Seeking The Truth, Spirituality, Teaching, Writing, Video, And Photography
The Lake Shrine of the Self Realization Fellowship-Los Angeles (Photos taken by me June 3, 2008)
WE ARE ALL CHILDREN OF THE SAME DIVINE LOVE...Not so long ago, I was wrapped up in the superficial worries and cares of modern society. This world is an illusion and the reality is that the world, and the Darkness that controls it, will do everything possible to prevent people from seeing the Truth...
What follows are some videos not produced by me, or The Oxnard Files, that I have found on YouTube. They are relevant to the message that I now have and are categorized by subject. Please watch, enjoy, and learn...
On the search for Truth...Look inward to connect with the Divine, only then will you commune with God...
ATMA - Red Alert On Planet Earth
The Beatitudes
Timeless Quotes From The Buddha
Messages from the Maelstrom #7 : Calling out your Name
On Angels and Spirit Guides...Release your doubts and accept and you will see and communicate as I have...
Invocation of the Protective Angels
On "Twin Flames"...I have met mine and tasted both the ecstasy of Divine Love and the epic pain of the realization that we just weren't ready...
Twin Souls: When Love Incarnates
Twin souls,Twin Flames or Twin Rays
On Near Death Experiences...What really happens when the human body dies and the soul is freed...
Near Death Experiences
God is not interested in the manners or rituals that are created by people led astray by the Darkness that wants to hide the simple truth that your religion doesn't matter...As long as you follow the Light and fight the Evil that so pervades this world, then you are on the right path...Religion has been turned into a construct that divides well meaning people and distracts them from a Divine Love that could care less whether you go to a church or mosque...
Anyone out there who sees the world for the illusion that it is and wants to bring people towards the Light...
My Message To All Of You
I believe that our world, in its current incarnation, is coming to an end. The forces of Darkness which have been allowed to rule the earth must be purged in order for humanity to be reborn into full communion with the Divine. As with any birth, the process will be painful and all you need to do is watch CNN to see that. As Jesus said, he that has eyes, let him see; he that has ears, let him hear. Wake up and see what's happening all around us...God doesn't care about your religion, sexual preference, politics, or anything else. God, or Goddess, or the Divine, or whatever name you choose to give the Light, is Love and that is all that is asked of us. Why is this such a hard concept for us to grasp? Love is all that will save us in the end. Love of the Divine, Love of each other, Love of our earthly home and its environment, and Love of one's self are the only things that will bring us into communion with God. LOVE! Below are some videos that I have produced, along with some help from friends, that try to convey this message that I now have. I used to produce comedy sketches for web viewing and I am proud of what I, and my friends, did. However, my life has taken such a different turn now. Honestly, I just no longer relate to what I was before so those shows will remain in storage indefinitely...
Michaela's Lesson
The short below is called "Michaela's Lesson". It was shot in Spring 2007. What is it about? If you weren't really in control of your life, would you want to know? If walking the path to awakening meant giving up your life, as it is now, would you do it? This is a short parable about a young woman named Michaela and how she was awakened. No one ever knows how or when the Divine will choose to communicate. But trust, when it happens, you know...