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Rev. Yao

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

"Everything and Nothing"
I dont believe in Religions.
I believe in YOU!
I believe in me.
That is my Religion.
-Rev.Yao Feng Shakya
"Floating freely through the vast sky.
I am the sky, the cloud, the light, the love
and everything in existence.
This you and I do not differ either.
We are the world."
-Rev.Yao Feng Shakya
"You can search the entire universe for someone more
deserving of your love than you are yourself,
but that person cannot be found anywhere.
You, yourself, more than anybody in the universe,
deserve your own love."
Rev.Yao Feng Shakya also known as the sadmonk. Ordained Zen Buddhist Priest in the Zen Buddhist order of Hsu Yun. If you would like to contact me, please feel free. "If not for your friendship, love and light. I would not be alive. I am only alive through others love and light."
Please feel free to contact me. Buddhist precepts and refuge are given free of charge. No dues, no fees. Just big love and a big heart is all that is required.
namo amituofo
all my love and light!
Rev. Yao
Great GrandMaster Hsu Yun "Empty Cloud".
deeply bowing.
namo amituofo
My Dear Venerable Master Fo Yuan.
He is Buddha. We are all Buddhas;)
Thank you to Arjunadeva for making this video of my paintings.
Your work is to discover your world and then with all your heart give yourself to it. -Buddha
Namo Amituofo
My house is buried in the deepest recess of the forest Every year, ivy vines grow longer than the year before. Undisturbed by the affairs of the world I live at ease, Woodmen’s singing rarely reaching me through the trees. While the sun stays in the sky, I mend my torn clothes And facing the moon, I read holy texts aloud to myself. Let me drop a word of advice for believers of my faith. To enjoy life’s immensity, you do not need many things. - Ryokan

My Interests

I missed you
And in missing you I understood that one Can never be missed.
I love you
And in loving you I understood that Love is inside us all along.
Something that comes from within us.
Ever present, Never leaving.
So in loving you I learned to love everyone.
Not some, but all.
I love you.
I love all.

-Rev. Yao

The Buddha's way.
To refrain from doing any manner of evil,
To respectfully perform all varieties of good,
To carry out the purification of one's own mind.
This is what constitutes the teaching of all Buddhas.

namo kuan shr yin pusa

Paintings by Rev.Yao Feng Shakya aka-The Sadmonk.

"When I think about the sadness of the people in this world, their sadness becomes mine. ... O that my priest's robe were wide enough to gather up all the suffering people in this floating world." -Ryokan

"Your mind is nirvana.

Your nature is the Buddha."


What worries have I?
I forgot all things
That have something to do with nothing
Nothing to do with something
Who Cares?
No More Why
No Problems
No Worries
No Anxiety
No Panic
No Stress
No Anger..
No Fear
No Death
No This
No That
No need to worry,
NO Knot
No Knowledge
No Nothing
What worries have I?
-Rev.Yao Feng Shakya

I'd like to meet:


No one saves us But ourselves, No one can, and no one may.
We ourselves must Walk the Path.

All that we are is the result of what we have thought.
The mind is everything.
What We think,We Become.

I don't carry a gentleman's lute Or own a longevity crane.I'm as undistinguished as smoke And casual as sunset clouds.Scattered and low. Scattered and low.Sometimes I roam along Bilu Peak Or lounge around Maitreya's Court.Who needs seven hundred lifetimes? Who needs to be the houseguest of an Immortal?You can measure what's empty or catch hold of the wind; But the hardships of an ascetic monk are beyond reckoning.You can move an entire mountain or shrink a great distance; But nobody can plumb the depths of spiritual emptiness.In the space of just a single thought A thousand years can be speeded up or stopped.But the distance light travels in those thousand years Wouldn't reach the limits of a monk's travails.I could have been a deckhand And traveled all the seas; Or else a simple laborer, A porter with a pole.What if I had been born noble and wealthy? Shakya was; but he rejected that And so would I. Ah. Ah.So I don't carry a gentleman's lute Or walk around with longevity cranes.I just go, scattered and low, scattered and low. As obscure as smoke and casual as those sunset clouds.
by Ven.Chan Master Hsu Yun (empty cloud)

We are all flowers.
When the butterfly lands
We let it.
When the butterfly departs
We let it.
We are a flower.
-Rev.Yao Feng Shakya (sadmonk)

This is our true nature.
To love and be love.
There is no greater calling in life
Then to love all that exists in this beautiful world.


"In the end these things matter most:
How well did you love?
How fully did you love?
How deeply did you learn to let go?"


I have 2837 friends


I Love all music, as I Love all beings!...


The Life Of Shakyamuni Buddha-


This is a sculpture of the sadmonk by my good friend and artist- Pooja Sarasvati Ahimsa.Paintings by my student Qian Yong Shi from the Netherlands. He is a great artist, musician in a band, and a monk.


ZBOHY is pleased to present the first adventure of "The Sad Monk," a character created by Qiao Seng-Sadmonk (our own- Rev.Yao Feng Shakya).In this debut episode The Sad Monk gives us an interpretation through his paintings(meditations)of The White Birds, a parable of the power of the robe. Written by Ven. Ming Zhen Shakya


This calligraphy is dedicated to all the Qian's.
Heavens love n light!
namo amituofo
rev.yao feng shakya
My Wife, family,students and friends. Shakyamuni Buddha, Ven. Ming Zhen Shakya, Ven. Master Fo Yuan, Ven.Jy Din Shakya, Tipitaka Master Hsuan Hua,His holiness Dalai Lama, Heng Sure,Ven.Thich Nhat Hanh,Heng Yu,Andy Lee, Yu-chien, Ejo Mcmullen,Thanissaro Bhikshu,Liang Kai, Mu-chi, Lobsang Gyatso, Bodhidharma, 6th Patriarch Hui Neng, Ven. Great-Grand Master Hsu Yun,Yun-men, Hakuin, Lin Chi, Han Shan, Shih-Te, Dogen, Osho, Li Bei, Jet Li, Bruce Lee, Nantembo, Deiryu, Kasumi Bunsho, David Mack,Kodo Sawaki, D.T. Suzuki, Alan Watts, Shunryu Suzuki, C. G. Jung, Prof.Joseph Campbell, Dr.Rev.Martin Luther King Jr., Ghandhi, Jesus, Krishna, Mother Theresa, Soyen Shaku, Lao Tzu, K'ung-fu-tzu (Confucius) and all those with a message of love, light, faith, peace and hope. So many it is impossible to name. These are the ones who affected great change in my life-
Bowing deeply. . .
all my love n light.
namo amituofo
The Great Heart of Wisdom Sutra
Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva while practicing deep Prajna ParamitaPerceived all five skandhas were empty and was saved from suffering and distress
Shariputra, form is no different from emptiness
Emptiness is no different from form
That which is form is emptiness
That which is emptiness is form
Feelings, perceptions, impulses, consciousness, the same is true of these
Shariputra, all dharmas are marked with emptiness
They do not appear or disappear
are not tainted or pure
do not increase or decrease
Therefore in emptiness no form,
no feelings, perceptions, impulses, consciousness
no eyes, ears, nose, tongue, body, mind
no color, sound, smell, taste, touch, object of mind
no realm of eyes and so forth until no realm of mind consciousness
no ignorance and also no extinction of ignorance
and so forth until no old age and death and no extinction of old age and death
no suffering, origination, stopping, path
no cognition also no attainment
with nothing to attain
the Bodhisattva depends upon Prajna Paramita
and mind is no hindrance
without any hindrance no fear exists
far apart from every inverted view
dwells in Nirvana
All Buddhas in the Three Worlds
depend on Prajna Paramita
and attain complete unsurpassed enlightenment
Therefore know the Prajna Paramita
is the great transcendent mantra
is the great bright mantra
is the utmost mantra
is the supreme mantra
which is able to relieve all suffering and is true, not false
so proclaim the Prajna Paramita mantra
proclaim the mantra that says
gone,gone, gone beyond
gone all the way beyond, Bodhi Svaha!
heart sutra
Gate Gate Paragate Parasamgate Bodhi Svaha.

My Blog


I dont believe in gods, guns or governments. I dont believe in any one system or ideology. I dont believe in man's religion's and institution's. I dont believe in militaries, wars, brainwashing and to...
Posted by Rev. Yao on Thu, 05 Jun 2008 09:20:00 PST

We All Have A Dream!!!

Speak Out!!! We must talk with one another and open our hearts and minds to everyone. Talk with everyone, even those we might like to think of as enemies. For truly we have no enemies exceot for our o...
Posted by Rev. Yao on Fri, 11 Apr 2008 04:24:00 PST

Freedom For the World!

I wish that all my Tibetan brothers and sisters, My Burmese brothers and sisters, My Chinese family, My American Family, My Mexican family, My family around the world, I wish and pray that everyone c...
Posted by Rev. Yao on Tue, 25 Mar 2008 04:27:00 PST

make a wish!

It is my wish and vow for all beings to not suffer anymore. To see that they are love and light and have always been. To live in our lights and to love all no matter what. Forgiving and forgetting ev...
Posted by Rev. Yao on Wed, 20 Feb 2008 12:08:00 PST

Fly me to the moon!

" target="_self">I love you!!!...
Posted by Rev. Yao on Mon, 11 Feb 2008 11:18:00 PST

Listen. . .

I am listening . . . All my love n light.Praying for everyone.namo amitoforev.yao
Posted by Rev. Yao on Thu, 17 Jan 2008 02:21:00 PST

True Love

We are all born into this world to learn to love one another again. This is why we are here, to fall in love over and over again until we get it right. The goal is to love everyone, not just those clo...
Posted by Rev. Yao on Fri, 26 Oct 2007 05:13:00 PST


We are all Living Buddhas. Who is and who is not is irrelevant. What is important is we are all living Buddhas. That is the way. -sadmonk
Posted by Rev. Yao on Tue, 18 Sep 2007 05:37:00 PST

Enlightenment, Non-Enlightenment.

Breakthrough them both. There you will find "it"
Posted by Rev. Yao on Thu, 09 Aug 2007 11:40:00 PST

Chain of love n light.

I am a Buddhist,Christian, Hindu, Taoist, Muslim, Jew, Sikh, Jain, Confucianist,  and every religion in this world. I am American, Chinese,  S.American, Russian, Japanese, African, Mexican,...
Posted by Rev. Yao on Sun, 17 Jun 2007 11:47:00 PST