon. I believe in hanging out on blankets and watching the sky swim by with someone you love. The fresh taste of spring water. I believe in silence.I believe in dancing, skipping, singing, synchronicities and surrendering. I believe in surprises, sunrises and life's ability to flip a situation around in our favor faster than we can say, 'Abracadabra.' Because I believe in Magic.I believe in Angels, Spirit Guides, Messengers, Ascended Masters, and more, all in regular constant communication with us. I believe in their power, love, and support. I believe in the power of laughter... Of a good belch, and fresh sheets... I believe in making intimacy and living love.I believe in meditation and reflective thought. I believe in freedom, Oprah, Bill Gates, Warren Buffet, Bono, Nelson Mandela, Immaculee Ilibigaza, Dr. Masaru Emoto, Martin Luther King, Buddha, Jesus, Einstein, ET, the tooth fairy, the Grinch, Charlie Brown, and children in no order of preference. I believe in the unmistakable power of a smile to heal, unite, lessen, increase, provide, invite.I believe in real love, destiny, free will and the power of our choices and our attitude. I believe in soft passionate kisses that last for hours and fall into days... gentle caresses, tenderness. I believe everything is possible.I believe in the power of a buy one get one free sale, in the 20 percent tip and in tipping points. I believe in the first snow fall of a season, and the smell of a fireplace burning. I believe in the Faeries playing in my flower beds and the crickets that sing beneath my window through the summer night. I believe in Heaven. Here, there, everywhere.I believe in the quiet that comes after the storm. I believe in the space between the spaces. I believe that out of our suffering comes much good fortune. And that Life is always in Divine Order, even when we can't see it. I believe there is always a Higher Plan.I believe we are all one, And in our oneness lies our greatest strengths. I believe that when one of us is doing better, all of us are.I believe in invisible things, forces not seen, unexplained and yet to be defined. I believe in a Mother/Father God. I believe in the Church of Nature. And the power of miracles. Like falling in love again after many years of being on your own, and instantly feeling reborn.I believe in a good moisturizer, comfortable clothes and laugh lines. I believe in aging and it's place in our humanity. I believe if we weren't conscious of time's perpetual passage we'd never push ourselves or pace ourselves. I believe in faith.I believe in skinny dipping, laughing under the full moon and throwing up your arms to the sky with complete abandon and shouting , "YES!!!"I believe in the sun, in the stars, in the sea, and in the cool, quiet, secret places in the woods. I believe in peace.I believe in all of us, even the forgotten. I believe in our intrinsic goodness. I believe we can, we will, we must stay connected. I believe we are only as strong as our weakest spot. I believe in sleep overs, a good cup of tea, waking up to the sounds of wild song birds singing. Laughter.I believe in you. And I believe in me. I believe in our power as individuals. I believe in our collective power. And the power of our evolving consciousness. I believe in the power of all possibilities. I believe in us.I believe in love.I believe.LOVEI am a materialisation of my own consciousness Dedicated to a life on Earth... From this tiny point of light We anchor all our superior self In this precious moment of our existence. This is the prayer This is the miracle Like a great ship on the ocean That with its little anchor Halts its movement in the cosmosFrom this materialisation We give knowledge to all the superior self Which enters and exits from us Nourishes and accompanies us In life and in dreams...With vision outside time All our lives interacting Like bees in search of pollen Nourishing that huge being A molecule of an even greater being...Because the dimensions of God Are incalculable for a human mind It is contemplating infinity...Before such immensity appears the energy of love Which unifies and nurses All creative activity In any plane or state...God is love We are love Everything is love...AmenObserving the world From a corner With open eyes And fear in the breast... Millions of beings Dwelling on the Earth Perplexed by the mystery Of life and death...The Cosmic Mother Sheds millions of tears For every human being Who needs her compassion...Drops like rain Caresses like the wind Like the warmth of sunbeams The Cosmic Mother reaches all...You are not alone, my children Shake hands, embrace... Share your secrets Love one another...Know that... When you look upwards Someone in the heavens Is also watching you... The Cosmic MotherFollow the Light ? By Brielle Marie WellnerIn the beginning, as you open your eyes, You start to realize your reason on Earth. Developing so small and afraid. Then you gradually grow following birth.Every moment of every day, Capture the memories within Wake every morning with God and pray Don't fear the future ahead.God has a plan for everyone, And this definitely isn't the end. But don't be afraid of the future, Because I'll be there; I'll be your friend!Always keep your faith true, Even when the road starts to bend. Live each day brand new, because There's always light at the end!MY NEW WORLD Today I awaken & realize my world is gradually changing. Everything!!!!!! as I knew it................................................ ..................is melting down, dissolving................. no longer supported by my old outdated habits & ways. Fear & separation cannot keep me hostage any longer... I am seeing & knowing in a new way. I know it is possible right now to live a full, rich & abundant life in each moment, filled with union, peace, balance & love. I am choosing aliveness more & more. I must! I intend peace to permeate me to the core of my being. I AM staying in touch with the center of myself as I learn to reunite with All There Is. Remembering who I AM, why I came here & what I desire to do to express all of me! I AM a being of passion, vision & great power. It is now time to channel all of this through my heart! I face myself with immense courage, determined to take responsibility to recognize these fears as my own. I call from the depths of my cells the truth of who I AM. I seek for assistance to change at the deepest root levels so I may have a new fresh experience of union. Inner peace, inner trust, inner balance is all that remains as polarity falls away into the halls of memory. I AM the one who knows.by Saleena Ki'"Earth's Resurrection""We wait with the others", we said, for they are our family, our blood, our light. Yet they walk away from us, because they forgot we are here. But their hearts will call them back. So we wait for them.We are wisdom locked in timeless space. We sigh in this silence, and it becomes the wind. We cry out in our loneliness, and it becomes the rain. We share our stories, and it becomes a bird's song. Leaves spiral at our feet that can not walk.We are still awareness, waiting in time. We call to you, but you labor to hear us. We reach for you, but our arms do not move. For we belong to the universe, the stars, to time and space itself.The laws of time and space are separated from your world. We hold this knowledge in stone, in our consciousness, for safe keeping. For this reason, you do not swim in the stars like you remember. For 800 years, time and space waits for its rebirth on Earth, and in us. We wait for Earth's resurrection into the light. Soon the day will come that we can liberate these natural laws upon Earth. And we will walk among you again. We will swim in the stars, and all will live again as we remember.What you want, we want also. We crave Freedom. Our hands and feet are bound in sacred service, And, as it seems, so are yours. We dream about the moment we can cut the teathers that bind us. We want to dream our world into being; not watch it frozen in time. Yet we remove ourselves from freedom until all are free. It is our gift to you, to life, and to Earth.Your struggle to remember, to manifest and to create the way you remember, falls upon an Earth that is not ready to support it. When the use of time and space are liberated, creating, living and being will be unforced and natural. You will create at will with no limitations. Only then will you remember there is nothing to remember, nothing to learn at all. There will be no effort, no technique, no program, no degree. You will live . . . freedom.You have nearly built a bridge to the freedom that you remember. You have done this before the natural laws of time and space are reactivated. It is an impressive contribution in assisting in Earth's resurrection. But your hard work and focused intellectual learning is going about it the hard way. But we can't make you wait for the easy way. You don't hear us. You can't sit back and wait for Earth to emerge fully into the light again. Your minds are made up. Your hearts are already put into action. You are beginning to rise above and beyond natural law. This has never been done before. You are becoming living Masters that will journey beyond known horizons. It is risky, and uncharted territory, but we also see that you are bold and fearless and will do anything to do this.And because of this, our wait is nearly over, and you will return the gift that we gave you. ~Aluna Joy ~Message from the Ancient Ones in dedication to those who have come before...and to the Awakeners who Listen a Reminder~From the Begining...We have with youWe are the Ancient Ones...And we RememberWe remember the time when there was only Love...the time wnen ALL breathing was oneWe remember the Seed of your BeingPlanted in the Belly of the vast black NightWe remember the Red case of deep slomberthe time of forgeting...the sound of your breath...The Doulse of your Heart...we remember the force of your longing for Lifethe cries of your birth bringing you Forth.We Are the Ancient Ones...and We have Waited and Wachedyou say that you cannot remember that TimeThat you have no memory of USYou say that you cannot hear your Voicesthat our Touch no longer moves youYou say that there can be no returnthat something has been lost...that there is only Silence.We say the Time of waiting is OverWe say the Silence has been BrokenWe say there can be No forgeting NowWE SAY LISTENWe are the Bonesof your Grandmother'sGrandmother'sWE ARE THE HOLY MUWe Have Returned NowWe say you cannot forget USWe say we are with You and You are USREMEMBER...LISTEN...REMEMBERNow is the Time~ Now is the time to knowThat all that you do is sacred.Now,why not considera lasting truse with yourself and God.Now is the time to understandthat all your ideas of right and wrongwere just a child's training wheelsto be laid asideWhen you finally liveWith veracityAnd loveHafiz is a divine enjoyWhom the BelovedHas written a holy message upon.My dear please tell me,Why do you stillThrow sticks at,your heartAnd God?What is it in that sweet voice insideThat incites you to fear?Now is the time for the world to knowThat every thought and action is sacredThis is the timeFor you to compute the impossibilityThat there is anithingBut GraceNow is the season to knowThat everything you doIs sacred.~HAFIZ~Divine Co-creators~Cosmic flowersOf the universe,Divine Co-creatorsWith the Absolute Source,We have Ascended,Beyond all realitiesThoughts,ideas,Thoughts mons of time,Holding the Flame of Divine LoveThat ignites and sustains,The strength within form,Upon this world.One more time we walkIn the mirror land of matter,One last visit together,An eternal Divine Heart of LoveThat beats for all that'sCreator's WillCreator's WisdomCreator's planTo this end,We stayWe standWe work...Lady EmanuellaA Gift from Godby Gaele Arnott~Aanushka and Nanushkacame to earth as visitorsfrom a Pleaidean star.They came to remindtwo blue ladiesof the tasks they promisedto share.Emma and Lucy were their namesin the times of yesteryear.They shared their knowledge with a world not as yet ready to hear.They decided to come once again to a world more awake and wise.To a world more adle to realise the strengthof healing just from a look in their eyes.It is time from Aanushka and Nanushkato return to their home on Pleaidean star.The blue crystal mandid come tumbling infrom a world of peace and lovethat Emma and Lucy may introduceto a worldnow ready to hear,that healing can come only from within.The planets alignet in symmetry,prepared to change the world.It is the greatest assistance that God can give to youthat peace and love and happinessare waiting,just for you.All you need is understandingthat compassion resides in you,as a healing we can all share.A gift from God.I Love My Beloved Supreme~I love my bodyTherefore,I am patrolling its boundaries carefullyI love my nitalTherefore,I am controlling its aggresions ForcefullyI love my mindTherefore,I am changing its needswiselyI love my soulTherefore,I am flying with itDevotedly.I love my Beloved Supremetherefore,I am crying for Himsleeplessly,unreservedlyAnd unconditionally.~Sri Chinmoy~INVOCATION OF ECSTASY~We who are her nowAre the creations of the First Worldwe who are her noware the Rays of the first Light.we who are her now.Are the star seed of the First garden.Let us open our hearts and look again.Let us open our hearts and let love rise.More than we ever have before.More than we ever thought possible.Look again.For Deep in energy Human SoulThere is a knowingThat life is a gift from Godandthat love,Yes !Love, Love, LoveIs the Heart,The Breath and the Meaning of LifeMay there always be More LoveMay there always be More Love.And may we allThrive and live forever,Agian and Again and Again!Oh,Dear GodI Love My Life!~by Mellen-Thomas Benedict~The Power of PrayerIt is in prayer that we thank youFor the blessings that you giveAnd with praise that we worshipe youFor you give us hope to live.It is in prayer that we call upon youFor all your help we askTo strengthen and to guide usFor troubled times to passAnd in those times of our most needWhen we forget how to prayThat's when we know your love for usForevermore will stay.Because in prayer you give us wingsAnd teach us how to flyShould we happen to forgetNow to reach you in the sky.~Marilyn Falconer~Poem from other sideI see you in the skyI see in the stars,I see you in a child smile,Baby's laugh,in the raindrops,in every dream.I see you wherewer there is God,therever there is love.My chalice of eternal love,hold me in your arms,never let me go.Come around the World with me,through time eternally,delirious with delight.Spread your arms with Angel wingslet us float around Jupiter and backto Mars,trough Venus'clouds,onto Mercury and past the sun,bringing fun to everyone.Join the laughter,join the fun,let's take a trip around the sunFrom the deserts to the grasslands,From the folests to the seas,From the mountains to the oceans,Wherever you are,That's whele I'll be'Forever together trough eternity,Souls as one united in love.Beyond aglimler of hopeBeyond the shadow of a doubtBeyond all human conceptionBeyond all boundariesBeyond the sun,the moon,the starsBeyond the universe,Beyond all possibilitiesBeyond infinityThere is still God.Love is a beautiful rosePetals ever unfurlingopening to the sky,the sun,the rainspreading her perfumeLike wordsspreaking a languageuniversally knowlike the smile on her Lover's lipsLike the colors of the raibowLike music,like magicRecognized and desired everywhereHer beauty untold.Kingdom of loveKingdom of loveWhere shall I go but to the Kingdom of lovewherever I beThe Kingdom of love forever calls to mecalling my soul home to be freeIn the Kingdom of loveForever happy!Through the eyes of loveI see you in all your beautyI see the blish of the rose on your cheekI see the starshine in your eyesI see the sunshine in your smileI see the lovely waves of your hairI see your rosebud lipsI see the gentle curve of your earsI see you embrace lifeAnd move forwardInto the daySmiling,happy,self assuredBecaus you knowI see you tthrough the eyes of loveI support you at every turnI protect you from any harmI shower you with my love continuouslyEver enveloping you in my auraAlwais seeing you trough the eyes of love.by Susan ShaneMorning SongThe red down now is rearranging the earthThought by thoughtBeauty by beauty.Each sunrise a link in the ladderThought by thought.Beauty by beauty.the ladder the backboneof shimmering deity.Thought by thought.Beauty by beauty.Child stirring in the web of your motherdo not by afraid.Old man turning to walk trough the doordo not by afraid.~Joy Harjo~FOLLOW THE LIGHTby Briene Marie WellnerIn the beginning,as you open your eyes.You start to realize your reason on Earth.Developing so small and afraid.Then you gradually grow folloving birth.Every moment of every day .Capture the memories withinWake every morning withGod and prayDon't fear the future ahead.Gode has a plan for everyoneAnd this definitely isn't the endBut don't be afraid of the futureBecause I'll be ther;I'll be your friend!Always keep your faith trueEven when the road starts to bendLife each day brand new,becauseThere's always light a the end!UNIVERSEASCENSION,EARTH,NATURE,ANGELS,ARCHANGELS,CHANNEL ING, Where Were You Before the Tree of Life?
The True History of the Darkness and of the LightPEACE, REIKI, img src="http://i203.phot

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KRYON~II-Don't Think Like a Human -Lee Carroll Dancing With the Devil as you Channel in the Light -David Ashworth ASK AND IT IS GIVEN/Learning to Manifest Your desires-Ester and Jerry Hicks Spiritual growth-Sanaya Roman LIVING IN THE HEART-Drunvalo Melchizedek A Bridge in the Eternity-Richard Bach

My Blog


THE QUANTUM AWAKENING A THOUGHT&. A WAY OF LIFE&.A WEBSITE &. & A GLOBAL ELECTRONIC NEWSLETTER Serving the Global Light Community since 1986 MAY 2008 ISSUE 111 Created, Channeled, Written, Publ...
Posted by GoddessLight on Sat, 17 May 2008 01:20:00 PST

The Quantum Awakening ~ Update

  Whenever you desire an object, a situation, or a material acquisition with your very first seed thought you birth the opposite.  Polarity is two lane street, a two way street, a coming and...
Posted by GoddessLight on Sun, 13 Apr 2008 12:53:00 PST

The Quantum Awakening ~Update

You enter a doorway of ripening, a pathway of fruitfulness. A pathway and pattern of seeding a future that is asking to be germinated.  For every season, there is a time and for all time there is...
Posted by GoddessLight on Wed, 12 Mar 2008 11:06:00 PST

Lights of Love Membership Circle

Hello Dear Friends,I have GREAT NEWS for you today!!The Lights of Love Membership Circle has been officially launched worldwide and it is FREE TO JOIN for Lightworkers around the globe!Check it out a...
Posted by GoddessLight on Sun, 27 Jan 2008 01:08:00 PST

AA Michael.:.Jan 2008: Fine-Tuning Your Soul Song - Your Energetc Signature

Message from Archangel MichaelJanuary 2008 * LM-1-2008 "FINE-TUNING YOUR SOUL SONG * YOUR ENERGETIC SIGNATURE"Transmitted Through Ronna Herman Beloved masters, as the veil between your world and ours...
Posted by GoddessLight on Mon, 31 Dec 2007 12:39:00 PST


ARCHANGEL MICHAEL TRANSMITTED THROUGH RONNA HERMAN LM-12-2007 / December, 2007     Beloved masters, as the higher frequencies of Light and Creator wisdom permeate the Earth and humanity, a...
Posted by GoddessLight on Thu, 29 Nov 2007 09:29:00 PST

Living the Impossible Dream ~ The Rebirth Process.:. Kryon channeled by David Brown

Living the Impossible Dream ~ The Rebirth Process a message from Kryon channeled by David Brown Thursday, 1 November, 2007 at Harare, Zimbabwe --> -->--> --> A Kryon meditation through David Brow...
Posted by GoddessLight on Thu, 01 Nov 2007 07:25:00 PST


..> KRYON: "UNDERSTANDING YOUR DUALITY" ..> ..>   This live channelling was Given in San Diego, CA Annual Meeting with Metanoya   July 28, 2007   NOTE FROM LEE: This Trans...
Posted by GoddessLight on Thu, 25 Oct 2007 04:48:00 PST


..> What`s Up ! : GETTING THINGS IN PLACE AND THE GREAT SEPARATION ..> ..> October 20 , 2007 Greetings! Things remain mostly the same, as we are still settling in to a very new exi...
Posted by GoddessLight on Sun, 21 Oct 2007 11:10:00 PST

The Quantum Awakening .:. October 2007

Posted by GoddessLight on Fri, 19 Oct 2007 12:04:00 PST