People are often unreasonable,
Illogical and self centered;
Forgive them anyway
If you are kind, people may accuse you
Of selfish, ulterior motives;
Be kind anyway
If you are successful,
You will win
Some false friends
And some enemies;
Succeed Anyway
If you are honest and frank,
People may cheat you;
Be honest and frank anyway
When you spend years building,
Someone could destroy overnight;
Build anyway
If you find serenity and happiness,
They may be jealous;
Be happy anyway
The good you do today,
People will often forget tomorrow;
Do good anyway
Give the world the best you have,
And it may never be enough;
Give the world the best you've got anyway
You see, In the final analysis,
It is between you and God;
It was never between
You and them
"We can do no great things -
Only small things
With Great Love."
Mother Theresa
.....♥ my youngest adopted daughter ♥......
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Wisdom to live by in Yoga Meditation, Vedanta, and Tantra
Hello, my name is Cyndi (Rev. Dr. Cynthia Archer)
My dharma name is Qian Qing. (pronounced Chi-an Jing)
I am an Interfaith Christian Minister.
I love Spirit (God), children, animals, nature and life.
I wish to meet all of God's beautiful people...
(this means you :-) )
So hey, don't be a stranger...
Much love, Qian Qing
My Heros:
Jesus, Buddha, Mother Theresa, Rev. Yao, My two big sisters, Candy and Dawn, Candy... for your perserverance through hard times, and Dawn for your selfless love to others. My kids... Robin (for your giving nature) , Tommy (for your perserverance and your courage), Allen (for your faith), Cynthia (for letting your light shine), Nichelle (for your happy nature)
and all of the many angels among us (may their courage be blessed, and may light guide them through the darkness),... all of the "beautiful" souls who walk in this world, but not of it.... and all who have given of themselves selflessly for another.
God Bless you.
Some Facts about me...
Name: cyndi
a.k.a Qian Qing
Age: 43
Birthday: March 11th
Birthplace: California
Location: Orange County
Sign: Pisces
Have Kids: yes
Hair Color: brown/ grey...lol
Height: 5'3"
Long Hair or Short Hair: Long
Religion: Interfaith Christian
Ethnic Background: French/ Native American/ and other
Occupation: mom
Pets: my lil buddy... Poo
Proudest Moment: when my children were born
Have a Website: other site is www.myspace.com/rev_cyndi
Eye Color: Hzl. (they change)
Piercings: Ears and nose
Tatoos: yes (two)
Overused Word: Time-out!!!
Ever Done Drugs: Nope
What Country would you like to visit: Jamaca
Ever Been In Love: Yes
What Famous Person Would You Like To Meet: Dalai Lama
Have Any Siblings: 4 sisters
Like To Camp: yep
Ever Broken A Bone: rib/ lil toe
Dream Job: mom
Do You Live In a House or Appartment: Apt.
Favorite Sports Team: none
Favorite Music Genre: soft rock
Favorite Movie Genre: action
Do You Belive In God: yes
How Do You Like Your Eggs: over easy
Favorite Drink: coffee
Worst Fears: fear IS my worst fear
Foods You Hate: pizza
Favorite Flowers: pansies
Do You Own A Cellphone: yep
Favorite Disney Movie: Lion King
What Do You Hate: STRESS
Candy or Flowers: candy
Morning Person or Night Owl: night owl
College Plans: might go back again or might not
Do You Live With Either Of Your Parents: nope
Are You Outgoing or Shy: depends
Is The Glass Half Empty or Half Full: neither/just half
Your Best Feature: spirituality