High Dee Heidi Hi profile picture

High Dee Heidi Hi

I am here for Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking

About Me

Custom SearchBYE BYE MICHAEL'S GOLDEN CASKET (My parody of the Beatles' "Maxwell's Silver Hammer"
..A Woman's Place is Astride !!!..
I've always maintained my sanity by laughing.
I think the "Serenity Prayer" should be amended:
God (whose existence I seriously doubt),
Grant me the Serenity to accept the things I cannot change;
The Courage to change the things I can;
And the Sanity to LAUGH at all the rest of the stuff.
"Laugh and be happy, and the world will laugh with you..."
-- Sheriff John
My Philosophical Rant:
If we had not already been inculcated from infancy with paternalistic, judgmental, religious belief systems that force people into exclusive "you must officially discard person 'A' in order to be allowed to love person 'B'" situations, we might just recognize that most of us have been attracted to a number of different people throughout our lives.
There would be no reason to lie to each other about that, if not for the socio-religious dogma which constantly strains to repress our seemingly normal tendency for polyamory.
What if our egos hadn't been trained from childhood to be so invested in being exclusive? Might we all be more open... more loving... happier?
Well... How Do I See Myself?
I believe I am courageous, forthright, honest, intelligent, humorous, creative, playful, nurturing, iconoclastic, imaginative, and artistic.
But you should decide for yourself.
You can take a look at the videos I've made and posted. They'll tell you a great deal about who I am, and how (and what) I really think.
For starters, take a look at my First Cousin, Jim Channon, of "The First Earth Battalion", and his beautiful presentation: "Family of Choice":
(You may need to pause my music player up there to the left so you can hear the video...)

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

People who appreciate Hilarity, Satire, the Arts, great Music, Theater, Films, Books, Nature, Animals, and a lively Conversation with an intelligent Woman.
Appreciation of a daring and playful sense of humor is important to me... and so is the love of companion animals and nature.

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As for Organized Religion... I don't believe in any such Mythology.

I do not believe that any so-called "god" dictated any infallible literature to any Ancient Hebrews (or to anyone else...).
Or ever 'told' Abraham to murder his son just to see if he was listening...
Or that any so-called "devil" ever made a snake talk some naked woman into eating an apple.
So if I should happen to do something decent, it's because I actually WANT to... not because I'm afraid I'll go to some imaginary "hell" if I don't.

Wasn't that a Religious Experience? 8-)
Here's another Religious Experience -
The Church of the Holy Ha Ha:

My Blog

Uncle REAM-US Wants YOU (or at least your wallet...) !!!

Posted by on Sat, 21 Feb 2009 10:20:00 GMT


SECOND CHILDHOODIt has often been said that older people enter into a so-called "second childhood". Lately, I've been pondering this concept from the female perspective.Just as when we were prepubesc...
Posted by on Fri, 23 Jan 2009 14:58:00 GMT

DEFAULT !!! Escaping the Debt Trap & Avoiding Bankruptcy

I faced the Debt Collection Dragon and won.  Everything was at stake.  It was a matter of survival.My 25-year career as a traditional (hand-drawn) feature film animator was yanked ...
Posted by on Fri, 31 Oct 2008 02:49:00 GMT

The BunniBank - A 24-Carrot Parable

The true nature of the Federal Reserve... Fractional Reserve Lending... Creation of money out of thin air... Inflation... Economic cycles of Boom and Bust... It's all so difficult for people to u...
Posted by on Mon, 06 Oct 2008 17:33:00 GMT

Relative Insanity: My Horny, Drunken, Simian Stepmother - X-Mas 1987

Ever since I have been old enough to press the button labeled "RECORD", I have enjoyed capturing the antics of my crazy family. This is the first installment of my gradually expanding&n...
Posted by on Thu, 18 Sep 2008 20:51:00 GMT

My Sister Forwarded an EMAIL from GOD???

My eldest sister forwarded the following "email from God".  The reason it required forwarding should be self-explanatory.   The original text remains in BLUE... my replies appear i...
Posted by on Fri, 22 Aug 2008 08:55:00 GMT

Darwin, Natural Selection, and the Ultimate Irony

A Conundrum:   Man's Tampering With Natural Selection - Is it the Inevitable Product of the Natural Selection Among Human Beings... and/or is it a Destructive But Temporarily Successful Flaw...
Posted by on Wed, 20 Aug 2008 09:12:00 GMT


I would like to describe my most memorable psychic experiences in chronological order... but in one particular case the First notable experience spans decades. The Book As a teenager, I was extremely...
Posted by on Thu, 31 Jul 2008 06:47:00 GMT

Blank Verse and Poetic License

The Angler His Bait was Delicious... Too Good to be True.   His Hook was so Artfully Sharp.   The Point was so Sensuous... Piercing my Lips... But so Terribly Barbed Ripping O...
Posted by on Mon, 28 Jul 2008 07:32:00 GMT

The Emotional Lives of Farm Animals

This is rather well done.... it does address an important issue:   http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-8312987796490958256   BUT, as to the question asked of us (the audience) at t...
Posted by on Sun, 01 Jun 2008 09:50:00 GMT