Everything, I mean, Talking and think about different things in life. People are studying Kabbalah are welcome and peace in world!
I looking for people are interested and dedicated to the spiritual way and reach for knowledge, sharing thought, ideas and opinions.
Everybody make believe in what the Love, Light of Creator, the friendship and all positive things are possible to do our life and everything in perfect equilibrium.
Anyone are studying Kabbalah, get in touch to share ideas. I know read and write English, I don't know speak English too well but everyone are welcome to be my friend.
Llewellyn, Medwyn Goodall, Liquid Mind, Enigma, Richard Burmer and Classical Music(Beethoven's Sonata ao Luar, Greig, Jean S. Bach's, etc).
Master and Commander, The Matrix, My Immortal Beloved, Planet of the Apes, The Count of Monte Cristo, Lords of the Rings, Stars Wars series, The Pianist.
The 72 names of God, The Zohar (Brazilian version, this is a volume only), Sefer Ietsirá (I didn't read it all still), The Power of Kabbalah, Kabbalah: Key to your Inner Power and recently have begins read books of Rav Michael Laitman as well as Rabbi Shraga Simmons's Aish.
Marc Gafni, Baal HaSulam, Michael Laitman, Nilton Bonder, Elizabeth Clare Prophet, Yehuda Berg, my friends in Myspace, G-d.