Let there be PEACE! profile picture

Let there be PEACE!

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

glitter-graphics.com I am a student that believes that even one person CAN make a difference!! Please be patient I will be adding to this site and expanding it soon. It is in it's raw form now...
Myspace Layouts
Myspace Codes
Myspace Generators
Myspace Backgrounds

My Interests

Please sign and pass it on! Have all your friends add themselves and leave their comments on peace and the enviroment... remember... knowledge is contagious! Help us to spread the word! Remember to practice random acts of kindness!

I'd like to meet:

Everyone that believes strongly in something! Whether it's world peace, the enviroment, the planet, helping the poor, feeding the needy, helping animals, whatever your cause...this is the place to add it... feel free to leave your comments for the world to read... Anyone who would like to see positive change and do their part to make a difference! Please leave positive quotes (and who said them) in my comments section, peace quotes, peace pictures, ect in my comments section for the world to see! Please tell your family and friends about me...we need to spread the word...PEACE! I can only find so many people to invite to my page on my own...I need your help to reach more people to get the word out on peace, global warming and other good causes!! I would also like to encourage other students to add me and to look into ways that you can help slow down or even stop global warming! I feel that this generation of students can really help make a difference if we educate and get them involved now!! And Parents: please include your children in on your energy saving attempts in your home, and in your purchases...it's another way to show your kids that you are trying to make the world a better place and encouraging them to do the same!! I am asking everyone to add yourself to this my space to set a new worlds record as the most "friends" on myspace in the world... all comming "Together" for "PEACE"!! I am hoping this myspace will unite us all for worthy causes and for PEACE!! Please take a moment to add yourself as a friend of PEACE and to leave comments....together we will make a difference, lets spread the word... PEACE!! ALSO PLEASE SIGN MY GUEST BOOK BEFORE YOU LEAVE MY PAGE...THANK YOU!


"All we are saying is give peace a chance", "Imagine", "All we need is love, love is all we need", "Wouldn't it be nice","Somethings Happening Here","Revolution","What's Goin On",


Save The World - One Click At A Time!

On each of these websites, you can click a button to support the cause -- each click creates funding, and costs you nothing! Bookmark these sites, and click once a day!

Click here to post this on your page or 'blog


Discovery Channel, National Geographic, Animal Planet




glitter-graphics.com My Mom & everyone around the world that work to make this world a better place! :)