Red Heart ~*~ The bridge to any heart is LOVE profile picture

Red Heart ~*~ The bridge to any heart is LOVE

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WHITE BUFFALO MEDICINETHANK YOU MY DEAREST SPIRIT SISTER SHARON FOR BEING SO PERCEPTIVE AND SENDING ME THIS PICTURE...HUGSSPIRIT HAS GIVEN ME THE MOST EXQUISITE LOVE IN MY HEART THAT BEGAN IN THE SOUL AND HAS SPEAD TO FOREVER...AND NOW I AM FALLING...FALLINGSEER, SPIRIT AND TAROT READERI have been a seer for many years and now I also have added other readings to my practice. I have an array of different readings I do, Angel, Spirit, Tarot, Native American, and Spirit Path. I am also in the midst of creating my own Deck of cards, the focus on the power and healing of the Native American Medicine Wheel. As I was growing up and became a young adult, I was warned away from the Tarot, and told using such spiritual tools were evil. Imagine my surprise when Great Spirit guided me to purchase my own decks of cards and then proceeded to teach me the whole truth of the history of the Tarot. Not only that He stirred my desire to create my own deck of cards. Since then I have been working with the many decks of cards that I have. I have found so much delight in working with these delightful tools and find that they are indeed powerful as any other spiritual tool. I desire to bring Tarot out into the light. For far too long the Tarot has been hidden in the dark, and shadowed with lies and half truths. It is the intent of the person using any spiritual tool in their hands, if it will be used for the good or the bad. Just like any other Spiritual tool we learn how to use it for the good of the whole circle of life. It is another spiritual tool to help us in our Earth journey, no more and no less.My readings go from basic to in-depth, my fees range from $40.00 to $100.00, depending on what a person is seeking. If you would like a reading, message me here at myspace and I will get back to you with further information.FOR YOUR CONSIDERATION ACTOR BENJAMIN HEFLIN FILM AND TELEVISION
Make Your Entire Life A Conversation With God
I AM RED HEART, THE ONE WHO WALKS THE ANCIENT PATH, CHEYENNE WOMANI HAVE DONE AND DO MANY THINGS IN MY PERSONAL JOURNEY HERE ON EARTHWRITING IS MY FIRST PASSION, I LOVE TO WRITE. I AM CURRENTLY COMPILING SOME OF MY WRITINGS FOR PUBLISHING AND ALSO WORKING ON A NOVELI THINK THAT ALL CHILDREN ARE BLESSINGS AND INCREDIBLE. I BELIEVE EVERY CHILD HAS THE RIGHT TO BE LOVED, PROTECTED, NURTURED, AND SAFE. MY HEART PRAYS FOR CHILDREN ALL OVER THE EARTH AS THE CHILDREN OF TODAY ARE IN THE MOST DANGER, OF WAR, ABUSE, MOLESTATION, STARVATION, MURDER, BENG EXPLOITED, BEING HOMELESS, OR ORPHANED.I AM AN ADVOCATE FOR MOTHER EARTH AND THE WHOLE CIRCLE OF LIFE, FOR PEACE, HEALING AND PRESERVATIONI AM A SPIRITUAL PERSON WITH NO RELIGION BUT A RELIGIOUS BACKGROUND I BELIEVE THAT EVERYONE NEEDS TO HAVE THIER OWN PERSONAL RELATIONSHIP WITH CREATOR/GOD AND PRACTICE WITHIN THAT RELATIONSHIP AS THEY ARE PERSONALLY GUIDED. I DO NOT FOLLOW OR BELIEVE IN ANY ORGANIZED RELIGION FOR MYSELF. I HAVE A VERY ACTIVE AND POWERFUL RELATIONSHIP WITH CREATOR/GOD AND THE SPIRIT REALM. I HAVE BEEN A BIBLE TEACHER, MISSIONARY, SPIRITUAL LEADER, SPIRITUAL TEACHER. I AM AN ORDAINED MINISTER, AND A MINISTER OF HEALINGI ALSO DO MEDICINE WOMAN CARD READING, SACRED PATH READINGS, AND ANGEL CARD READINGS, HELPING OTHERS DISCOVER THIER TRUE PATH AND PURPOSE IN LIFE BY ENCOURGING THEM TO SEEK GOD ON A VERY PERSONAL LEVEL, AND TO BE OPEN TO HIS GUIDANCE AND THAT WHICH IS WITHIN THEM. I LEAD MEDITATIONS AND SACRED CIRCLE WHEN OCCASSIONS ARISEI do not see color, nor do I acknowledge lines of division, for I see the blending beauty of a great Rainbow. Where peace, and healing is the promised treasure at each end. To be a true great warrior, one has to have peace in mind and heart. Far too long great warriorism has been associated with war & destruction. But there is emerging other warriors who are even greater, who come with great wisdom and knowledge of healing and restoring. Who are arrayed in robes of compassion and mercy. Who have the light of peace that will pierce the great darkness of hate, war, greed, bloodshed, corruption and destruction. I see this great Rainbow emerging, bright with the color of love, who's rays have began touching upon Mother Earth and her children with it's great beauty and healing. As this great Rainbow moves across the earth it's great light increases as others are caught up in its wake. We are called the Rainbow Warriors, we are of every nation and every people. We do not battle against the circle of life but rather our weapons are of the nature that dispells all that is harming the circle. Make no mistake, we are not faint hearted, but have come out of the ruins of death and destruction, well equipped to restore what has been lost and dying. And as we move, live and have our being, our light grows stronger, for we are of one heart and mind and we carry a great sword blazing with love to awaken the New Dawn, where there will be peace and restoration of all that has been lost. We are the RAINBOW WARRIORS and we are many! ~*~BY RED HEART 4/25/07Your true purpose in life is one that you are, though we seemingly think we are searching for our true purpose in life, the truth is that we are our true purpose. When you listen to your inner guidance, and the guidance that comes forth on your path in life you find that you are your purpose. One does not take on their true purpose as if to puff themselves up, their purpose is who they are, and were created to be. When you discover your true purpose, there is no turning back, for to do so would be like turning your back on yourself. Once you have awakened to who you are in the wheel of life, you begin to learn the lessons that will guide you to live your purpose. Change comes and often times up until you have become your true self you lived a certain way, be prepared for that to change. You will discover that once you have found your true purpose, that the way begins to open before you. You will feel purpose as you walk your day, you will know where you are headed. Everyone wants to put labels, names, and importance on where everyone should fit in..pigion hole you into a classification, filled with rules and systems. The truth is, following your own purpose is uniguely designed for you personally. You didn't choose your true purpose, it is who you are, it is in your DNA. Many lessons unfold as we walk our purpose journey, don't be surprised if wisdom and knowledge comes to you in an array of unconventional ways of learning. The key is, that one must be willing to be brave enough to face their truth of themself and of their purpose. To deny who you are and why you have come, is to deny the very breath of your life~ JUST BE !MEMBER OF THE SACRED CIRCLE OF GRANDMOTHERS LOVINGLY PRESERVING, AND RESTORING THE CIRCLE OF LIFE FOR FUTURE GENERATIONSTHE SACRED RAINBOW CIRCLETO BECOME A MEMBER OF THE SACRED RAINBOW CIRCLE; BE WILLING TO SHARE WISDOM, GUIDANCE, SELF, WITH THE WHOLE CIRCLE OF LIFE BE ACCEPTING OF ALL WALKS OF LIFE HAVE A HEART OF PEACE BE A WARRIOR FOR RESTORATION, PEACE & HEALING TO MOTHER EARTH AND THE CIRCLE OF LIFE BE A HEALER, STORYTELLER, ARTIST, ACTIVIST OF PEACE, WRITER, SPIRITUALIST, GRANDPARENT, HUMAN, ANIMAL KEEPER, HOME KEEPER, STAR BEING, ANGEL, MAN, WOMAN, CHILD, FRIEND, OR RELATIVE BE LOVING, TOLERANT, COMPASSIONATE, CARING, GENTLE SPIRITED, PLAY & WORK WELL WITH OTHERS, MUST BE COLOR BLIND TO SKIN TONES, MUST BE WILLING TO SEE COMMON GROUND WITH OTHERS (HUMAN TO HUMAN IS A GOOD PLACE TO START), BE TOLERANT OF CHANGE BE A GOOD KEEPER AND GUARDIAN TO MOTHER EARTH AND THE CIRCLE OF ALL LIFE, BELONG TO A TRIBE ( THE HUMAN TRIBE WILL DO ) MEMBERSHIP IS FREE, EXPECT TO BE CALLED UPON BY MOTHER EARTH AND THE CIRCLE OF LIFE FOR SERVICE AND GUARDIANSHIPMedicine woman, who's family is all that is within the whole circle of life. Keeper of the sacred ways and healer of the circle..healing begins when medicine woman bares the wounds of her family within her heart, and gives herself to the healing of the circle of life. I am praying woman, oh Creator, you are the Great mystery, thank you for giving this woman life, thank you for placing her in this Great Circle. Thank you that you have taught me many things on this journey, and that the most important lessons you gave, were to love the whole circle and to embrace all life as sacred. Thank you that you have continued to open my heart and my eyes to see and feel many deep things about you and this great circle. Thank you that you continue to show me that there are not really many tribes, but that there is ONE GREAT TRIBE, in which we are all apart of, and that we should work to erase the invisable lines that cause us to be divided in mind and heart. Aho!
You Are Sunrise
You enjoy living a slow, fulfilling life. You enjoy living every moment, no matter how ordinary.
You are a person of reflection and meditation. You start and end every day by looking inward.
Caring and giving, you enjoy making people happy. You're often cooking for friends or buying them gifts.
All in all, you know how to love life for what it is - not for how it should be. What Time Of Day Are You?
Created by Crazyprofile.comMy true journey began many years ago, change came in my life and I knew that it was calling me to a new journey. I was called to walk upon the ancient path. I answered this call, because I knew in my heart it was the "Way" that I needed to go. For many years before that I was a wanderer and did not know where I wanted to be or what I wanted to do.I married young, at nineteen and had four beautiful children, one boy and three girls. They grew up and went their own journey. I moved on and on and lived in ruined trails. Then the way opened before me, and I knew.So for the next several years I walked upon the ancient path I had to unlearn many things and rid my life and mind and the way I thought, of many poisons. I had to learn new things for myself but they were actually ancient things. It is no great mystery, but I live in the spirit world as much as I live in the natural world.My Native Blood beats the strongest within my veins, it has always called me to my roots, even as a very small child. I am of mixed blood. I have always known I was Cheyenne, and just recently discovered that I am also Ute. I also have Islander roots, and am French and Irish. But my heart lead my life, and it has always been Native.I have been told that I have lived three lifetimes before this one as a full blood Native. And that I have traveled many lifetimes gathering much wisdom and knowledge to give to this lifetime. I have been told that I have a great purpose that will help multitudes of people, this prophecy still has not been fulfilled but I feel closer to its fulfillment lately.I am a down to earth person with a positive spirit. I am caring and concerned, and live according to that. I am a mystery, and few truly know me at all, even those closest to me.My whole life is caught up in the spiritual trail of the Native Peoples...they are my heart. The medicine people and elders from the otherside visit me all the time and they come to talk to me when I sleep. My whole bedroom is filled with them. When I meditate or do a spirit journey I often times see myself inside the circle and many medicine people are all around me. I am not sure what all this means, but the medicine people and elders are very much with me and helping me on this journey of the ancient path. I know my grandmother from my Cheyenne Nation has always helped me and kept me solidly journeying toward my true roots.My name Red Heart was given to me one day when I had been praying and doing ceremony. I was thinking, I will never have a name ceremony because I can not find my people because I was adopted as a child. I can not prove I am Native orgin....this saddened my heart...because my heart is full blood...Then the medicine people came and visited me that day and they gave me a name ceremony...they named me Red Heart the one who walks the ancient path....I am honored to be given that name and it means so much to me and my whole life's journey...It fits me perfectly...To this day I walk the ancient path...Yes I am young on the inside and have much fire within....and I am a warrior and survivor. I have not been sleeping for a very long time my Native blood has always called to me since I was a very small child...Also I am a very spiritual, not religious person.I have lived and overcame and healed from many adversities in my life. I am very strong and powerful in many ways.My dreams are constantly changing and emerging....I have lived most of my dreams out including my current ones.....I do have tremendous fire within and use it hopefully in powerful ways and positive ways....I am a warrior and a survivor.I am passionate about life and what I believe in. I genuinely care for people, Mother Earth, etc.My life has given me many lessons to learn and I have learned well and am still learning...I am very young in heart and in my spirit though an old soul who has traveled and lived many lifetimes to gather wisdom and learning.My dreams....are many I aspire to live them out...just as I have done the ones before them. To use my wisdom and gifts, talents in whatever comes along in my personal journey and path.I have survived and overcame many things in this life. Taken from my family and placed in an orphanage at age five, and then in many foster homes in which all but one, I was molested, was adopted at age nine and my adopted father was also a child molestor....married young at age 19, and had four children who are all grown now. My first husband was very abusive and I divorced him after 16 years of marriage. Was homeless a little over two years on the streets with two of my small children, but while living on the streets I went to college and worked two jobs.I was kidnapped from one of my foster homes at age six, and raped and abused by three men and left for dead.I worked in the film industry in Hollywood for 16 years. I worked as a nurse to finish raising my two smallest children for 10 years. I worked for the Battered Womens Network for two years. I have been a missionary and Bible teacher for 25 years during all that time. I walked away from Christianity 8 years ago and stepped upon a new path to me...but it is an ancient path...I still believe in God but not religion....I am an ordained minister, a spirit and soul healer, a writer, filmmaker, advocate for others.....I genuinely care for people and this earth and the conditions there of.I enjoy the simple things, love nature and people, would love to travel more, I enjoy road trips, meeting new people, helping others in their own journey.I have many dreams...and my life is full making them realizations....I aspire to do many things yet before I cross over to the other side....That is who and what I am.....

My connection to the Wolf Spirits.....I have a heart for the plight of the wolves in the Americas, who are being slaughtered and their numbers decreased. There has never been a known or recorded event of a wolf attacking a human being. In my heart this slaughter is a great tragidy and I pray for their protection and increase. One day the wolf spirit came to me and told me that because I pray for their protection and increase...that their kind would always protect me and my family...I am honored to have my family the wolves..I love them...Last night as I was sitting on my patio, I felt my wolf totem a protector walking from my right which was from the West direction...It walked to me and sat down next to me and we both enjoyed the peace of the evening.. A few months ago I was told by the wolf spirits to obtain a piece of wolf fur to add to my medicine and make my prayers more powerful on their behalf. So I now have a precious piece of fur ....Consider the wolves plight in the Americas and join me in prayer for their gentle kind.Yours truly.....march 2007...ahhh, how good can a computer camera take a here goes it...ONE OF MY OTHER PASSIONS IN THIS LIFE, IS FILMMAKING. YEARS AGO I WORKED IN HOLLYWOOD, LIFE WENT ON, AND MY LIFE TOOK MANY TURNS AND ROADS, BUT FILM IS ONE OF MY PASSIONS. THESE DAYS I LEAN TOWARD THE FREEDOM AND CREATIVITY OF INDEPENDENT FILMING. I DESIRE TO MELD ALL MY LOVE AND PASSIONS IN THIS LIFE AND BRING IT TO THE FILM ARENA. FILM IS MAGIC AND IMPACTS LIKE NO OTHER AVENUE. YOUR NEVER TO OLD TO DREAM AND LIVE YOUR DREAMS. I WILL PRESS THROUGH AND SEE AS MANY REALIZED AS I CAN BEFORE I PASS ON TO THE NEXT LIFE.CHILDREN ARE OUR FUTURE AND NATIONAL TREASUREI am a grandmother...and honored to be a grandmother. The pictures below are pictures of my youngest grandchild who lived with me with her mother since the day she was born...She is my joy in this trail of tears...They moved recently and the loss of them from my lodge is one of much sorrow for this grandmother....I pray they will return again....GRANDMA AND MOMMY'S LITTLE BUTTERFLY ANGEL....HOW YOU ARE SO LOVED .......YOU HOLD GRANDMA'S HEART LITTLE ONE!........~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~CHECK OUT MY DAUGHTER SUMMER AND GRAND BABY J'S PAGE THEY ARE IN MY TOP FRIENDS LIST...STOP IN AND SAY HI...
.. You scored as Traveler. You are a Traveler Empath, you come from a time & place far removed from here. You are an innocent, in search of your own kin and have a difficult time understanding this world. You are lost & only want to find your way back home. You bring unique gifts to this world and share them with a loving heart. Although very misunderstood, you are also very forgiving. (from the "Book of Storms" by Jad Alexander at












Fallen Angel



What Kind of Empath Are You?
created with ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~M Y BEAUTIFUL DAUGHTER SUMMER ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ Thank you to my sweet friend Chrisy for this beautiful picture of little J... ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~**~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~**~*~*~ ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~~ *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~Th ank you William for this lovely grahpic you made for me...~*~img src=" /2004collection076.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobuc

My Interests

My grandaghter Justice Rain is still in foster care in Denver, they refuse to allow her to be with me here in Tucson. Please continue praying for her return to our family. She has now been in foster care for 8 is just plain crazy and wrong..our social services, child protection servics lean greatly toward child abuse and preventing families to work together for the sake of a child. America needs to be aware and make a stand against the abuse toward children, in the names of Child Protection Services and Social Services. They do not have the best interest of children in mind.
Profile Calendar by
Created by Crazyprofile.comMY PERSONAL CAUSES;
~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*TU CSON'S HAPPENING ART CENTER, BUILDING THE ART CULTURE IN TUCSON ARIZONA, OFFERING ART SPACE FOR LOCAL BANDS, DANCERS, ARTISTS, THEATER, AND FILM. ALSO OPPORTUNITIES TO HAVE THEATER AND SPECIAL ART EVENT ENGAGEMENTS. LOCATED IN BEAUTIFUL DOWNTOWN TUCSON. ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~w ww.nativeprogress.orgBrotha, Sista, can you spare FIVE? I have decided to begin a new event, that everyone can be a part of. It is like a touch to the center of my heart where the tears constantly flow. This is so heartfelt to me that even the very thoughts at all reduce me to tears...The crimes against children all over the world. There is not one, but multitudes of crimes committed against children every moment of every single day. This makes my heart break constantly. Not only am I broken by this I am also outraged by it. So I have decided that for FIVE minutes every single week on a Sunday, I will draw others to have FIVE moments of silence for the children who have been victims of abuse, murder, molestation, neglect, pornography, incest, ,...the list goes on and on..Countless children are missing, taken from their families and homes to be used, sold, murdered, tormented..that list goes on too. So for FIVE minutes every single Sunday, can you spare FIVE minutes for the children in silent prayer, love and thought? We need to start bringing the energy of light into this very dark corner for the sake of the children. Surely everyone has FIVE minutes that can be dedicated to this vigil. Of course you can spend more time and do it more days as you wish but to give at least FIVE minutes a week brings the force of loving energy and light to focus on the situation and if multitudes begin to do this then I am sure we can begin to see the changes needed. For the sake of children! ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*| WRITING AND ART FOR HEALING....A BEAUTIFUL AND CREATIVE WAY TO HEAL ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~Native America, Writing, Medicine way, Thyroid disorder and creating more awareness of this disease and symtoms, spirit world and walking in that ancient path, Filming, Bringing awareness to the struggles of the first peoples, Helping the elders, children, healing and restoring Mother Earth, ProphecyHEY SWEET ONES...CHECK OUT MY FRIEND'S BOOK....GO TO HER PAGE TO FIND OUT HOW TO GET IT....AWESOME!!!!!!"COAT OF ARMS" BY ROBIN

Zuma Deluxe

I'd like to meet:

TO MY my circle of friends seems to grow and grow, I am unable to message and greet you all, though I shall make the effort...but this is for each and every single one of you...twice a day I look at each friend's picture and I say a little prayer and send you sincere energy of heart...for you and your loved ones...You honor me with beautiful friendship and brighten each and everyday with it's special magic...Know that even though I can not always send along a message, my heart thinks upon you at least twice a day..and I love each and every single one of you...My brothers and sisters of the many tribes...thank you ....All the artist of music thank you for your songs of beauty and you filmmakers thank you for the magic you weave...To the lightworkers and magic weavers thank you for the power of your friendships...To the mothers, fathers, flirts, and gentle caring souls thank you for the hand of your friendship...You make my journey all the make my work all the Lighter...THIS IS TO YOU EACH AND EVERY ONE OF YOU, TO YOU I CELEBRATE THE GIFT OF OUR FRIENDSHIP AND HOLD IT CLOSE TO MY HEART...Red HeartLET THERE PEACE BETWEEN US, LET US SMOKE THE PIPE AND HAVE THIS AGREEMENT........~*~*~*~*~*~*~
Hosted by Sparkle TagsThe sincere in heart, those following their own drum song on their own journey...and everyone else...because we are all connected in some way or another and being connected gives us much to share with one another....
Hosted by Sparkle TagsI AM A SPIRITUAL PERSON....A SEEKER OF TRUTHS AND ENLIGHTENMENT....TO UNDERSTAND SO THAT I MAY WALK IN BEAUTY ON THE RED ROAD AS MY PEOPLE DID BEFORE ME...HEAR MY HEART SONG O CREATOR...HEAR THE DESIRE OF MY HEART...THE WHITE BUFFALO PLAYS AN IMPORTANT PART IN MY JOURNEY AND IS MY MAIN TOTEM ON MY JOURNEY...I HAVE A WHITE BUFFALO THAT COMES AND HELPS ME AS I JOURNEY INTO THE SPIRIT REALM...HER AND I HAVE BECOME VERY CLOSE FRIENDS.Practicing to be spiritual and being spiritual are worlds apart.....One should seek a way of life rather than a religion that teaches to have a way of life....It should be who you are not something you do once or twice a week...Our song is sometimes one of sorrows, but when we come together we can help and encourage one another...come to the circle and enjoy the sweet sound of healing....MY DREAM HOMEArvel Bird and the One Nation Band
Cool Slideshows


Native American, Trance, Peaceful Meditations, Soul/R&B, Rock


BENJAMIN HEFLIN ONE OF BENJAMIN'S FILMS Some scenes from Baby, Let's Play House
Add to My Profile | More VideosThunderheart, Incident at Oglala, Missing, History of Violence, Dreamer, Four Brothers, Hustle & Flow, The Last Of The Dogmen, Trudell, **********************


24, Ghost Whisperer, NCIS, House,Saving Grace (awesome show)Moonlight Heres to you my dear friend Michelle


For a wonderful thrill ride catch this book my lovely and most talented friend Cassie Edwards, she writes dynomite romance novels...... book is absolutly wonderful, a must read, will touch your soul. You can get to her page via my top friends list.Rolling Thunder, Fools Crow, Greengrass Pipe Dancers, The Wind Is My Mother, Where White Men Fear To Tread, Loud Hawk, Black Elk Speaks, anything by Douglas Preston and Childs, Dan Brown, or James Rollins


Fools Crow, Rolling Thunder, Anna Mae, John Trudell, Russell Means, Robert Redford, Leonard Peltier, My Daughter Summer and Grandbaby Justice

My Blog

To the sisterhood, this one is for you my sisters

    Sister To Sister I am so blessed to have crossed paths with so many spirit sisters, here on myspace. Today I want to lift tribute to all things we have in common. We have reached an ag...
Posted by Red Heart ~*~ The bridge to any heart is LOVE on Sun, 25 May 2008 09:55:00 PST

I am Thy Fountain

  I am Thy Fountain My lover, drinks deeply from the pure waters of my fountain. My private treasures I bring before him, such precious of all treasures. He takes each one and keeps them saf...
Posted by Red Heart ~*~ The bridge to any heart is LOVE on Sat, 24 May 2008 03:15:00 PST

My private prayer

Posted by Red Heart ~*~ The bridge to any heart is LOVE on Sat, 17 May 2008 05:26:00 PST

Serious Heart Condition

  Heart Condition You know I could speak day and night about the things I have been given by Great Spirit/God/The Great Mystery, and His many helpers. I could speak of the many prophecies, revel...
Posted by Red Heart ~*~ The bridge to any heart is LOVE on Sun, 11 May 2008 02:11:00 PST

A Love So Pure, A Letter To The One I Love

 To The One I Love     I have to tell you that when Spirit had our paths cross, I had never been so hit with His force, with His power. The first eagle landed so quietly in my life, bu...
Posted by Red Heart ~*~ The bridge to any heart is LOVE on Sat, 09 Feb 2008 08:26:00 PST

We Are The New Medicine Ones

  We Are The New Medicine Ones Awaking to the realizations that the old ones are dying off and many have left us to move into the next journey. What does that make us? We are the new medicine pe...
Posted by Red Heart ~*~ The bridge to any heart is LOVE on Sat, 10 May 2008 10:43:00 PST

Life Update

  Life Finally I can catch you all up on what is going on with me and with Justice. I am out of the legal loop regarding Justice. I have done all that I can do on the Earth plane, now I am guide...
Posted by Red Heart ~*~ The bridge to any heart is LOVE on Thu, 08 May 2008 07:04:00 PST

What In The World Is Spirit Doing? Prophecy Fulfilled!

   What In The World Is Spirit Doing? Prophecy Fulfilled! One might wonder recently what in the world is Spirit doing? I myself have wondered that this past month. He has certainly turned ...
Posted by Red Heart ~*~ The bridge to any heart is LOVE on Tue, 26 Feb 2008 08:06:00 PST

Check out some scenes from one of Benjamin’s films Baby, Lets Play House

Check out this video: Some scenes from Baby, Let's Play House Add to My Profile | More Videos...
Posted by Red Heart ~*~ The bridge to any heart is LOVE on Mon, 11 Feb 2008 01:36:00 PST

The Love That Burns From the Soul To The Heart

    Love Given From The Spirit I whisper it in the night, I whisper at the awakening of the new dawn, I whisper it to myself as I walk through the journey of a day...I love you Your talon ...
Posted by Red Heart ~*~ The bridge to any heart is LOVE on Fri, 08 Feb 2008 09:42:00 PST