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The fact that you are here, reading these words, is evidence that something within you is looking for a doorway, a possibility, a hope. You are NOT separate from that which you seek. Those who seek to remember are those who seek to participate in a greater, kinder reality. There are keys throughout your world. This is only one of many.This site does not belong to one individual but to us all as a Spirtual Family. Each person here is a unique soul & we each cary a spark of The Divine within us. As we grow Spiritually it is our responsibility to never become so consumed with our own growth that we forget to extend our wisdome, love & compassion to our brothers and sisters who are also walking along this path with us. Some before us, some behind but all together as one family of God.Within this family we find many Master Teachers who come from many diverse cultures.To place a blog or if there is a special bulletin you would like to send out from here, please send it in via e-mail, stating where you would like it to be distributed. If it is in keeping with our usual mission here, it will be placed as requested.Namaste & Unconditional Love~ Rain
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You are a Hero.
"What you leave behind is not what is engraved in stone monuments,
but what is woven into the lives of others." ~Pericles