Please send me an e-mail if you are interested in learning more about the following services I offer
Distant Healing Session ($29.99)
Tarot Readings ($5.99 - $49.99)
Dreams & Past Lives ($19.99)
I am able to contact spirit guides in higher realms who offer additional guidance regarding your area of concern. I often incorporate numerology into my readings to give you a full view of your current situation.
I have always had a gift of knowing things were going to happen before they actually did.
Proud member of The Psychic Society, UK . Please visit to book your online reading with me today. Just look for my member profile "Blue Rayne"!
Also, be sure to come visit me at my eBay store Blue Rayne Mysticals ! Specializing in Magickals, Spirituals, Tarot, and Metaphysical Curios from around the globe...
I am also a member of the Paranormal Phenomena Investigators of Colorado . A group of like minded individuals who enjoy exploring the realm of spirits and the unexplainable.
You are The Empress Beauty, happiness, pleasure, success, luxury, dissipation. The Empress is associated with Venus, the feminine planet, so it represents, beauty, charm, pleasure, luxury, and delight. You may be good at home decorating, art or anything to do with making things beautiful. The Empress is a creator, be it creation of life, of romance, of art or business. While the Magician is the primal spark, the idea made real, and the High Priestess is the one who gives the idea a form, the Empress is the womb where it gestates and grows till it is ready to be born. This is why her symbol is Venus, goddess of beautiful things as well as love. Even so, the Empress is more Demeter, goddess of abundance, then sensual Venus. She is the giver of Earthly gifts, yet at the same time, she can, in anger withhold, as Demeter did when her daughter, Persephone, was kidnapped. In fury and grief, she kept the Earth barren till her child was returned to her.
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Born and raised in Colorado Springs, Colorado I moved to Denver after graduation from H.S. in 1992. I really LOVED the hustle and bustle of the city and, quite frankly, miss it sometimes.
The mountains are my home now and I share my days with the towering Pines and the delicate Aspen. The skies are dark at night and reveal the light that the Universe provides. The air is clean and crisp. The beauty that surrounds me daily still takes my breath away. I love living in Colorado!
The belief in fairies seems to reach back into ancient times, being traceable both in written and oral tradition. Traces stem from the Sanskrit gandharva (semidivine celestial musicians) to the nymphs of the Greeks and Homer, the jinni of Arabic mythology, and other folk characters of the Samoans, Arctic, and other indigenous Americans.
A common conception of fairies today, especially in children's fairytales, rests largely upon their depiction in old folklore tradition where they were generally described as serious and sinister. The exceptions include the tooth fairy, the fairy godmother in Cinderella, and Snow White and the seven dwarfs.
The word "fairy" is derived from the Latin fata, or fate, referring to the mythical Fates, three woman who spin and control the threads of life. The archaic English term for fairies is fays, which means "enchanted" or "bewitched."
I have learned that I have a lot to learn!
"Our bodies appear to be solid, but, in fact, we are 99.99% empty space filled with energetic, vibrating atoms, according to quantum physicists. Our entire body vibrates at a basic frequency of approximately 8 cycles per second, which is the same frequency as the basic electromagnetic field of the Earth. We are literally attuned to the Earth.
Chakras (pronounced “Shock-Ruhsâ€) are whirling concentrated energy centers.They are measurable patterns of electromagnetic activity for receiving, assimilating, and transmitting life-force energy to and within the body.Chakras receive and transmit energy all the time. When perceived clairvoyantly, chakras appear as a colorful wheel or flower with a hub in the center, similar to fans with overlapping blades.
Chakras are located deep within the center of the physical body next to a hormonal gland along the spinal column. There are three currents or nadis, which flow in and around the spinal column, like the serpents spiraling around the caduceus (the familiar symbol used by the American Medical Association). The current on the left is the Ida, the feminine force of passion and emotion. The current on the right is the Pingala, the masculine force of the intellect. Chakras are attached along the spine from the base to the top of the head and are held in place by the crossing of the invisible Ida and Pingala.
Chakras draw in Divine life-force energy (also called “kiâ€, “chi†or “pranaâ€) from the Universe and distribute this vital energy to the physical glands and organs in the body and through the bloodstream and nervous system for optimum health and well being.
Chakras coincide with the body’s endocrine system. Each chakra has an influence over the endocrine glands and internal organs in that part of the body where the chakra is located. Sometimes, their influence covers a broader area.
The chakras also connect the spinal cord, the autonomic nervous system, and the endocrine system with our subtle body of vibration energy called the bioelectromagnetic field or aura. There are two primary electrical systems in the physical body. The first is the alternating electrical current of the nervous system and brain, which governs our muscles, hormones, and physical sensations.
The second is a continuous, electromagnetic radiation coming off our atoms which allows for an energy exchange between individuals and their environment. Each person’s unique energy field or aura makes up the person’s physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual states. Scientists in the field of energy medicine agree that this vibrating energy field stores coded information about our past, present, and future health.
Chakras originated in the ancient Hindu system of healing dating back to before 2,500 BC. Yogis have used the chakra system for thousands of years as an integral part of holistic healing. Every living being, including the Earth has chakras. There are hundreds of chakras within and around you, but most psychics and healers are concerned with only the 7 major ones.
Some people are sensitive enough to see or feel the chakras. To try it for yourself, lie on your back and pass your hand over your front midline, from the pubic area to the top of your head, a few inches above your body. You may feel the chakras as intense concentrations of energy.
You may see the colors of the chakras with your inner eye or third eye even if you aren’t looking directly at them. This may be seen easier with your eyes closed using the inner eye. It may also be easier to try to see and feel the colors of a friend’s chakras rather than your own."
"All that we see or seem is but a dream within a dream"
~Edgar Allan Poe~
FIRE...AIR...WATER....EARTH Magick is based on the four elements...Fire, Air, Water and Earth.
These four Elements correspond to the four directions of our physical world, the four quarters of the universe, the four winds, and most importantly the four quarters of the magical circle. Fire and Air are considered male energies....Water and Earth female. The four Elements are forces and energies that make up the universe and everything in it. They also possess form as well as force. In Magick each Element is associated with a color. Modern day Wiccans use the following colors: east - yellow; south - red; west - blue; north - green.
Fire represents passion, enthusiasm, desire and courage, force, lust, fertility and virility, initiative and rejuvenation. It represents both light and heat. The light of intelligence and the courage to follow it. Fire magick can bring on the new, bring on courage and passion and destroy the old. It's season is Summer and direction is South/Energy. It's symbol is the Athame/Sword, Candle and the Burner; it's colors are Reds, Oranges and Golds. The moon phase is the second quarter and it's time is high Noon.
Air represents mental activity, thoughts, reason and intellect, memory, knowledge, persuasion, birth and friendship, freedom, clarification and expression. It's feelings are moist heat, it's season is Spring, it's direction is East/Mental, the symbol is the Wand, Athame, or the smoke of the incense. It's colors are White, Lt Blues, Yellows and Green. Moon phase is the first quarter and it's time is Dawn.
Ah water, the symbol of our emotions. Water imbibes all life forms and in us we flow with the "tide" of our feelings. It involves intuition, insight, conception and pregnancy, fertility, the womb, health, beauty and divination. Its feelings are cold moisture, its season is Fall, direction is West/ Emotion and its colors are Blue, Light Grays, Sea Greens and Whites.The symbols are the cup or chalice. The Moon phase is the Full Moon and its time is Dusk.
The source and provider of all our needs. Represents sensations, decay, patience, stability, strength, health, warmth and comfort, animals and animal instincts, farming and physical labor. Its feeling is dry and cold, its season is Winter, its colors are Browns, Blacks, Purples and some Greens. Its symbol is the Pentacle or Rice, Salt or grain in a brass or terra cotta bowl or a Stone. Its Moon phase is the Fourth Quarter and its favored time is Midnight.“The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the source of all true art and all science. He to whom this emotion is a stranger, who can no longer pause to wonder and stand rapt in awe, is as good as dead: his eyes are closed.â€
~Albert Einstein~
On Spiritual Contact
Life is energy and it can be as old as the universe itself. It flows, moves, and never dies out, it just passes to new phases of existence. Part of our experience with other worlds is the passing via the "white light". There are so many spirits that just refuse to either acknowledge or move through this light, based on lack of understanding. Some even are unaware that their world has changed. As a necessary step to transcendence it is our responsibility to encourage those to move through the light so they can go to the next phase of being.
Next are those that stay for the reason to connect with a message just one last time. They have something they need to pass on to a loved one, and you happen to be the portal they connect with as they try to get that message across.
The last is those that stay because they like where they are. They stay to manipulate, emotionally append, or harass someone. These spirits should be banished and told their choice is the light or to wander, but they are not allowed in your space. Remember spirits of dark "desire" and emotions can only do what YOU allow them to do, this is YOUR realm not theirs. So don't let the ghost stories get to you.
The most common methods of contacting the recently deceased is Spirit Boards, Automatic Writing, Seances, and Physical sensitivity.
If you attempt to contact a lost loved one and are unable, don't fret. Actually rejoice because in most cases they have moved on, transcended. But watch the little ones close to you, you just never know!
"Your vision will become clear only when you look into your heart. Who looks outside, dreams. Who looks inside, awakens" - Carl Jung
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