glitter-graphics.comglitter-graphics.comI love to
I'm a deeper thinker so i research everything i can get my hands on
love history
love to write poetry like this this is one of my poems
Spiritual renewal
Spiritual renewal at the very end of my hand
The work of a pen is where I make a stand
Writing poetry and prose and verse
This is were my soul is immersed
I say the things I must say
The deep dark things that lie in the way
The things that others throw away
I'm not scared to face them there everyday
Politics, nightmares, and fairy tales
The emotions lay my heart wails
Count on me to write never fails
You see the scattered papers as a trail
To my spiritual renewal
Its were I sit upon my stool
Computer, paper, pen my tools
Playing advocate or a fool
Trying hard to keep my cool
Drowning thoughts like in a pool
Writing like I'm in school
Writing is my renewed hope
It helps me vent, rage, love and cope
Instead of drugs, alcohol, and dope
It allows me time to cry an mope
Let emotions fly away like seeds
Helps me pluck out the spiritual weeds
This is were my soul cleaves
Writing at the end of my sleeves
The thoughts do dance
As in a trance
to all that I do write
It my way of continuing the fight
For what is truly right
And face another day
To let it all out whatever comes my way
Counting thoughts, actions as grains of sand
Spiritual renewal at the end of my hand
Mendy4/22/2008© Aka Lil Ms Emotions (smiley)
i also write stories and songs ,
special note to you all in the below graphic
glitter-graphics.comI also believe to make friends you must show yourself one and to be open minded enough to accept each others differences as unique and special and that is to be celebrated in your friendship with them, So although i have opinions I value and cherish the differences in everyone and it helps me grow as well
my code of ethics are
I love sports
I love my sons team He's #2 woot and
derek jeter an A Rod are my favs #2 and #13
I love ncaa college basketball
Love my sons team go ricky bobby # 75 this yr and my gmans gonna play this yr coming up and of course
I love research and digging for the truth believe history repeats itself and that we can lern a lot from history
History /politics two of my areas of great study also read ancient texts
I love astrology I am a
Love wiccan and fantasy graphics
I love , nature and animals
I'd like to meet:
Myspace Cursors @
it is my passion , i love to sing, and i listen with more then my ears its emotionful and meaningfull its something that must be felt an experienced in all your senses and becomes a part of your soul
some favs of mine are DAUGHTRY
Here are some of my poetry friends banners just started .These writers deserve credit for their fine work you may check them out by clicking them
mother theresa and princess diana
Barack obama for voicing his views for change