Star profile picture


I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Okay...this is difficult...I'm a solitary soul, and I enjoy quiet, nature, and try to find beauty in everything. I enjoy so many things: like oil painting and creativity of any kind. I also really love to hike, read, write, travel, watch movies and contemplate life. I'm a philosopher, on a search for truth. I'm happy to add that I am finding it finally, at this stage in my life! The perks (and there are many) of having made it this long. I have some of my best adventures, in an inner place from which I can travel anywhere! So I do.....! I have many friends whom I neglect horrendously, but love tremendously and a family right outta the movies. Love, light and laughter...!

Myspace Layouts at / Dark fairy/purple / Comments

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

My brother says they have to be alive...but I say no-o-o...cause I'd like to meet tons of people...many artists who've inspired you ready?!--- Thomas Cole, Maxfield Parrish, Michelangelo, Monet, Vincent Van Gogh, Leanardo Da Vinci (I'd be intimidated tho!). Then there's Fredrick Church and the whole Hudson River group. Gilbert Williams and Christian Reese Lassen are a couple of my living inspirations, as well as Shirley McLaine and Joe Vitale. Oprah, Angelina Jolie, Bono, Brad Pitt, and the many stars that are spreading their wealth to help the world I hold as great examples. There are lots of spiritual teachers like Eckhart Tolle, Neale Donald Walsch, Catherine Ponder and Ram Dass I must mention too...

My Blog

Flashback to my Hippie Days and the Vietnam Era...

Warning: Profanity....*(Note from Star---as soon as I can find my old photos of those hippie days, I'll repost this blog with them included.) But - this is a song that we heard all over the radio stat...
Posted by on Mon, 25 May 2009 08:58:00 GMT

Towards 2012-2 (En Espanol tambien)

Towards 2012-2  Thanks to my friend Blue P Står for this video...To watch more of his vids, goto: &videoid=52811434
Posted by on Mon, 25 May 2009 08:27:00 GMT

Transformation and These Changing Times

Transformation and These Changing Times By Stephen Thomson The Sacred Art of Transformation is one of the highest forms of alchemical work and the true backdrop for our advancing states of spiritual c...
Posted by on Mon, 25 May 2009 07:00:00 GMT

Children of the New Dream with Drunvalo Melchizedek

Children of the New Dream Interview with Drunvalo MelchizedekBy Diane CooperDiane: So Drunvalo...who are these "*Children of the New Dream*" that you are so excited about?Drunvalo: Well there are 3 di...
Posted by on Sun, 24 May 2009 15:59:00 GMT

Going Home - Our Star of Hope has Appeared

Going Home - Our Star of Hope has AppearedNamaste Greetings, my dearest friends,All is well, my friends, our bearings are correct, we still have a mighty fine Wind of Love filling our sails out and th...
Posted by on Sun, 24 May 2009 15:22:00 GMT

Spiritual Networking-Building Bridges

Spiritual Networking-Building Bridges "Infinite Possibilities!"Star
Posted by on Sun, 24 May 2009 08:07:00 GMT

Be the Change You Wish to See

>Top Ten Things to Think About If You Want to Change the Worldby Michael AngierMahatma Gandhi believed that we must be the change we want to see in the world. This was well demonstrated when he hel...
Posted by on Sat, 23 May 2009 09:12:00 GMT

Musical Prayer for Peace Coming in Sept. 2009

Project ~ Peace on Earth Thank you, Fern and Sri David!
Posted by on Thu, 21 May 2009 20:49:00 GMT

World Peace Prayer/Meditation Tonite, 7:30 pm Everywhere!

**** WORLD PEACE PRAYER/MEDITATION***** TONITE!! 7:30 p.m.!! WHERE-EVER YOU ARE!! *World Peace Meditation ScheduledMay 21st, 2009 !!!May the followers of all religions and spiritual pathswork together...
Posted by on Thu, 21 May 2009 08:28:00 GMT

More Pyramids! These in Bosnia...

Bosnias' Valley of the PyramidsBosnian Pyramid of the Sun, the biggest stone structure in the shape of the pyramid on the Planet with the height of 220 meters, Visoko, Bosnia-HerzegovinaMegalithic blo...
Posted by on Wed, 20 May 2009 08:54:00 GMT