Cosmic Being of Light profile picture

Cosmic Being of Light

No limitations, no boundaries. Infinite, Eternal.

About Me

You Are From the Moon
You can vibe with the steady rhythms of the Moon.
You're in touch with your emotions and intuition.
You possess a great, unmatched imagination - and an infinite memory.
Ultra-sensitive, you feel at home anywhere (or with anyone).
A total healer, you light the way in the dark for many. What Planet Are You From? Welcome to my page! I would first like to state that i am not here to judge anyone, i accept everyone just as they are and am not interested in trying to change anyones beliefs. I created this page to be a sanctuary for myself, where i could express, and celebrate what i believe, share some of the creations i've made, and meet other spiritually inclined people. I believe we are all where we are for a reason, and if i happen to disagree with what you believe, it doesn't mean i don't have love or appreciation for the person that you are! All are welcome here, and i thank you for stopping by! Namasté! **** My name is Scott, I am 35 years old and recently moved from the beautiful Pacific Northwest(Washington), to San Antonio, Texas. I embrace and embody the spirit of creation- meaning, i am at my best and most at peace while creating something. I am an artist at heart- i make music, i paint, draw, sculpt, write, create basic computer animations(i created everything on my profile) and entertain my two boys ages 5 and 1. I am fortunate enough to be a stay at home dad right now, and i love it! Being a Father is the most meaningful, and important thing in my life, and i feel blessed to have been given the opportunity. It's truly amazing watching my boys grow, learn, and develop. I've been married to my wife for two years now, but we have been together for ten years. She is an incredible woman and i am extremely thankful for her and for the life that we have made together. I can't imagine being without her, and i never want to find out what it would be like! She is my best friend, my lover and my Goddess on earth, i have never had the pleasure of experiencing such a deep love and such a strong bond before she came into my life. ***** I am fascinated by cosmic things, The Universe, metaphysics, philosophy. I am extremely interested in the Oneness of all things as taught in various eastern philosophies, contemporary science and quantam physics. I spent quite a bit of time with organized religion. For several years i was considered a "jesus freak". However, eventually, i could no longer blindly accept what was being taught, and finally left the church. For a couple years after that, i spent my life in spiritual limbo, feeling guilty that i had betrayed God, even though i knew in my heart that there HAD to be more to the story than what was being fed to the masses. I just couldn't grasp or support the notion that a God who created someone, would then turn around and send you to hell if you didn't follow the plan the church layed out for you. If i was created in the image of God, how can anything or anyone be to blame?? I came to the realization that organized religions deliberately misinterpreted the scriptures in order to control the people, using an image of a vengeful, wrath filled God to induce submission. ***** I finally decided to explore other religions, philosophies, and non-traditional beliefs that the church had convinced me were heretical, new age, or blasphemous in the eyes of God. That's when i truly became free. Although i don't subscribe to any particular religion, or doctrine, i believe that there is truth to be found in all religions. I also believe no one religion has the answer, and if an organization says "You must do this, or go to hell" they are, in my opinion, dead wrong, and are doing people a disservice using fear as tool to force people into submission. Zen Buddhism is one of my favorites, because of the LACK OF DOCTRINE to be followed. You just be. ***** I consider myself, and all of humanity to be Divine Cosmic Beings of Light. We've been misled, indoctrinated, and lied to for so long that we've come to accept the lies as reality. I believe one day the TRUTH will be revealed to us and we will enter a new stage of global consciousness. I am intrigued by the Mayan predictions of a massive polar shift taking place December 21, 2012. I've only scratched the surface in learning about that topic, so i am eager to learn more!

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My Interests

CURRENT MOON lunar phase Love, Consciousness, Awareness, Unity, Peace. Positive Energy Accelerates Conscious Evolution

I'd like to meet:

Here is an incredible Painting by my dear friend Damaris. It is called "Cosmic Tree". Please, do yourself a favor, and click on the picture of Damaris, to visit her online gallery!
Here is another awesome painting by Damaris from "the Blue Lady" series: To hear Damaris' enchanting voice accompanied by beautiful music, click here: In addition to being a talented artist and musician, Damaris shares her gift of healing, using a reading system she developed called InSight9! Check it out by clicking the picture!


Music plays an integral role in my life. I have extensive musical tastes and interests in most genres. Depending on what kind of mood i'm in or what kind of mood i would like to be in, determines what i will listen to. I love it all, from Ambience to Rap. I have a low tolerance for country music, there might be one or two songs i could enjoy.



Welkin Ring

Den of Sound

I and I


V for Vendetta, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, The Jacket, Dogma, Pulp Fiction, The Usual Suspects, Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon, The Italian Job, The Following, Memento, A Clockwork Orange, The Wall, The Outsiders, Star Wars, It's a Wonderful Life, The Departed, Fight Club, Unbreakable, Goodfellas, One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest...etc.******************************************** Check out this video UFO - The Greatest UFO Story Ever Denied

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I don't watch alot of TV, but when i do...The Daily Show, The Colbert Report, The Sopranos, Chappelles Show, Star Trek TNG/Voyager(if i can find it) Frontline, Charlie Rose, and various Documentaries.


A few of my favorites, in no particular order: A Guide for the Advanced Soul/Susan Hayward, the Holographic Universe/Michael Talbot, The Tao of Physics/Fritjof Capra, Creative Visualization/Shakti Gawain, God I Am:From tragic to magic/Peter Erbe, Walden/Henry David Thoreau, Seven Spiritual Laws of Success/Deepak Chopra, Conversations with God/Neale Donald Walsch, Astral Projection Workbook/J.H. Brennan, Celestine Prophecy/James Redfield, DaVinci Code/Dan Brown, Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance/Robert M. Pirsig, The Prophet/Kahlil Gibran, Illusions/Richard Bach, Superconciousness:A Guide To Meditation/J. Donald Walters, The Zen Teaching of Huang Po, Meditation in Action/Chogyam Trungpa, Tao Te Ching/Lao Tzu, The Teaching of Buddha/Bukkyo Dendo Kyokai, The Art of War/Sun Tzu, The Artists Way:A Spiritual Path to Higher Creativity/Julia Cameron with Mark Bryan


My Blog

"True Light Workers" (a repost)

i found this to be powerful, moving, and inspirational...perhaps you will too! Many thanks to:   Rysa    Pleyade    *Galactic Consciousness*   Li...
Posted by Cosmic Being of Light on Mon, 02 Apr 2007 02:01:00 PST

Let's see you count the crashing waves...

Posted by Cosmic Being of Light on Thu, 22 Mar 2007 01:47:00 PST

My Mayan "Galactic Signature"

Very fascinating, and revealing Mayan Dreamspell Calculator.  Visit my friend,  "Hyperspace Vortex" blog section to  view yours!  Thanks Hyperspace! --------------------------...
Posted by Cosmic Being of Light on Thu, 15 Mar 2007 05:59:00 PST


"Reality" Antiquity- the destination where our future lies: Where answers are born and mystery dies. Where man's logic and thinking no longer applies. Where words and opinions cease to be wise. Where...
Posted by Cosmic Being of Light on Thu, 01 Mar 2007 02:07:00 PST

Verse for my 2 sons

You're a Divine Cosmic Being of Light, you shine brighter than the brightest star at night. You illuminate the heavens like a galaxy glowing, you're the constantly expanding Universe growing. Not...
Posted by Cosmic Being of Light on Wed, 28 Feb 2007 09:31:00 PST