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Terrie True

All good things are wild and free. _Thoreau

About Me

My real name is Terrie True. Here's the short version: I am still a hippie girl after all these years because I never stopped believing in freedom, peace, creativity, love, and justice. I really believe in that old saw about Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness. Peace makes sense to me and war does not. You are invited to read my so-called blurb and go through the cupboards and pantry of my life and see if you find anything tasty. Help yourself. Come on in.
I am a pagan whose spiritual practice centers around the contemplation, experience and pursuit of Beauty, reverence for and care of the Green World, service to and exploration of the Web of Life. I am a high priestess in an eclectic tradition of Wicca.
I am a Pisces with a Sagittarius Moon and Taurus rising. I am an Astrologer and I read Tarot. My sons tell me I am crazy...but in a good way.
I also happen to be a member of the resistance movement. I will not sit by and watch the rogue government destroy our liberties and the lives of not only our own citizens but millions of lives around the world. I wanted Dennis Kucinich to be President of the United States. Since that isn't an option right now I am voting for Barack Obama. I am NOT doing so because I think he is progressive enough or because I trust him...I don't. I am doing it because it is a vote that says, "We shall overcome!" I can wrap my heart around that, at least. I can vote for Barack Obama because I'm still pissed off about the murder of Fred Hampton and because I'm grateful to Sojourner Truth and Martin Luther King, Jr. I don't think Barack is a progressive, but as a rallying point, he might be enough. The People are ultimately the ones who must make the changes. We can change the world by the force and brilliance of our hope. The magnitude of Obama's candidacy in terms of symbolism, in terms of the hope it might provide and the victory it claims may become the catalyst that will give the People the hope to stand up and make things better. Obama's candidacy is bigger than his rhetoric or his record.
Politically, I am very far left of center. I am radically progressive. You might call that anarchist. I just think we live on an abundant and beautiful planet and we should share it while respecting our fellow beings and taking good care of each other and our home. I think most of our problems can be traced to fear and that love can conquer fear if given half a chance.
I support the fair, respectful and compassionate treatment and rights of non-human people. I like helping animals in need and enjoy the animals that share my life very much. I do rescue work with abandoned and feral cats. I have 4 cats, Loki, Lily, Firefly and Najai. They were all rescues of one kind or another. Please spay or neuter your pets. Many of the ones that are already born have it very hard. Adopt a cat only if you can offer a loving home for life.
I have four handsome, intelligent, free-spirited sons, Justin, Benjamin, Nicholas and Jonathan who are grown and out on their own. I have a beautiful little grandson named Oscar. You can see photos of my Nana and my Grandpa in my slideshow. They taught me what I know about unconditional love.
I live at the river's edge where it gently bends into a lily-pad crowded lagoon. I live in a rural trailer park which is on the site where the indigenous people camped in the days preceding the 'signing' of the Treaty of the Cedars that stole four million acres of their lands in Northeastern Wisconsin and forcibly relocated them to a tiny reservation. There is a big historical marker that I can see from my home commemorating this white man thievery as though it is something of which to be proud and I find it very offensive.
I love art, poetry, and magic. I love gardening, cooking and baking. I like to read and I like to write. I love escapist films. I love antique books, glass and toys (but I don't have a budget that really supports this interest!) I love children's literature especially the magical kind.
I'm interested in Native American culture and history, especially of the people of the Great Plains, and Celtic culture and history. I'm interested in Wicca and other realms of Pagan thought and tree welfare.
I love swimming in real water that has plants, fish, friendly micro-organisms and an earth bottom, not chlorine filled pools, not factory, farm and urban cess-pools. It gets harder every year to find clean water. This horrifies me.
I love the seasonal changes and am interested in holidays from lots of different traditions and I celebrate a lot of different ones.
I have a huge pagan garden featuring a sacred circle with a World Tree Ash at its center. I grow hundreds of lovely perennials, annuals, flowering spring bulbs, vegetables, pumpkins and sacred herbs as well as several of the nine sacred woods. Birds, 'possums, raccoons and an occasional deer and feral cat visit my home to enjoy my garden's bounty.
One of my favorite places in the whole world is Wales. I haven't been there in a long time but a part of my soul is always there with my family and ancestors. Prince Edward Island is another beautiful place with which my soul resonates. Other favorite places are the Badlands and the sacred Paha Sapa of South Dakota. I love Wyoming and Montana with a passion. I have visited 45 of the 50 states as well as England, Wales, Ontario, Prince Edward Island, and New Brunswick. I have not yet been to Hawaii, Alaska, North or South Carolina or Florida. Some day I would like to visit Scotland, Greece, Malta, France, Mexico and Nova Scotia.
MySpace Graphics

My Interests

Life, Love, Mother Earth and all Her passengers.

Give birth to peace.

Sing the blues.

I'd like to meet:

Leonard Peltier, Crazy Horse, Black Elk, Dennis Kucinich, Abbie Hoffman, Dante Gabriel Rossetti, Adolphe William Bouguereau, Georgia O'Keeffe, Loretta Lynn, Little Richard, Mother Jones, Joe Hill, Sojourner Truth, Fred Hampton, Michael Moore, Aretha Franklin, Mary Magdeline, Joan of Arc, Cesar Chevez, Woody Guthrie, Leadbelly, Anne Frank, Sara Teasdale, Edna St. Vincent Millay, L.M. Montgomery, Amy Lowell, Hilda Conkling, Bliss Carman, Vachel Lindsay, Emily Dickinson, e.e.cummings, Sam Cooke, Upton Sinclair, Fanny Brice, Carol Channing, Cab Calloway, Sacajawea, George Orwell, J.R.R. Tolkien, A.S. Neill, John G. Neihardt, Starhawk, Felix Salten, Pamela Coleman Smith, Anthony Quinn, Donovan, Sandro Botticelli, Mary Queen of Scots, Tasha Tudor, Maybelle Carter, Maggie Smith, Spencer Breslin, Jack Black, Paula Deen, Gloria Steinem, Marvin Gaye, Carl Sandburg, Rudolf Nureyev, Saint Therese of Lisieux, Gerald Gardner, Walter De La Mare, Boudica, Annie Oakley, Jane Goodall, k.d.lang, Isadora Duncan, Timothy Treadwell, Charles Voegele (Quartermaster of the German submarine U-20 who mutinied and refused to fire the torpedo that sunk the Lusitania)

There's no place like home.

Protect Her.

Take the road to Peace.

Share it.

Together, we all shine more brightly.


Duffy, The Beatles, Bruce Springsteen, Patti Scialfa, Johnny Cash, Grateful Dead, Tim Hardin, The Band, John Hiatt, JJ Grey and Mofro,
Sinead O'Connor, Michael Franti and Spearhead, Dolly Parton, Sam Cooke, Gene Pitney, Joan Baez, The Waterboys, Van Morrison,

The Doors, Merle Haggard, Donovan, Steve Earle, Old Crow Medicine Show, Smokey Robinson, Neil Young, Nick Drake,

Everly Brothers, Sly and the Family Stone, Gram Parsons, Bobby Darin, Otis Redding, Aretha Franklin, Marvin Gaye, Wilson Pickett,

Freddy Fender, Little Richard, Hank Williams, k.d. lang, Simon and Garfunkel, Emmylou Harris, Wilco, John Hiatt, Elvis Costello, Taj Mahal, Buffalo Springfield, The Byrds,

Canned Heat, Creedence Clearwater Revival, Tom Waits, Townes Van Zandt, Prince, Freakwater, Son Volt, Green Day, The Bottle Rockets...and don't forget Broadway show tunes!


Hair, Chocolat, Nanny McPhee, The Hours, V for Vendetta, Riders of the Purple Sage, A Walk In the Clouds, The Wizard of Oz, Donnie Darko, Razor's Edge (with Bill Murray), Practical Magic,

The Matrix, American Beauty, What Dreams May Come, Edward Scissorhands, Cinderella, the original 101 Dalmations, National Velvet, Lassie Come Home, Brigadoon, Darby O'Gill and the Little People, The Lord of the Rings Trilogy, Dances with Wolves, Logan's Run, Mary Poppins,

Divine Secrets of the Ya-Ya Sisterhood, The Piano, My House In Umbria, Bambi, Legend, Soldier Blue, Fiddler On the Roof, Camelot, Elizabethtown, Gone with the Wind, That Thing You Do, Captain January, The Bluebird, Meet Me In St. Louis, Seven Faces of Dr. Lao, Wings of Desire, Tender Mercies, They Shoot Horses Don't They, Damn Yankees,

The Music Man, City of Angels, Garden State, Field of Dreams, What About Bob, Miss Potter, Like Water For Chocolate, Harold and Maude, The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie, The Secret of Roan Inish, Carrie's War, Whale Rider, Hidalgo, Elf, Hairspray (original cast), Tristan and Isolde, Stranger Than Fiction,

Margaret's Museum, Finding Neverland, The Last Mimzy, Pleasantville, Across the Universe, The Golden Compass, How Green Was My Valley, The Nines, Wristcutters: A Love Story


Captain Kangaroo, The Waltons, Lassie, My Friend Flicka, Fury, Lost, Survivor, Project Runway, Kid Nation, Bewitched, Star Trek, Star Trek: The Next Generation, Twilight Zone, Outer Limits, All in the Family, So You Think You Can Dance, Home Cooking with Paula Deen, Curb Your Enthusiasm


Browse my personal library at LibraryThing.com .
My favorites are:
The Country Bunny and the Little Gold Shoes - Dubose Heyward, Anne of Green Gables - L.M. Montgomery, Bambi - Felix Salten, Grapes of Wrath - John Steinbeck, Mary Poppins Series - P.L. Travers, The Lord of the Rings Trilogy - J.R.R Tolkien, Spoon River Anthology - Edgar Lee Masters, Ishmael - Daniel Quinn,
Little Big - John Crowley, The Secret Garden - Frances Hodgson Burnett, The Story Girl - L.M. Montgomery, Pat of Silver Bush - L.M. Montgomery, The Children of Green Knowe Series - L.M. Boston, The Fledgling - Jane Langston, The Complete Poems of Carl Sandburg,
Poems By a Little Girl - Hilda Conkling, Hiroshima - John Hersey, Le Mort d'Arthur - Sir Thomas Malory, Grandfather Twilight - Barbara Berger, The Secret Life of Plants - Peter Tompkins, The Rainbabies - Laura Krauss Melmed,

Castaways In Lilliput - Henry Winterfield, The Little Prince - Antoine De Sainte-Exupery, The Rape of the Fair Country Trilogy - Alexander Cordell, The Borrowers Series - Mary Norton,

The Mennyms Series - Sylvia Waugh, The Alphabet Versus the Goddess - Leonard Schlain, Half Magic - Edward Eager, The Dark Is Rising Sequence - Susan Cooper, The Little House - Virginia Lee Burton, His Dark Materials Trilogy - Philip Pullman, Millions of Cats - Wanda Gag, Mists of Avalon Series and the Darkover Series - Marion Zimmer Bradley, I Capture the Castle - Dodie Smith, Day of the Minotaur Trilogy - Thomas Burnett Swann,

The Flicka, Ricka, Dicka Series and The Snipp, Snapp, Snurr Series - Maj Lindman, Three Children and It and The Phoenix and the Carpet - E. Nesbit, The Wild Hunt - Jane Yolen, The Wild Road - Gabriel King, The Golden Cat - Gabriel King, Bedknob and Broomstick - Mary Norton


My Blog


Colander   It cost less than a dollar. It is avocado green, The color of Life. Of all my things It is the one That lasted, That evaded the 20th century Hope chest&the landfill. It has been packe...
Posted by Terrie True on Tue, 20 May 2008 11:52:00 PST

Through a Holey Stone

Through a Holey Stone*   Time here flows So differently. Applications of this Reality Are confounding But strangely Familiar. The fair and gossamer Are juxtaposed With the queer, The cloven h...
Posted by Terrie True on Sun, 27 Apr 2008 05:04:00 PST

Barrelhouse Blues

Barrelhouse Blues   Freedom is physical Long before it's abstract. The body frames How the heart takes the floor.   The musicality Of physicality Haunts me like a tune From an old phonog...
Posted by Terrie True on Mon, 21 Apr 2008 07:14:00 PST


Mp3 In memory of David DiCianni   I was a girl shimmering In the process of becoming Myself.   I wandered in the lonely times, The alien of heart Experience.   I met a boy&strange ...
Posted by Terrie True on Tue, 15 Apr 2008 07:38:00 PST

Wild Gardens

I love wild, undisciplined gardens so 'long about mid-August I taper off on the watering and weeding and pruning in the gardens around my home and I stand back and watch the natural progression of the...
Posted by Terrie True on Sun, 30 Sep 2007 09:25:00 PST

Autumn comes to the wetlands.

She wears beads as red as magma, as blue as a storm dark sea, as white as the moon. Tiny green mace-shaped baubles hang in tangles from Her gypsy wrists amidst bangles of bracken, star gras...
Posted by Terrie True on Fri, 21 Sep 2007 07:37:00 PST

Mushrooms in Faeryland

Here in the Fox River Valley it has been blessedly damp with intermittent rainy days and drowsy autumnal sunshine. The lovely Heckrodt Nature Preserve near my home is offering up another heaping helpi...
Posted by Terrie True on Wed, 12 Sep 2007 04:35:00 PST

A Morning at 1,000 Islands Conservancy

What a beautiful morning it was!  I went over to 1,000 Islands Nature Conservancy to meet with the curator and talk about the growing problem of a pretty (and tasty) plant called Garlic Mustard t...
Posted by Terrie True on Wed, 23 May 2007 04:12:00 PST


I started a little series of biographies about my grandparents for the benefit of my niece and nephew, who very fortunately seem to be deep and interesting enough people themselves to actually care ab...
Posted by Terrie True on Wed, 02 May 2007 11:33:00 PST

Spring on the Wiouwash Trail

Today I took advantage of the beautiful sunny spring morning and took the "Dale Trail" which is actually a portion of The Wiouwash Trail. This time I went along the portion between Medina and Oshkosh,...
Posted by Terrie True on Tue, 01 May 2007 04:48:00 PST