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Realize that the Enlightenment within you emanates from the Web of Life

About Me

I began studying Eastern Mysticism , and practicing Western White Magick when I was 16 in 1967. Since I lived in Santa Clara at the time, it was easy for me to get up to San Francisco, and so I was there for the Summer of Love. I began studying the I Ching in 1968, discovering the practical side of Taoist Philosophy. In 1970 I went to college in Boston, where I met Karmu, the Holy One. He was a Healer, and a Rootman, and he taught me Massage , and how to love people, which is perhaps the most important thing anybody can know. In 1973 I began studying the Hwa Yu Tai Chi Kung Fu under GrandMaster John Chung Li, a practice that seems to have made me stronger & more agile as the years go by. After a lifetime of study and practice, I am putting up my accumulated knowledge and experience on my website, the Dragon's Den . You'll also find other things of interest there... such as my Moving Mandalas . Enjoy! Cyteen
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MySpace put Captchas on my account against my wishes. The darned things are everywhere, and they add so much time to replying to Comments, that I've pretty much stopped making Comments.... something that I loved to do.

My Interests

Buy my Uncle Paul's Books!
Presidential Anecdotes

Presidential Diversions

I'd like to meet:

Goddesses, Gods, Gurus, Great Minds & Ideas
Tenzin Gyatso

Kwan Yin
Mary Magdalene
Madame Blavatsky

Lord Krsna
Lao Tse

Paramahansa Yogananda
Mahatma Ghandi
Nicola Tesla
Sri Swami Vivekananda

Sir Isaac Newton
Alan Watts

Albert Einstein
Bertrand Russell
Stephen Hawking
Dr. Michio Kaku

Ram Dass
Timothy Leary
Dr. Albert Hofmann
Terrance McKenna

Jacque Fresco
Deepak Chopra
Alan Ginsberg
The Mass Consciousness Project

Ramana Maharshi
Ken Kesey
Noam Chomsky
Alex Grey

The One Campaign
Air America Radio
Mother Jones Magazine

MetaCreative Magazine
John Lennon

Spiritual Activists and Political Visionaries

*Karen Karma*
~Make a Wish~

Elsewhere's Daughter
The 1st Responders
Anjika Pita

Pass the Peace
Alex Jones

The Real Cindy Sheehan
Rain of Light
Galactic Consciousness
RAK : Random Acts of Kindness

Musicians Against Bush
Veritas, Latin for Truth

Divine Love
Amy Peacemaker

Take Infinite Care

~Raven Sapphire~
The Disclosure Project

Chi of Earth

Earth Harmonics
The Rememberers

Dr. Mathews

Free Tibet
Lee Travalan

Kosmic Karola
Delalunas (JV)

Knights Intent

Raven Sapphire


I grew up in a house filled with Classical music, and Jazz. Here's a little music video I made for the Ding Dong Show, that combines these two loves.

Jazz, Classical Music, 60s Acid Rock, Blues, and New Age
I really do enjoy all forms of music, and I would never listen to just one kind all of the time.
Stan Getz & John Coltrane are my favorite Jazz musicians, but I also love the Big Band sound, Latin Jazz, and anything straight ahead;)
Of Classical Music composers, it seems that I have always loved the Russians best.
As a Hippie from San Francisco, I got to know Grace Slick, Janis Joplin, Joni Mitchell, Linda Ronstadt, the Grateful Dead, and Carlos Santana. I will always love these people.
Here's a Table of some Great
Musicians I've found around MySpace

Antonin Dvorak
Duke Ellington

Theolonius Monk
Frank Sinatra
Johnny Cash

Sun Ra
Erik Satie
Bei Bei

Weather Report
Heidi Little
VM Underground Radio


As a lifelong film buff with around 4000 movies in my collection, this list could easily become impossibly long. My collection contains what I consider to be the best movies made since we began making movies. So I have many Silents, old Black & White films, and great movies up to current times.
Now should I list ALL of my favorite movies (besides Forbidden Planet, Casablanca, Spartacus, Elmer Gantry, A Night at the Opera, Seven Chances, The Wizard of Oz, Singing in the Rain, A Connecticutt Yankee in King Arthur's Court, Roshoman, The Man Who Would Be King, & LOTR), or do you get the idea? hehehe


Here I am
performing on Jimmy Kimmel Live

I've mentioned elsewhere that I love Science Fiction & Fantasy. In the early 1990s I began videotaping my favorite programs, editing out the commercials, and then began creating my permanent collection. At the moment the collection is approaching some 800 six hour videotapes, and contains practically every episode of practically every Science Fiction/Fantasy show that has ever aired.
It's something that I usually work on while I'm also busy in the online world. I love to multi-task, and figure that if you are going to be fanatical about something, it's good if it is harmless. hehehe


I like all kinds of books, but have always held a special love for Science Fiction & Fantasy. Some of my favorite authors are Anne McCaffrey, CJ Cherryh, Isaac Asimov, Robert A Heinlein, Philip Jose Famer, Roger Zelazny, HG Wells, Jules Verne, Alan Dean Foster, Andre Norton, Fred Saberhagen, Larry Niven, Frederik Pohl, Timothy Zahn, Poul Anderson, Orson Scott Card, L Frank Baum, JRR Tolkien, & JK Rowling.
Pages Worth Reading & Knowing Like Books

The Disclosure Project
Spirit to Spirit

MetaCreative Magazine
MetaCreative Radio
Pagan Pages.Org

The One Campaign
The Mass Consciousness Project

Air America Radio
Mother Jones Magazine

Save the Wolves
Save South Central Farm
Iraq Veterans Against the War


I think it is more important to find the Hero within yourself, than to look up to another person. In all of the history of the world, there has only been one Hero, and he has 1000 Faces. Some people I do hold in great regard are Lao Tse, King Wen & Prince Chi, Quan Yin, Lord Khrisna, Lord Buddha, Avolokitesvara, Green Tara, Lady Isis, & her son Horus, Thoth the Atlantean, Freyr, Jesus the Christ, Doreal, Manly P Hall, & Ghandi.When you find the Hero within yourself, you will be able to see the Hero within other people. Let us all be brave, and face the world with Courage!
What Dennis Kucinich says about Ron Paul
Heroes of the Plant World
Celebrating the Web of Life
End Prohibition
Love for the Earth
OutGrow Big Bro
James Clair Lewis
Class Action Lawsuit
Rev. Mary
Radical Justice Man
The Web of Life
This Butterfly
Heros of the Plant World
Florida RCCN
Just a Plant
Marijuana Music
Marijuana Radio
Cannabis Cup
The Goddess Indica
Plant Seeds
Organic Food
Trees 4 Free
San Pedro
Psychoactive Messiah
Keep Salvia Legal
Magic Mushrooms

My Blog

Listening to Trees

Listening to TreesThese animated Moving Mandalas are very large files. Please click on the pic, and wait for it to load. The Contemplation will be very enabling, carrying your Mind beyond the mundane ...
Posted by on Sun, 28 Oct 2007 09:39:00 PST

The Key Hexagram

The Key HexagramThese animated Moving Mandalas are very large files. Please click on the pic, and wait for it to load. The Contemplation will be very enabling, carrying your Mind beyond the mundane wo...
Posted by on Thu, 25 Oct 2007 06:42:00 PST

How It Ought To Be

How it ought to beThese animated Moving Mandalas are very large files. Please click on the pic, and wait for it to load. The Contemplation will be very enabling, carrying your Mind beyond the mundane ...
Posted by on Wed, 17 Oct 2007 06:05:00 PST

The Hidden Agenda

The Hidden AgendaThese animated Moving Mandalas are very large files. Please click on the pic, and wait for it to load. The Contemplation will be very enabling, carrying your Mind beyond the mundane w...
Posted by on Mon, 01 Oct 2007 10:25:00 PST

The Happy Garden

The Happy GardenThis short story was written cooperatively by me, and my Garden.Actually, the Garden wrote most of it, and I merely filled in a few details. Click here!These animated Moving Mandalas a...
Posted by on Sat, 29 Sep 2007 08:14:00 PST

The Gremlin’s Diary

Most people's imaginary childhood friends go away at some point. Mine didn't. These are excepts from The Gremlin's Diary...Click here to read The Gremlin's DairyThese animated Moving Mandalas are very...
Posted by on Sat, 29 Sep 2007 08:12:00 PST

A Garden of Philosophy

A Garden of PhilosophyThese animated Moving Mandalas are very large files. Please click on the pic, and wait for it to load. The Contemplation will be very enabling, carrying your Mind beyond the mund...
Posted by on Sun, 23 Sep 2007 12:58:00 PST

The Five Obstacles

The Five ObstaclesThese animated Moving Mandalas are very large files. Please click on the pic, and wait for it to load. The Contemplation will be very enabling, carrying your Mind beyond the mundane ...
Posted by on Mon, 20 Aug 2007 01:51:00 PST

Creating Future

Creating FutureThese animated Moving Mandalas are very large files. Please click on the pic, and wait for it to load. The Contemplation will be very enabling, carrying your Mind beyond the mundane wor...
Posted by on Mon, 20 Aug 2007 01:48:00 PST

Contemplation & Meditation

Contemplation & MeditationThese animated Moving Mandalas are very large files. Please click on the pic, and wait for it to load. The Contemplation will be very enabling, carrying your Mind beyond the ...
Posted by on Thu, 02 Aug 2007 04:05:00 PST