Life's Happy Accidents, Marginal and Lost Histories, friday night at home after a hard week, walking about with no route planned and no deadlines to meet. A hill under the stars with friends, an empty diary, the phone off the hook, no promises made
Jesus, Buddha, Lao Tzu, Clem Attlee, M L King, L & Hardy, The women who danced in front of the riot police in 1990 at the London Anti Poll Tax Demo, Don Genaro, Homer Simpson, Master Po, The Aenstrians, Han Shan
The Fall, Pretty much all Tamla Motown , X-Ray Spex, Pere Ubu, Hendrix, Sonic Youth, S Robinson, Early Clash, PiL, Can, R Gallagher, J Winter, The First Nuggets Album, Neil Young, Abba, J Airplane, J Guitar Watson, World Domination Enterprises, Buzzcocks, Velvets, Beatles (Rubber Soul, Revolver, White Album and I Am The Walrus) Rolling Stones until they became crap in er ... 1975,
Fear Eats the Soul, Primer, Raging Bull, Dead Men's Shoes, Night of the Demons, When we were Kings, B&B Do America, Kes, Kings of the Road, Eraserhead, Matrix 1, The Merchant of the 4 Seasons, Rumblefish, Sideways, They Live, The Love War, The Sound of Music, Stroszek, Aguirre , Hearts and Minds, Deutschland im Herbst, Abba in Australia,
GBH, Spooks, Life on Mars, Heroes, Plays for Today, pretty much anything by Bill Hicks, The Invaders, some Chris Morris , Tales from Europe, Home Improvements, B&B, Simpsons,
Various depressed central Europeans - plus ... George Orwell, Joan Didion, A Huxley, H Thoreau, Bede Griffith, Jack Kerouac, Gary Snyder, Arthur Shuttlewood, D Coupland, E Grogan, I Walker, D Rimmer, Kafka - so depressive a central European he gets an entry of his own
VERY FEW - there are very few people in this world - who know what is going on - especially those who claim they do. But would include - Lao Tzu, Jesus , Buddha, Clem Attlee, Rosa Parks, M L King, women sactionbusters - medicines to Iraq 91-2003, the Diggers, English Civil War period and 1960's US Diggers, Laurel and Hardy - because they never gave up on life or one another and said more in their 10 minute shorts than most film makers say in a lifetime